

Planeswalker (1)

Sorcery (1)

Enchantment (1)

Hello my little green mages! This is my first completed modern deck and I am hoping to bring it to an FNM very soon. Any recommendations in regards to sideboard would be appreciated! So let's get into the deck tech! :)

This deck is essentially a "mono-green wins" deck. The main point of this deck is to ramp for insane amounts of mana by abusing tap/untap effects with enchanted lands and Nykthos (wooooof mana galore). With this mana, we quickly feed into our multitude of win conditions. What makes my deck special, is its ability to win under multiple conditions, while accounting for our innate weaknesses and hard counters. You should rarely feel at a significant disadvantage piloting this deck, and when you do, there's always your sideboard.

**Creatures **

Joraga Treespeaker: One of, if not the most efficient dorks in green. I have yet to find a dork that competes with her efficiency and ramp capabilities.

Arbor Elf: One of our main rampers in this deck. Self explanatory, and combos with our land enchantments. I would run 8 if I could.

Wall of Blossoms: Additional draw power to dig for our combo pieces. Solid main deck defense against aggro.

Voyaging Satyr: Another ramper with tap and untap synergy. She can also untap our Nykthos and allows us to abuse its activated ability.

Xenagos, God of Revels: Replacement for Surrak. Solely in here to tutor with Tooth and Nail and combo with Emrakul for a quick and decisive win.

Titan of Industry: Value, value, VALUE. One of the best green cards from New Capenna. This thing is a must at one copy for its versatility alone. Built in utility against affinity, aggro, burn, and control. Did I mention all of this is attached to a 7/7 body with trample and reach!? No brainer.

Hornet Queen: In my opinion, one of the best green creatures ever created. She is nothing but value and comes out as early as turn 3. She can wall off aggro and is another win condition with Craterhoof and Garruk's -4.

Craterhoof: Self-explanatory. He can turn something as small as your Arbor Elf into a beefy trampler. Synergizes well with Hornet Queen and ends games fast and unexpectedly.

Khalni Hydra: Within our deck structure, he can be summoned for free most of the time. He adds insult to injury when paired with Hornet Queen, and is an amazing target for Surrak. If you have Khalni on the field with a Nykthos, you have mana for pretty much everything (including a possible hard casted Emrakul).

Emrakul Aeons Torn: The ultimate Eldrazi titan. Our primary target for Tooth and Nail and a consistent win condition. You didn't draw Tooth and Nail? Don't worry...we can also hard cast him. ;)


Garruk Wildspeaker: Green's best planeswalker IMO. He accelerates our ramp with untaps and is another way to untap Nykthos to abuse its activated ability. I rarely use his -3 but his -4 is another win condition for us. Your opponent usually is pushed to decide if they want to focus him down or not. Choosing not to can be detrimental, but wasting resources on him as opposed to something else can be just as troublesome for our opponent.


Primal Command: Value value value. Protects us against burn strategies, pulls any creature we need, stalls our opponents, and destroys graveyard based decks. Amazing utility in green.

Tooth and Nail: One of the main win conditions of this deck, but not the sole focus by any means. We can easily cast it for its Entwine cost on turn three with the right set up, which is almost impossible for most decks to combat.


The One Ring: Protection and draw power. You cannot go wrong with this. If you can't afford this, I recommend 3 copies of Harmonize. The draw power is a MUST and allows us to dig for answers, as well as win conditions.


Utopia Sprawl: Another card I wish I could run 8 copies of. Our primary ramp strategy with our untappers, and is the most efficient ramp strategy green has access to IMO.

Overgrowth: A better but more costly Utopia Sprawl. When paired with Arbor Elf, it can net us 7 mana by turn 3.


Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx: Holy fucking hell..the absolute abuse we place on this card should be illegal. The key is to continue utilizing it's activated ability with Satyr and Garruk. A tool for endless mana due to our devotion to green.

Castle Garenbrig: We run one copy because it's essentially free value. Accelerates us by giving us another way to ramp up.

Boseiju, Who Endures: We run 1 because it's free built in tech against artifacts, enchantments, and special lands.

Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth: A recent addition thanks to YOUR suggestions! This gives our Arbor Elves the ability to untap our Nythos. Absolutely bonkers with literally no drawbacks.

Forest: We're mono-green...we need these.

That's the deck! Like I said, I really need some good sideboard options for FNM, but feel free to assess my main deck and offer suggestions! Any kind of feedback is appreciated.





94% Competitive

Revision 31 See all

(1 month ago)

+1 Dryad Arbor main
-1 Forest main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #30 position overall 5 years ago
  • Achieved #1 position in Modern 5 years ago
Date added 5 years
Last updated 1 month
Exclude colors UR

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 4 Mythic Rares

25 - 4 Rares

5 - 4 Uncommons

10 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.46
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Insect 1/1 G w/ Flying, Deathtouch, Powerstone, Wurm 3/3 C w/ Deathtouch, Wurm 3/3 C w/ Lifelink
Folders Interesting, Modern, Dope Decks, Blitzkrieg, Decks that Look Fun, Modern Decks, zzInspiration (not own), Red, Green Devotion Ramp, Modern
Ignored suggestions
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