I Can't Feel My Own Burn

Commander / EDH* NarukamiSenpai


TheHelvault says... #1

Okay, you should totally run the Curse of Exhaustion + Knowledge Pool combo. You already run Pariah + Stuffy Doll which I Love to see. You could totally shut down a deck with that.

Darksteel Ingot should be Seer's Lantern. You have a good enough manabase to take the scry 1 over the mana fixing from the Ingot.

Inquisitor's Flail equipped to Gisela would be so stupid it wouldn't even be funny, so I suggest you run that XD. She would deal 20 damage per swing. That's insane in commander. 20 damage, and first strike, and flying. That will kill all the Eldrazi Titans if they miraculously manage to block you, and more often than not, you're going to hit someone in the face for 1 less than lethal. Also, run Dragon Mantle or some other firebreathing effect, those would be great in your deck.

January 25, 2016 4:42 p.m.

NarukamiSenpai says... #2

TheHelvaultThanks for the suggestions and input! Ill definitely run seer's lantern once I can hop over to my local card shop. Inquisitors flail is kind of sketchy for me but I have ways to keep her indestructible so ill give it a who and see how it goes. I'm running Fury of the Horde in place of it and it seems to be doing well.Curse of exhaustion is a must for this deck now that its in front of my face.Thanks again!

January 25, 2016 5:09 p.m.

TheHelvault says... #3

No problem! :D

January 25, 2016 5:11 p.m.

Gisela plus Savage Beating is game, unblockedGisela plus Grafted Exoskeleton is game, unblocked

Sunforger is a true must for any boros deck, it adds 8 damage with Gisela out and become an options powerhouse that lets you cast your uber awesome spells from your deck.

Tithe, Gift of Estates ,Knight of the White Orchid, Kor Cartographer, Solemn Simulacrum , Weathered Wayfarer, and maybe Burnished Hart. This is how you gain advantage in Boros, essentially your only ramp package. This is how you go fast, and not get screwed hands down. Running these cards ensure you properly mana fixed by fetching your duals, fetches and basics to the battlefield. This is also how you get more than one land down per turn, and have early game presence.

Ya won't need Boros Garrison or Boros Guildgate. I understand they are budget...but this is what slows you down. MOST lands that enter tapped will screw you. Plateau and Rugged Prairie are needed, along with Sacred Foundry. Cavern of Souls to protect you from counters, and Mistveil Plains to allows you to reuse spells cast from Sunforger. For this purpose, I also suggest Expedition Map, to get what you need- especially in those signature dead turns that boros so often gets.

Powerstone Minefield and Caltrops add redundancy to Lightmine Field. Mana Barbs , Repercussion also add pain. Light of Sanction adds redundancy to Personal Sanctuary, and is probably better. As is Mark of Asylum. Add Wheel of Fortune to your Reforge the Soul. Return to Dust.Bastion Protector. Chaos Warp...

If you want to get even more competitive let me know! Other than that Ill stop cluttering your page.

January 25, 2016 7:23 p.m.

freezerboy says... #5

I've had a lot of success running Sunforger in my Gisela deck. Though mine works more on control than pillow-fort I think you'd still get good use out of it's search ability. Could add in a Stoneforge Mystic as well if you end up adding more equipment. Plus a +4/+0 is useful when you want to dish out the damage. You're welcome to check it out if you like. Scorching Winds

January 25, 2016 7:29 p.m.

freezerboy says... #6

Or at least an Enlightened Tutor with all the enchantments you're using.

January 25, 2016 7:30 p.m.

freezerboy says... #7

Ah, and before I forget...Volcano Hellion will simply win games with the other damage redirecting creatures you have out. I've killed off more opponents with it's ETB ability than anything else. I know that you can't prevent the damage with enchantments like Personal Sanctuary, but it makes for a very useful sneak attack (also a good card).

January 25, 2016 7:45 p.m.

NarukamiSenpai says... #8

freezerboy first of all, wow. I really like all the suggestions you are giving me. I appreciate all of these recommendations and having a bunch of options will help me out immensely and I will rotate a bunch in place of my current cards. I didn't know that half of these were cards to begin with. Thank you very much and you will see this deck updated within the next couple days.

January 25, 2016 11:57 p.m.

NarukamiSenpai says... #9

And also thank you StevTheRenegade. I meant to tag you in the previous comment but I guess TappedOut was like "nah son"

January 26, 2016 1:42 a.m.

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