I Demand Payment

Standard* CaveShinobi


mourningavenue says... #1

Great deck! I really enjoyed reading your updates on your last deck and seeing how your experiences drove your deckbuilding. The deck seems solid to me, but the only thing that I ran into that gave me trouble when playtesting was that I had a hard time keeping my hand full. I was able to churn a lot of spells out and extort by turn 4, but then I ran out of steam. I think some useful additions to this deck might be Sign in Blood , Cremate , or Blood Scrivener . While Sign in Blood and Blood Scrivener require you to pay life to draw cards, you will have a lot of life available to you because of extort. Cremate might be useful since you stated that the meta game at your shop is dominated by decks that capitalize on flashback and undying. While I don't know if Cremate would help you with undying, it certainly would with spells with flashback. Add to that the fact that it has a CMC of 1 and it lets you draw a card, it seems like it could be a spell you could sideboard along with Rest in Peace .

June 12, 2013 10:43 p.m.

CaveShinobi says... #2

Thank you! :)

Yes, card draw has always been somewhat of an issue for me. I've found myself top-decking more often than I'd like to. I once even added a couple Bloodgift Demon , but those usually came into play really late in the game. Blood Scrivener does sound like a really good suggestion, though. They're a bit expensive for me (heck, even Rest in Peace and Blind Obedience are already a bit steep for me), so I'll instead see if I can trade for a couple or get lucky whenever I crack open prize boosters. Until then, maybe mainboarding Cremate would be the best idea. Maybe move Devour Flesh to the sideboard, since it's becomes more unreliable as the game progresses? Sign in Blood is something I've been trying to get for some time now, but it seems like nobody has those at my local game store. Besides, unless it gets reprinted in M14, it'll soon get cycled out, so I'd rather go for a card that will last longer. It does give me more cards, though, not to mention that Cremate becomes useless if I have Rest in Peace in play. On the other hand, since Innistrad is cycling out soon, I probably won't have as many graveyard issues, anymore. Hehe, guess I'm just rambling on and on, now. I like to consider options, though.

Thanks for the input, I'll definitely see what I can do in regards to card draw :)

June 13, 2013 8:36 a.m.

CaveShinobi says... #3

Removed Rest in Peace from the sideboard, since the people at my LGS seem to be getting ready to drop cards from Innistrad. So no more worrying over Undying and Flashback!

Anyway, been looking into some more options of controlling the board. Soul Tithe looks like a neat way of screwing up with my opponent's tempo. Oblivion Ring is one of those cards I've been wanting to get ever since I started playing but, so far, just like Sign in Blood , I haven't been able to buy a single one. I hope it gets reprinted in M14.

I'll also have to switch Murder for Doom Blade , and I'm really hoping either M14 or Theros comes up with some instant removal against black, otherwise, I might as well change from Orzhov to Golgari or Junk just to use Abrupt Decay or Putrefy . If that happens, I can see this deck moving towards a more aggro approach.

June 22, 2013 11:18 a.m.

CaveShinobi says... #4

Sideboarding Illness in the Ranks in place of Rest in Peace , just because tokens tend to be a hassle to me and I don't like wasting removal on them. I'll also probably sideboard Merciless Eviction and main 2 Sin Collector .

June 23, 2013 11:15 a.m.

mourningavenue says... #5

I think it's pretty incredible that folks at your LGS are already rotating cards out since they won't be out until the fall, right? Oh well, that's good for you and bad for them : )

In prepping for the release of 2014 and looking at the spoiler (I can't help myself), I saw two cards that would work really great in this deck if you can get your hands on them. The first is the Banisher Priest, who gives you some cheap removal by exiling your opponent's creatures while putting another body on the front lines. While it is strictly worse than Fiend Hunter , you won't have to worry about it rotating out for a while.

Another great card that might work well in this deck if creatures start dying off or you can introduce a sacrifice element into the deck is Dark Prophecy (http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=143463&d=1372554702). It rewards you for running extort and if you chump block with a cheap creature it's actually to your benefit. Pretty awesome in my mind.

Of course, we still have some time to wait until then, so it might be worth your time to bring in some Toil / Trouble if you have them. I think that a Rakdos/Orzhov mix might be a good move since Shock will be coming back in M14 which will give you some cheap removal. A RWB deck also lets you run creatures like Hellhole Flailer that let you deal some direct damage without paying too much for it. Of course, that would change the whole structure of the deck, so I don't know if you want to go that route just to get some removal spells because Doom Blade is replacing Murder and because Sign in Blood is rotating out...

June 29, 2013 10:44 p.m.

CaveShinobi says... #6

Well, turns out that assumption was a bit hasty. Undying seems to be less prevalent, but Flashback is still heavy. However, since I'm maining Cremate , I don't really think I need to get Rest in Peace , not to mention that I intend to start using Lingering Souls , which can be extorted twice.

Yes, I'm really considering in adding Banisher Priest. Will probably sideboard it, though... I'm still unsure. And Dark Prophecy looks like something I'll really want to have on my deck. That will surely keep me pumping spells to extort, which is great! I'm now planning on chump blocking with my Lingering Souls tokens :P

Another thing I was considering with the upcoming of M14 was Archangel of Thune. It could easily make my deck more aggressive, and the extort would have explosive results. A shame it's already the most expensive card of this core set, so I guess I'll just have to rely on luck to draw it from any booster I might win. If I do manage to put Archangel of Thune in here, though, I'm definitely adding Child of Night for some extra lifegain and, in case Vampire Nighthawk doesn't get reprinted, maybe the upcoming Fiendslayer Paladin will be a nice choice. Sure, it's not as good as Nighthawk, and that's not protection from red and black, but that partial hexproof already saves him from pretty much all relevant removal.

I have considered going RWB, actually. I feel like Toil / Trouble belongs more on the sideboard, though. Maybe I'm just too focused on my "hate" against current Aggro decks, since they're the ones I have the most difficulty in dealing with, and those usually empty their hands way before I can make use of Toil / Trouble .Shock is definitely something I'm adding as a playset if I ever go RWB. And, like you said, that could give me access to more aggressive creatures, as well as Guttersnipe . Massively extorting burn would be a killer. However, I'd have to shell out for shock lands, and I usually try to avoid that, as they're rather expensive for me. And yeah, that would change pretty much everything in this deck. Maybe for the best, though.

Anyway, in a couple days, this deck is definitely getting some major changes, because I'm planning on buying 4 Lingering Souls . I'll probably take out those two Pontiff of Blight , since they rarely are relevant and it would also make my mana curve smoother.

June 29, 2013 11:38 p.m.

Saljen says... #7

Vampire Nighthawk doesn't really serve a purpose here, I'd swap him out for another low drop extort creature or more creature destruction.

July 13, 2013 2:54 a.m.

CaveShinobi says... #8

Yeah. He'll switch out soon after these couple of days. He's been mostly around just because he's a good creature by itself. I'll probably try to make a more aggro build, now that M14 is pre-releasing and such. Just gotta hope I can open at least 2 Archangel of Thune.

July 13, 2013 5:25 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #9

what about Thrull Parasite ?

July 16, 2013 2:43 a.m.

CaveShinobi says... #10

Don't really think so. I mean, it's cool and all because it has Extort and can remove counters from planeswalkers and such, one hit and it's completely dead. If I was to add a 1-drop, I'd rather go for Dutiful Thrull , which can stay on the field for as long as I have mana available for it.

You know, Dutiful Thrull might actually be what I'll add here. Not to mention that it can always have some importance late in the game and, being a 1-drop, is easily extorted.

However, this deck will probably get a completely new treatment with the coming of M14. I have 16 packs to open, and I'll only open them tomorrow. Depending on what comes out, I'll either go full aggro (add Archangel of Thune , make entire deck based on lifegain and focused on getting bonus from lifegain), Esper (Wall of Frost and as much control as I can with a couple bombs like Blood Baron of Vizkopa and AEtherling ), or (W?)/B/R (with Guttersnipe, lots of burn AND extort. Then I'll extort off the burn. It'd be neat). My main goal is, of course, the lifegain route. However, I think my current deck idea is too dependant on Archangel of Thune , and thus, too unreliable. Have to think it over!

July 16, 2013 8:27 a.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #11

AoT is pretty awesome, I could see why it would be the center of your deck. I agree Dutiful would be a better thrull, because it's easy to keep alive & AoT can build it hella crazy Lotleth style.

July 16, 2013 12:25 p.m.

Cyber Locc says... #12

I would suggest Archangel of Thune it be great in here.

July 26, 2013 11:48 a.m.

CaveShinobi says... #13

@[user:Cyber Locc] Believe me, I would love to add that card in here. But, unfortunately, my budget is way more constrained than I wish it was.

July 26, 2013 1:52 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #14

take it u didnt get any AoT? I opened a full box and no AoT.

July 26, 2013 7:28 p.m.

CaveShinobi says... #15

Nope. None. At all. To my great misfortune. I'll just have to make do with what I have right now. I'll probably wait for Theros to build a whole new deck.

July 26, 2013 7:48 p.m.

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