I Can't Believe It's Not Not Pauper!

Pauper chaoticsoldier

SCORE: 109 | 36 COMMENTS | 14491 VIEWS | IN 102 FOLDERS

Sconeth says... #1

Lol. I have this same pauper deck.

August 19, 2016 10:29 p.m.

Sir5L says... #2

I like it. It is almost a BW psuedo Bogles deck.

October 15, 2016 4:05 a.m.

Pinkie_Satanas says... #3

Pseudo bogles is a good description. I ran the more mid-range variation of this deck and it was a pain in the ass if the opponent had removal on point, and if not, the creatures are too weak, and all of them die to Cuombajj Witches or Icatian Javelineers. Maybe aggro is the right call for this archtype, to get the oponnet killed before he can do anything. I'll try your version

November 18, 2016 11:51 p.m.

KoriAne says... #4

You also have to fear Electrickery, and the edicts shut you down. Is the problem of every aura deck without hexproof. It's too easy to do a 2x1. Why not add Beckon Apparition?? It's super synergic, instant, activate the mimic, counter the edicts, remove a card in the oppo's graveyard and you can use it on oppo's turn to enchant in in yours and attack with a 4/4 lifelink.

December 7, 2016 3:35 a.m.

Pinkie_Satanas says... #5

I had 4 of those main deck, and still :/

December 7, 2016 7:47 p.m.

gabrielguieiro says... #6

Modern masters 17 downgraded Gift of Orzhova to commom - do you think it deserves a room in?

March 3, 2017 10:40 p.m.

festerfizzle says... #8

Thoughts on Putrid Warrior?

December 28, 2017 1:42 p.m.

eyes2sky says... #9

This looks great +1! I'm running a similar build...but a little more creature heavy (I run Vault Skirge). My deck has done well against most archetypes, but cant handle heavy burn. How has your deck done against burn? How do you side for burn?

April 11, 2018 10:21 p.m.

Some very outdated replies below. Thanks for your input everyone!

Thanks KoriAne! I tested it quite a bit and I have added 2 Beckon Apparition based on your suggestion.

gabrielguieiro, I had a go with Gift of Orzhova but I found it to be a little slow. All my other enchantments cost 1 and I prefer the speed. However it is excellent later in the game to make more flyers when I need them. The evasion sometimes makes all the difference.

Hey festerfizzle. I'd prefer to have Tithe Drinker over Putrid Warrior because the extort often gets used multiple times per turn, and where the opponent loses the life, I gain it. It also has lifelink too. If you're making a similar deck, one playset of creatures is probably enough as creatures can be cast more reliably.

eyes2sky, my deck also fares poorly against burn. If they're tapped out early and I can cast a lifelinker and enchant it enough in one turn so it's too big to kill with a few burn spells, I might stand a chance. But by game 2 they'll catch on and leave some lands untapped and I'll have trouble retaining my creatures. I side in Pay No Heed and Castigate against burn players, but that's all I've got. It helps a little. Ideally, you should use some Circle of Protection: Red. That's your best bet. I rarely encounter pauper burn though, so my sideboard doesn't have it.

May 20, 2018 3:36 a.m.

Pyronic says... #11

What about Apostle's Blessing instead of Pay No Heed or Castigate ?

December 23, 2018 9:43 p.m.

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