I Can't Believe It's Not Not Pauper!

Pauper chaoticsoldier

SCORE: 109 | 36 COMMENTS | 14504 VIEWS | IN 102 FOLDERS

jjoupd3 says... #1

Gods Willing makes your enchantments fall off if you name white or black. Seems like a strange way to protect your dudes.

August 28, 2015 1:41 a.m.

chaoticsoldier says... #2

That's where my sideboard comes in. Often when I'm facing mono white or black I will...
Remove: Gods Willing, Tithe Drinker and usually 2 Pacifism and 1 Unholy Strength
Add: Bonds of Faith, Bloodcrazed Hoplite and 3 Eternal Thirst
I prefer to keep all the flyers. I do miss my scry and extort but I can make some pretty big humans with Bonds of Faith. Nightsky Mimic still beefs up very often. Also, Eternal Thirst on Mourning Thrull gains you double the life.
I may not have to change anything if at all they're using a dual colour white or black deck but it really depends on what they're running.

August 28, 2015 11:09 a.m.

leegionkang says... #3

Preetty sweet deck. +1 from me!

August 29, 2015 1:11 a.m.

chaoticsoldier says... #4


August 30, 2015 5:24 a.m.

Slysoft says... #5

Why not replace Pacifism with Journey to Nowhere? It is better in every way.

September 4, 2015 1:55 p.m.

jjoupd3 - God's Willing will not cause an enchantment to fall off if the creature is already enchanted. If you cast the enchantment then cast God's Willing in response before the stack resolves it would cause the spell to fizzle, but simply giving a creature pro-black while it has a black enchantment will not cause the enchantment to fall off because it was already cast on a legal target.

September 4, 2015 7:31 p.m.

chaoticsoldier says... #7

@Slysoft - Thanks a lot for introducing me to Journey to Nowhere! I'd never heard of it before. Added it to the deck.

@benjaminpaullarson - The enchantments sadly do fall off due to rule 702.16c in the MTG Comprehensive Rules:
A permanent or player with protection cant be enchanted by Auras that have the stated quality. Such Auras attached to the permanent or player with protection will be put into their owners graveyards as a state-based action.
Protection from the declared colour will also prevent it from remaining enchanted by that colour for the turn.

September 5, 2015 10:08 a.m.

Aleboth93 says... #8

nice deck, +1! But isn't Nip Gwyllion a good choice for this deck? :)

September 6, 2015 5:46 a.m.

chaoticsoldier says... #9

Thanks Aleboth93. Nip Gwyllion is not a bad choice at all. However it lacks flying, which is why I didn't add it. The only non-flying creature in the deck is Tithe Drinker but her extort ability makes up for that.

September 6, 2015 7:08 a.m.

RoBo7 says... #10

So I really like this deck concept! Unholy Strength isn't available via MTG-Online however, any ideas from anyone on what you would replace that with to make this deck concept MTGO Compatible?

September 16, 2015 6:25 a.m.

RoBo7 says... #11

According to the MTGO online deck builder, they come up but neither Unholy Strength or Holy Strength are available for adding to decks via MTGO, doing a search for black/white enchantments with the word strength reveals:

Strength of Isolation,Sinister Strength,Strength of Lunacy,Strength of Unity

I am thinking Sinister Strength Seems to be the best option, even though it has a greater mana cost. Any thoughts?

September 16, 2015 6:34 a.m.

TowelGuy says... #12

I'm thinking in building it, looks quite good, just one question, if I attach Eternal Thirst to the Mourning Thrull it gives you twice the damage it deals as life, once because its hability and then because of lifelink, doesn't it?? I know that lifelink doesn't add up, but the thruul's hability isn't lifelink.

October 26, 2015 10:43 a.m.

No. Just like "can't be blocked by two or more creatures" is the same as "menace," "whenever 'blank' deals damage you gain that much life" is the same as "lifelink."

October 26, 2015 10:54 a.m.

TowelGuy says... #14

Ok, thanks. I looked deeper into it and acording to MTG Slavation wiki the cards with "Whenever this permanent deals damage, you gain that much life." where changed at some point to lifelink and then changed back to their original text, there my confusion. If you are interested in getting twice or more of the damage dealt as life one easy way is to use lifelink plus Spirit Link or/and Vampiric Link.

October 26, 2015 11:43 a.m.

Panzerforge says... #15


I like the Edge of the Divinity + Nightsky Mimic combo, that's going in my side board for sure to break through other white decks lifegain!

Thanks for the idea!

November 11, 2015 12:51 a.m.

ronyanlu says... #16

TowelGuy Deathstroke2791 You gain twice.


January 30, 2016 10:16 a.m.

TowelGuy says... #17

Ok, checked again and it's as ronyanlu said, my mistake. Lifelink is an static hability, "whenever this permanent deals damege, you gain that much life" an activated hability, the same with Spirit Link's hability. They both happens (lifelink doesn't trigger), varius lifelink are redundant but various "whenever this permanent...much life" are not. My confussion came whith the fact that some cards with the mentioned hability had been errated to lifelink and most of them have returned back to their original text(except for Loxodon Warhammerfrom the original Mirrodin for example).

January 31, 2016 7:20 a.m.

Redbeard31 says... #18

@benjaminpaullarson - i dont think thats true, if you protect a creature from a color it is enchanted by, that enchantment does in fact fall off

February 10, 2016 8:19 p.m.

Panzerforge says... #19

Redbeard31 is correct, benjaminpaullarson.
Protection follows the DEBT rule... where the "E" is "ENCHANTED."
That means the protected card can't be enchanted by something it has protection from (even if it's already there.)
(Though it would also stop the initial enchantment because of "T" which is "Targetting" so you can't put a new enchantment of that color on it either.)

February 11, 2016 5:49 a.m.

HairyManBack says... #20

I really like Orzhov and dig this deck. I've been brewing up an aggro enchantment deck myself. But yet to test it. Definitely keep you posted if interested.

After playing a more sub-tempo/aggro form of this deck I do have some observations.

Tithe Drinker and 3x Kingpin's Pet seem a bit excessive for the extort. Still seeing the previous comment I do think Nip Gwyllion is simply better than Drinker here. It's quicker, more reliable with the mana base, and is insane 2nd turn 4/4 lifelink with Edge of the Divinity. Not to mention your running 18 lands. Perhaps 2/2 of each. Or some mixture.

I know this a very quick aggro deck but 9 and 9 plains/swamps won't get the spells you need when you need them in the long run. Referring to the pure white spells and dual color spells. Scoured Barrens and the like simply need to be here to be consistent enough to lock in that 2-0 or 2-1 win. Especially in a tourney.

Great job and wish you luck!

February 12, 2016 7:05 p.m.

Thanks HairyManBack, glad you like it!
I deliberated a lot on whether to include Nip Gwyllion. It is very strong when you enchant it early. In playtesting I found Tithe Drinker to be a little more reliable for me in longer games.
I can enchant Tithe drinker just like Nip Gwyllion, it just happens one turn later. However, without evasion, if I draw Nip late-game and I have no pumps for her, she just sits there. But when I start top-decking and I have two or three extorters on the battlefield, I can open up a 4 to 6 point life gap almost every turn before I even start swinging.
You sold me on the 2-colour lands :). I actually shoved some Orzhov Guildgates in here a while ago but I never updated this page. I'll definitely switch to Scoured Barrens instead. Great suggestion. Thanks!

February 13, 2016 4:30 a.m.

HairyManBack says... #22

Yep. I know what you mean about the extort. I've been playtesting yet another version of Orzhov aggro and do concur. If you've run out of gas and can keep pinging opponents that's should be enough.

I'm interested in how your matches have been going. Or in short, key matches you may want to mention. I'm looking for some tidbits to help this brew I've been playing. Almost humorously it's defeating meta decks more than I thought it would. Orzhov Wieners. I'd like to know your thoughts. Good playing.

February 13, 2016 2:40 p.m.

TowelGuy says... #23

I just realiced, Predator's Gambit is strictly better than Unholy Strength.

March 1, 2016 5:38 p.m.

Thanks for the suggestion TowelGuy! I went and got myself a playset :)

March 7, 2016 6:45 a.m.

wolfging says... #25

So, I love this deck so much I started working on my own version. I have always loved edge of divinity. I know you said you prefer to have flyers... but in my own version with lots of playetesting I have found an amazing card is actually Nip Gwyllion. None of your creatures are 1 drops, which means you can't swing with an enchanted until turn three... Sure, it's pauper, not that crazy... but being able to swing with a 7/7 lifelink on turn two (two edge of divinities on nip) all the while not really worrying about what sort of mana you have because they are all fuse cost, is pretty hard to argue with. Just a thought. :)

May 26, 2016 9:37 p.m.

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