I can haz all the draws?

Commander / EDH ljs54321


Forced Fruition could work well with a lot of the cards you have, Notion Thief , Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur , Consecrated Sphinx , Underworld Dreams , etc. +1

September 15, 2013 2:54 a.m.

ljs54321 says... #2

Yeah, that would be an awesome fit, thanks. And thanks for the +1.

September 15, 2013 3:09 a.m.

Lhurgyof says... #3

Ob Nixilis, the Fallen is pretty cool with Sygg. Also, Rhystic Study is a classic for drawing cards!

+1, check out my Sygg deck: Sygg's Kool-Aid.

September 19, 2013 11:38 p.m.

ljs54321 says... #4

Ob Nixilis can work well with Sygg, but for some reason, I have this habit of rarely playing my general no matter how well he works in the deck. I do the same thing in my Kresh deck, even though the central theme of the deck is clearing my opponents' board with Grave Pact triggers and sac outlets. I see Rhystic Study as a card that allows my opponents to control some of my extra card draw. My goal here is to control their draws by either taking them away with Notion Thief , or hitting their life total with Underworld Dreams . Thanks for the +1

September 20, 2013 12:29 p.m.

Gearge says... #5

Any card like Howling Mine also combo's nicely with Notion Thief .

September 23, 2013 3:27 a.m.

Lhurgyof says... #6

September 23, 2013 7:12 a.m.

ljs54321 says... #7

I might just have to give that one some serious consideration. Thanks

September 24, 2013 5:57 p.m.

bominous says... #8

Nice deck. I actually felt a wave of fear growing upon my soul as I struggled to escape the dark miasma of its visage.

November 22, 2013 9:44 p.m.

ljs54321 says... #9

Thanks. It definitely has a ways to go since I just recently decided to add red which has so far just been Wheel cards.

November 22, 2013 9:59 p.m.

Frayace says... #10

you could try Kederekt Parasite , Spiteful Visions , Runeflare Trap , Teferi's Puzzle Box , Temple Bell , Howling Mine , and Incendiary Command .

All of these go well with your commander.

December 2, 2013 3:35 p.m.

ljs54321 says... #11

Incendiary Command is likely gonna find a spot. Spiteful Visions might make it. I just don't like how it affects me too. Tomorrow, Azami's Familiar can help me get around that since I don't actually draw cards while she's out. So far, the deck is only about 75% complete so I haven't tested it yet. What would you suggest I remove to make room for those 2?

December 2, 2013 4:07 p.m.

bominous says... #12

I would personally drop Sleight of Hand and Silver Myr. I would add Chaos Warp to your list of good stuff to add; it answers a great number of threats.

Is Infiltration Lens pulling its weight? How about Sphinx of Jwar Isle?

December 2, 2013 6:12 p.m.

killroy726 says... #13

Just a heads up if you have Notion Thief on the field and someone else's Consecrated Sphinx your opponent can and probably will make you draw your entire deck out. although I guess that's what Laboratory Maniac is for lol.

January 14, 2014 9:29 p.m.

ljs54321 says... #14

I know about that. That's also why Tomorrow, Azami's Familiar is in there. With her out, I don't actually draw cards so my library can be empty and I won't lose.

January 14, 2014 9:57 p.m.

Minds Aglow makes for a good second Prosperity .

A pseudo mill role can be played with Dreamborn Muse to help mill everyone and benifit from it with your Laboratory Maniac and having more options with Diluvian Primordial easily.

Bloodchief Ascension is a gimme with our Great Mindrazing King.

Also a honorable mention to Zur's Weirding for chaos from group draw spells.

January 20, 2014 11:18 p.m.

ljs54321 says... #16

Though Dreamborn Muse kinda fits, and any drawbacks I may face from it can be negated by Tamiyo's emblem, it's not quite what I'm goin for.Nekusar is gonna see so much hate that I expect to be playing more of the Notion Thief /Laboratory Maniac strategy so the draw "X" spells and all the Wheel cards should be more than enough to be able to get by without Minds Aglow .As for Bloodchief Ascension and Zur's Weirding , I'm just not really a big fan. Opponents will be expecting Mindcrank once they see the Ascension, which will have them hate it off the board before it gets any value. Weirding isn't bad, but I don't like giving my opponents the ability to stop me from drawing so easily.

January 21, 2014 midnight

the5ervant says... #17

Phyrexian Tyranny , Breathstealer's Crypt , Fate Unraveler , and Psychosis Crawler all get you more bang for nekusar's buck, Forced Fruition along with the aforementioned really force feeds, and Jace's Archivist is a blue repeatable Wheel and Deal .

March 22, 2014 10:50 a.m.

ljs54321 says... #18

the5ervant: Psychosis Crawler has been in here from the start. I'm not big on Phyrexian Tyranny or Breathstealer's Crypt for the same reason I don't run Spiteful Visions ...they affect me also. Tomorrow, Azami's Familiar can help me get around that, but she's not always gonna be out. Also, if I drop Notion Thief , I've switched gears to one of my other win-cons and then I'll be the one paying the most for those being in play. I might try to find room for Jace's Archivist and/or Fate Unraveler . I'll have to test them out when I get a chance.

March 31, 2014 1 a.m.

Kozelek says... #19

Elder Mastery and Sigil of Sleep are both epic with nekuzar Forced Fruition needs to find its way in to your main deck and Arcane Laboratory is awesome with fruition Whispering Madness is good (evan if you can't cipher it) to bad cipher specifies "combat damage" Laboratory Maniac just screams Leveler to me and then Shared Fate lol

April 18, 2014 11:18 p.m.

Kozelek says... #20

Oh snap your not running Memory Jar ? Oh well you have the magus I guess

April 18, 2014 11:22 p.m.

ralph4 says... #21

Mind Over Matter is absolutely broken off the damn hinges in Nekusar decks.
Use wheel effects to draw seven cards after you discard your hand to Mind to untap your mana rocks.

Iron Maiden is one I was wary of putting in my budget build because I didn't like Viseling , but it's actually becoming one of my favorite cards.

Anvil of Bogardan is another good one since it obviously triggers Liliana's Caress and Megrim , and is less painful for you if you have Library of Leng out, and it just becomes painful for your opponent if you have Notion Thief out.

Something else I think begs mentioning is the fact that Tezzeret the Seeker tutors all of your artifacts, except for Gilded Lotus , but he can slap Lotus Bloom directly into play.

Also, Winds of Change is a thing. I know it makes them shuffle in as opposed to discard, and it only draws you as many as you had, but it's still a powerful Wheel at one mana.

Some cards I think should come out:

Mental Misstep : It was the best thing since Islands in Legacy, before it was banned, but in Commander, it's just not enough

Spell Snare : Same logic as Mental Misstep

Sphinx of Jwar Isle : Lacks synergy in my opinion

Cruel Ultimatum : Meh. Good for prototype builds, but I feel your deck has long outgrown it.p>
Please give my deck a look if you don't mind. You have a really solid deck, and I'd love to hear your take on mine.
Razein' Hell- Nekusar EDH - Commander

May 31, 2014 6:01 p.m.

ljs54321 says... #22

ralph4: I see no need for Mind Over Matter when I have Dream Halls . I know the Halls can also be helpful for my opponents as well, but I've almost always had ways to counteract that. Combined with Tamiyo's emblem, I have an infinite, or at least near-infinite supply of counter-magic with a single Dissolve or Cryptic Command . In addition, I have ways to keep their hand empty, which can be done at instant-speed with Leyline of Anticipation .

I intentionally left out any and all Vise and Rack type cards because of this deck's ability to switch gears from forcing card draw to forcing their hand empty at any time. Those cards essentially become dead cards on the field or dead draws. If my early game starts out with Notion Thief with a ciphered Whispering Madness by T3, Iron Maiden is absolutely useless to me.

Just like Vise and Rack effects, I left out cards like Anvil of Bogardan and Howling Mine for a reason. In my experience, continuous additional card draw effects have a way of coming back to bite. It's easier for them to hold back their bigger threats till just the right moment, whereas Draw X and Wheel spells only get played when I'm ready to deliver the killing blow or when I have a way to empty their hand almost immediately (ie. Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur or Tyrannize ). Example: Nekusar, the Mindrazer , Library of Leng , Liliana's Caress and Megrim in play, one opponent with no hand and the other with a full grip. After an EOT Brainstorm setting Reforge the Soul as my top-deck, I Plagiarize the player with no hand and draw and Miracle Reforge, putting the rest of my hand on top (3 cards), re-draw it +11 more cards, cast Windfall , causing us both to draw 26 even though the discard from it was enough for lethal. The other player scooped.

Although I can usually get my mana rocks out pretty early and consistently have 5-7 mana available by T2-3, Tezzeret the Seeker could possibly find a spot in place of Sphinx of Jwar Isle , which although helpful for defense and an effective beater, as well as a way to plan my turns in advance thanks to its peak ability, hasn't done as much for me as I hoped it would.

I'm pretty comfortable with the Wheel cards I have in here, so Winds of Change likely won't find a spot. The shuffle part of it deters me quite a bit as well.

Mental Misstep and Spell Snare have both been pretty effective at stopping early threats as well as slowing down my opponents by stopping their mana rocks and dorks from hitting the board. Many people may see it as a waste to use them on those, but it has helped me get out ahead quite frequently.

Cruel Ultimatum has actually been very strong in this deck. Casting it when they only have their Commander out and not enough mana to recast it and I have Snapcaster Mage in the yard to bring back along with something fun to give Flashback to, all while casting it by discarding an unneeded Sleight of Hand thanks to Dream Halls can be pretty awesome.

May 31, 2014 9:29 p.m.

Lhurgyof says... #23

Curiosity works wonders with Nekusar.

May 31, 2014 10:14 p.m.

Kozelek says... #24

Helm of the Ghastlord is waaaaaay better than Curiosity for nakuzar

June 1, 2014 1:26 a.m.

Lhurgyof says... #25

True, costs more mana though. If you want control, Sigil of Sleep will ensure no creatures stick.

June 1, 2014 1:59 a.m.

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