I Call Her Vera: Sidisi EDH [PRIMER]

Commander / EDH Daedalus19876

SCORE: 343 | 436 COMMENTS | 74341 VIEWS | IN 181 FOLDERS

I know what you mean about Ground Seal, I avoid it too, but it just sounded like you were playing in a really targeted meta and you can always destroy it yourself when you need to if you build that way. But yeah, it's probably not worth it. Everytime I haven't had a hexproof effect I've found myself pissed that I didn't because of a Bojuka Bog so I always run them in graveyard decks. Even when they aren't situationally relevant at least it gives you peace of mind. Not trying to convince you or anything, just working through my reasoning. I also don't build or play as competitively as you I think.

December 21, 2016 7:50 p.m.

Darkersun says... #2

@Daedalus19876 Thank you very much for explaining the tech behind does cards. Great insight, I will keep the cards in the deck :)

For new card ideas, what do you think about the new Gearhulks? Noxious Gearhulk seems pretty sweet, but takes the same slot as Duplicant and I think exile is more important than destroy + lifegain + Menace.Torrential Gearhulk is also nice but only get you instants. If it would get sorceries, that would be awesome.

December 22, 2016 5:54 a.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #3

Darkersun: I was thinking about Verderous for a while (to buff my commander) but I decided to avoid it. Torrential would be awesome if it could hit sorceries, agreed :( I'm still considering it, though! And you're spot-on that Noxious just conflicts too much with Duplicant in the same slot.

December 27, 2016 8:21 p.m.

onemorevictim says... #4

Some suggestions:Sheoldred, Whispering One Should be pretty easy to get it back from graveyard for little cost

Liliana, the Last Hope

December 27, 2016 9:50 p.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #5

onemorevictim: Thanks for the comment! I really should have a Sheoldred, Whispering One in here, but I don't own a copy. I'll see if I can find one for cheap.

I'm not a fan of Liliana, the Last Hope, though. I don't think she's strong enough in commander. Her +1 is marginal removal in a format of sturdy creatures, her -2 is passable but I have better ways to recur things, and her -7 is both infeasible and subpar for a planeswalker ult (IMO).

Happy deckbuilding! :)

January 18, 2017 2:06 p.m.

So first of all, I love this deck and everything about it.

Second, a handful of suggestions:

Behold the Beyond is my favorite tutor for graveyard combos. The drawback just... isn't a drawback. It costs a lot of mana, but a successful resolution can usually mean the game.

Next, Undead Alchemist makes your combo with Selhoff Occultist and Altar of Dementia faster than just relying on Sidisi. That said, it IS a win-more/win-faster, but if you ever find yourself without access to Sidisi, it could be an alternative.

Vengeful Dead seems good for punishing anyone who dares stand in your way. Noxious Ghoul, on the other hand, prefers to make the punishment happen BEFORE the crime.

Last, the not-budget-at-all suggestion, Survival of the Fittest. Or, if you prefer, it's significantly cheaper cousin, Evolutionary Leap. Either should help you dig for the pieces you need.

January 28, 2017 4:07 p.m.

onemorevictim says... #7

These are solid additions!

why no Deadbridge chant? Regrowth

February 2, 2017 9:21 p.m.

Patolea says... #8

I copied this deck and absolutelly love it, its amazing!

I don't have some cards like hedron crab, krosan restorer, sellhoff occustist, necromancy, tombstone stairs and yagmoths will.

Yagmoth i dont use because it wins the game too much and i sort of dislike this, so i use the magus that is weak, the others i simply dont have or did not tried to get rs

I put some cards that i cant remember right now in the place of them. (demonic tutor, survival of the fitest, etc)

The only thing that i would change after playing some games with the deck is to put shreouded on the slot occupied by avatar of woe, i wasn't able to make value of the avatar in any game..

It's fun, it's hard, it's challenging, it's strong, it's very strong, but it's weak too if you want to keep your friends hahahaha


Thank you so much for sharing this with us.

February 3, 2017 10:11 p.m.

kilgore says... #9

Altar of Dementia + (Extractor Demon /Selhoff Occultist ) + Sidisi, Brood Tyrant = Infinite Zombies, Mill All Opponents

Can you explain this combo to me? I'm having a hard time figuring out how you go infinite. You would still have to hit a creature each time until only dread is left in your library, right?

February 12, 2017 11:30 p.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #10

PhotogenicParasympathetic: Thank you for the comment! :) I'll consider Undead Alchemist, though Vengeful Dead seems a bit win-more (it only REALLY does work in a more midrange and less all-out-combo build than this one). Noxious Ghoul was in this deck originally, but had to come out when it was killing all of my own combo pieces :( I wish I owned a Survival of the Fittest I really should get my hands on a gold-bordered copy. For now, though, Fauna Shaman does the trick well enough.

onemorevictim: Deadbridge Chant used to be in here, but got cut for two reasons. First, I found it too inconsistent - I like my reanimation to be reliable. Second, to be honest, choosing a random card in my GY got pretty tedious when my GY was 50+ cards, haha. Also, it's not a creature, which is generally a strike against cards in this deck.

Patolea: I'm so glad you like the deck! It's one of my favorites, too :) And you're 100% right about Avatar of Woe sucking here; I really do need to find something better for that slot. Perhaps you're right about Sheoldred, thanks!

kilgore: It's not a proper infinite combo until Dread is the last card in my library. But statistically speaking, as long as I have 3+ creatures before I start the loop, it almost always mills my entire deck. Mathematically, it's because milling four cards per zombie in two increments gives me a (4x.37-4x.37x.37)=93% chance of hitting at least one zombie and thus breaking even :)

February 15, 2017 2:33 a.m.

TearsInRain23 says... #11

Volrath's Stronghold could do you some good here to get back good creatures or even stack them up to redump into your graveyard.

February 20, 2017 9:23 p.m.

Auronit says... #12

I have both a Buried Ruin and a Academy Ruins in my collection. Which one do you think is better?

March 19, 2017 8:22 a.m.

kilgore says... #13

Auronit if my deck is dependent on certain artifacts. I'll run both.

Each has its own investment. Buried ruin must be sacrificed but the artifact goes to your hand. So you are really at card parity. Or very close too.

Academy ruins can be reused but puts the card on top of your library. Some might consider this to be a loss of tempo but can also be seen as card advantage. If activated at the end of an opponents turn, it's really only upside. I think for this reason it's a better card.

But paired with Life from the Loam and Crucible of Worlds in this list. Might make buried ruin better.

March 19, 2017 4:12 p.m.

bushido_man96 says... #14

I like the way this deck looks. Love the colors its running, too, and your combos. It would definitely be worth the build, and am going to check out the budget version, too.

March 23, 2017 5:33 p.m.

SomeDipshit says... #15

Hey man, after playing this deck on and off for a few months now, I can honestly say that I love it.

Never has anyone gotten so salty over Worm Harvest as when I have played this deck. Thanks for the deck!

March 23, 2017 7:30 p.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #16

TearsInRain23: I really should get a copy of that card, heh.

Auronit: Usually, I prefer Buried Ruin in this deck (because when I need a combo piece, I need it NOW). However, Academy Ruins is a significantly better card in general. kilgore gave a good analysis.

bushido_man96: Thanks! I'm glad you like it.

illumfolly: . thank you!! I actually haven't been playing this deck much recently (it's still put together, I just haven't gotten it out of the box), but I feel like I'm going to tweak it in the near future. What have your experiences been with it recently? :) Is there anything you'd change/cut/add?

March 24, 2017 1:27 p.m.

SomeDipshit says... #17

So I usually just whip it out whenever I am feeling kindof frisky.

I haven't actually done much testing with replacements. Basically, all the fun for me is ganking unprepared decks with hordes of zambambos or a bunch of worms. So many value engines! (unless your grave is exiled lmao).

March 25, 2017 1:40 p.m.

Patolea says... #18


April 18, 2017 10:11 a.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #19

Let's see how this plays!

This is the largest revision I've ever done to this deck so we'll have to test if it works. I replaced all of the basics (and the two slow fetches) with various nonbasic duals and fast fetches (though I can't afford ABUR ones obviously), for two reasons: to try and fix that damn color-screw problem, and to further abuse Hermit Druid. This may make the deck a bit slower (more ETB tapped lands) but hopefully the two advantages above make up for it.

(Thanks to n0bunga for giving me the kick in the pants to finally try this.)

I also added Sheoldred, Whispering One over Avatar of Woe, as Patolea wisely suggested :)

April 20, 2017 2:18 a.m.
April 20, 2017 10:46 a.m.

Megalomancer says... #22

Why do you have Sakura-Tribe Elder but no basics?

April 21, 2017 6:30 p.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #23

Megalomancer: Honestly? I swapped all of the basics for nonbasics recently and forgot to swap it, haha.

April 21, 2017 7:04 p.m.

Neckworn says... #24

Hey, if you need protection against graveyard hate you could use Voidslime, Disallow or maybe Stifle. Would help against Bojuka Bog or Relic of Progenitus. Also how about Embalmer's Tools for the zombie mill?

April 23, 2017 4:11 a.m.

Hey Daedalus19876, I was wondering what would you do if your win-cons are in your graveyard but somebody Nihil Spellbomb-ed you?

Also wouldn't running Fabricate be really good for this deck? As artifacts play quite a important role here.

Otherwise, great deck! I finished getting most of the cards today (some I changed for personal tastes) and have playtested it :)

April 25, 2017 2:29 a.m.

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