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"I have a bad feeling about this" Norin the Wary

Commander / EDH Blink Chaos Mono-Red Stax Tokens Tokens


Try to survive long enough to win. Chaos and politics is what this deck is about. Try not to look too threatening until you are going off, make them think you built a chaos deck with no win condition, like all the others...

The best wins are the dirty ones where out of nowhere you snached it out of your opponent's fingers the turn right before they had it.

Fun Combos:

-> Omen Machine + Teferi's Puzzle Box - Everyone loses their hand and starts top decking lol. If you have a Strionic Resonator or Lithoform Engine in play you get to do it more than your opponents, yay for value!

-> Timesifter + Strionic Resonator - Do this a few times, destroy Timesifter, and watch some people concede after trying to figure out who is supposed to go next. Coincidentally, if you leave it in play, since this deck curves out higher than average, getting triggers on Timesifter tends to work out in your favor.


-> Norin the Wary or Firecat Blitz + ETB Damage Engine - Purphoros, God of the Forge, Warstorm Surge, Impact Tremors, Outpost Siege, Terror of the Peaks, etc. As soon as you get these out you put your opponents on the clock... although, if you only have out impact tremors it might be a 40 turn clock... if you get multiples out and/or Fiery Emancipation, it could be faster, much faster. Of course any of the token generators will also speed this process up. Getting a few ETB enchants up and then casting a boardwipe like Obliterate can solidify a win as your opponents won't be able to do anything, frantically trying to play lands as you ping them repeatedly. This decks main win-con is trying to ping your opponent's down with ETB damage triggers.

-> Confusion in the Ranks - Every time Norin enters the battlefield he trades with something else your opponent has, and then he exiles and returns to your field to be traded again. With Genesis Chamber you also trade 1/1 myrs for your choice of creatures or artifacts. You kind of want to wait to play this until mid-late game. If you play it too early it will only stall the game because no one will want to play creatures until someone can remove it.

-> Genesis Chamber + Karn, Scion of Urza or Urza's Saga - Genesis Chamber is easily the MVP of this deck. It makes every Norin trigger twice as good. Potentially generating 4 myrs on each rotation around the table, or 8 if you copied Genesis Chamber with Sculpting Steel or Lithoform Engine, if you then put out Panharmonicon things can get really out of hand. Its all too easy to create huge constructs surrounded by a swarming myr army that can swing in for lethal. Not bad for a deck that, including the commander, only has 9 creatures. If that's not good enough, you can even sacrifice myrs to cheat things into play with Indomitable Creativity or Warp World.

-> Vicious Shadows + Creature Death - Win the easy way! Combine it with a board wipe, or just sacrifice all the myrs you have to your Ashnod's Altar. You can have multiple creature death triggers with Firecat Blitz or rotate sacrifices on Tooth and Claw making even more triggers. Chandra's Incinerator works well with this too. On top of it all, it's not uncommon for opponents to kill themselves for you with Vicious Shadows by board wiping while its in play.

Play with Style

I'd like to re-emphasize that the main strategy of this deck is politicking. Because we are going creature light, we are extremely vulnerable to early game hate and griefing. We do have some protection in the chaos and stax pieces we play and the tokens we can produce for chump blocking, so we aren't completely helpless, but most of the time, if someone decides to focus on us for a few turns (especially in the early game) its game over. Your job with this deck it to make it seem like you are so far behind that taking a few turns to deal with you would put them off tempo and make them fall behind the rest of the playgroup. Or you can try to rely on the "spirit" of EDH as a "fun" format where its "not cool" to focus someone and take them out of the game super early or that its "more fun" to have everyone in the game to balance things out. These strategies work best if there is a player who is significantly ahead on the table who you can easily point out is a bigger threat, or promise to team up against. The good part about this deck is that most of the time you are getting ready to get things started, its hard to stop you from sweeping the table.

P.S. I feel like I'm downplaying this deck a little too much maybe? I win fairly often while playing with it. It's definitely a deck that punches up. It's best feature is that the win usually comes out of nowhere with not a lot of warning. So its easy to catch everyone by surprise. Its also really fun to play haha.

**UPDATE Haha, I put a few more ramp cards in the deck and I find it plays a lot more competitively now. I mean, it's not become an auto-archenemy or anything, but it has gone up a level or two.

** View my custom sort by tab to see the way I like to break down my deck. It helps a little to let me visualize how it actually works I think.


Updates Add

OUT: Insurrection - IN: Indomitable Creativity

Insurrection is way too expensive to be practical in today's metas, also there aren't as many big creature decks as EDH has continually moved further and further away from combat damage as the prime directive. It makes insurrection more of a situational card than it used to be. Indomitable Creativity is cool because I can use it on all my myrs to bring out all the artifacts in my deck, and I can also use it as a situational board wipe in extreme circumstances.


Date added 3 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

11 - 0 Mythic Rares

51 - 0 Rares

14 - 0 Uncommons

8 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 4.01
Tokens 1/1 R Token Creature Elemental Cat, Beast 3/1 R, Construct 0/0 C, Copy Clone, Dwarf 1/1 R, Goat 0/1 W, Goblin 1/1 R, Human 1/1 R, Kobold 0/1 R, Myr 1/1 C, Zombie 2/2 B
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