I Dislike the Meta Right Now. American Control!
ectoBiologist says... #2
jacekain, I feel like I could try Young Pyromancer or Guttersnipe maybe as a two- or three-of, replacing a few of either either Nivix Cyclops or Spellheart Chimera , but they're both much weaker creatures on their own, so the only one I would seriously consider is Young Pyromancer . What do you think of 3/3/3 of the wincons and -1 Syncopate ?
December 18, 2013 10:24 p.m.
I'm not thinking Goblin Electromancer is going to do very much for you. I think you would be much better off running Fluxcharger or Guttersnipe . I run a deck similar to this:
+1 on your deck. Maybe you could check mine out to give me some tips and get some ideas off of it.
December 19, 2013 9:31 p.m.
ectoBiologist says... #4
Well, in dupliicates not so much, but there are only 5 instants and sorceries that it doesn't help main, and it really helps with cards like Turn / Burn and Syncopate , as well as the Overload spells.
I looked at your deck, TheGamer, and it looks really powerful. I don't really have any advice for it.
December 20, 2013 5:43 p.m.
I'm all about the idea of saying "fuck you" to the meta and running Izzet, but no matter how I build one, they never seem to get out of the bottom tier at FNM. That being said, I would suggest dropping Spellheart Chimera and Goblin Electromancer in favor of Nivix Cyclops and Guttersnipe . Also, 1 or 2 Mercurial Chemister 's make for awesome card draw and direct damage in a pinch. The Izzet deck that I'm running that is very similar to this has 14 Creatures/1 Planeswalker/20 Instants/2 Sorcery/23 Lands and that seems to work great, so you might want to throw a couple more creatures in there and cut the land back by a few. Just a suggestion, but I understand running less creatures if you're going for a more control themed deck.
January 4, 2014 1:20 a.m.
ectoBiologist says... #6
I'm really going for hard control here. I'm definitely going with either 26 or 27 lands, because of my high mana costed wincons. I really prefer Spellheart Chimera to Nivix Cyclops because it evades much better, and it counts spells cast through the entire game, not just this turn, and all of my spells are control elements or card draw. The only creature I'm considering changing is 3 Goblin Electromancer and an Island for 4 Nivix Cyclops , because the cyclops is a strong blocker, can attack acceptably, and survives Anger of the Gods . Mercurial Chemister is a great card, I agree, but it's very weak to removal and it has to tap to draw, so I'm worried I'll just be throwing down a big target for my opponent's otherwise pretty useless removal. I do really feel like I need more draw, though. Does anyone know where I could shove maybe and Opportunity and two Thoughtflare , or something?
January 4, 2014 12:06 p.m.
ectoBiologist says... #7
*Frostburn Weird . Completely said the wrong card for what I'm considering. Whoops.
January 4, 2014 12:17 p.m.
I just playtested your control deck agains my aggro deck Is that Hyda's? Or Dragons? WTF (2nd @ FNM) and after 3 rounds it couldn't keep up. Maybe Hypersonic Dragon will help get Mizzium Mortars or Anger of the Gods off in time . I love izzet and wish you the best if you come up with a solution let me know. +1 for creativity.
jacekain says... #1
I think you need some Guttersnipe and/or Young Pyromancer to fully take advantage of your Instants/Sorcerys
December 18, 2013 10:13 p.m.