I got first burn (FNM winning budget)

Standard Hemi-pwr


FinalZen says... #1

Idk, it has a weird mana base and your creatures are rather expensive mana wise. You do have burn for early play, but by the time your are dropping creatures they have had the time to get enough mana out there to get rid of them. So I would suggest changing it a bit to be more creatures early with pumping them and burning early-mid game.

March 1, 2015 4:43 p.m.

Hemi-pwr says... #2

Won FNM for second time. Dealt 23 damage turn 5 and close to 20 a few other times.

March 1, 2015 5:51 p.m.

FinalZen says... #3

turn 5 23 damage is a little slow don't you think? Turn 5 means he could have already played a board wipe, do you have anything to protect against that? My local FNM is really quite tough, a lot of good players that have great decks. I have to plan for so much.

March 1, 2015 6:54 p.m.

Hemi-pwr says... #4

And that is why I need help. I have a sideboard for control but I'm still tweaking it but I'd like you opinion on what I should do.

Everyone at my FNM...I think I ruined them. I have won so many with aggro decks that I'm beggining to think that they are attempting to do the same. The only "control" deck there was a u/b constellation deck that I barely worked through.

March 1, 2015 7:29 p.m.

FinalZen says... #5

Hm, sideboard I would probably run something like god's Willing, as well as chained to the rocks or oppressive rays, erase would do good as well, just stuff like that I would suggest. I word also consider Temur Battle Rage the double strike will definitely win you games.

March 1, 2015 7:40 p.m.

FinalZen says... #6

Also I don't like the archetype in there, maybe something like Hordeling Outburst instead.

March 1, 2015 7:42 p.m.

FinalZen says... #7

Or maybe Raise the Alarm because it is an instant.

March 1, 2015 9:08 p.m.

Hemi-pwr says... #8

The main focus of this is to burn if nessary in first few rounds until I get a creature. I protect it whenever possible and if I get a heroic, I burn it. That's what I love about this deck, I can burn to hurt my opponents early game and use that destruction to my benefit in a weird way.

Now the best idea but the archetype gives every thing first strike so as I kill my creatures just barely, first strike kills all creatures in the way and no having me kill my creature no at one toughness.

When it comes to cards and why I play them...cheap and I have them...simple. I don't see much use in tokens unless I go strictly power up spells like in yours.

If there were cards I thought need to go, they would be the crusader and the dasher either than that I beleive it synergies really well.

Darn almost forgot. The reason why the land is weird is because over all, I want phalanx and fabled hero and with a higher devotion and mana cost, I need white and plus, many of me creatures are white. I have such few reds because I can just about run my deck on one or maybe two mountains the whole game. Weird but due to my red spells costing one, I can always leave a ou rain untapped even in if have no red spells in my hand to give off the idea that I do.

I don't run burn, this is my first. I have always ran my token deck above so once again. Thanks for the help and please, feel free to give any extra advice.

March 1, 2015 10:55 p.m.

Marenkai says... #9

The deck looks viable but really lacks consistency ! I doubt it being able to stand a chance against Abzan Midrange or Sidisi Whip...

You should start by replacing Valley Dasher by Monastery Swiftspear. She's not that expensive and Prowess + Heroic can make crazy combos ! (10 dmg on turn two if you're lucky)

If you want to trigger Heroic more often you should add Launch the Fleet, amazing sorcery early and late game.

Defiant Strike for the cheap heroic trigger and the draw effect that you REALLY NEED !

March 5, 2015 11:59 a.m.

bsian says... #10

Interesting deck. What do you hope to accomplish by running Wall of Essence in this list? T2 is arguably the most important turn for an aggro deck, and wasting it playing a wall of all things when you could be doing significant damage seems like a waste. Same with Brave the Sands. When your creatures are aggressive, there's very little point in giving them vigilance and extra blocks, since you should have them on their heels and they shouldn't be attacking you in the first place, leaving their creatures to block. Also, a playset of a 3 drop in an aggro deck is usually not the best way to go. My suggestions would be replace the walls with 3x Seeker of the Way, it's an aggressive creature that supplies lifegain. Then go down to 3 Fabled Hero, and drop Brave the Sands for 3 Favored Hoplite, it's a must 1-drop in any heroic deck. I think you should actively be playtesting against Tier 1 decks (Abzan, Sultai Control, etc.) because it looks like you have a good core concept, but may lack the consistency as it stands to win repeatably.

March 15, 2015 4:06 p.m.

Hemi-pwr says... #11

This isn't my favorite playing styles. I more of a ramp guy (see modern) than anything else. I have made you suggestions and ripped apart other test decks for those and it seems fairly consistent. Seems ok now but some one made a twin deck at my FNM...a U/B defense heroic control. Now I just need to find cards to counter act that.

March 15, 2015 4:51 p.m.

Gods Willing and Temur Battle Rage are both great cards for this type of deck. I would definitely try to make some room for at least 4 of the former in the main. I'm not really sure if you need the Magma Jet for what you're doing; you should be going too fast for an opponent's creature that small to need to be killed, and you can get that extra 2 damage by using Heroic triggers. If you like to scry, find some Temple of Triumph for your landbase, they're not expensive. Also, DoT revived the Rebound mechanic, which I think is outstanding combined with Heroic. Try Artful Maneuver or Center Soul, I think you'll enjoy the result. As for as sideboard goes, you could likely move the Valorous Stance over, as well as maybe adding some Surge of Righteousness, Suspension Field, Glare of Heresy, Erase, Rending Volley, and/or Roast. All of these should fit into your budget nicely. If you want some other ideas, check out the deck on my page, Az-Aura-yus. Even though its blue instead of red, it still shares the Heroic flavor.

April 24, 2015 7:14 a.m.

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