
A.K.A. "Stupid Idiot Binch Baby Brain Blasts Himself To Summon Forgotten Horrors From The Depths Of Insanity"

Ayo, welcome to my pet project! This is a deck featuring targeting shenanigans, tap synergies, life loss, and piggybacking off of all of that, a good bit of graveyard play. Much effort has been put in to ensuring individual card quality is high, despite much of the list being focused on interactions between two or three pieces. The deck as a whole is not reliant on it's commander, Zur the Enchanter, though he is still immensely powerful when he sticks.

palz 4 life

Pictured above: Aboshan, Cephalid Emperor and Zur the Enchanter shaking on a dastardly, diabolical deal!! With their only kinship being an endless desire for power, what sort of awful things could they have in store? With their moral compasses long dismissed, no amount of sacrifice is too great, no monstrosity too volatile for summoning...

This is a list that's focused on a few things. Firstly, it is very heavy on the keyword "target". Targeting is what spearheads the absurd turns this deck can pull out -- with a card as unassuming as Spatial Binding, (Horobi, Death's Wail and Cowardice) become instant-speed, asymmetrical & repeatable boardwipes. You may have noticed a lack of the usual boardwipe staples like Farewell or Cyclonic Rift; simply put, the aforementioned combos are the boardwipes (along with the always hilarious Out of Time). There's also Kuro, Pitlord and his galpal Resolute Archangel. But how do you get those out? Well...

Self-mill! The second focus of the list, and arguably the more important one. You know about the deck label "breakfast", yeah? Well, historically, it's a type of deck centered around Nomads en-Kor and anything that likes to be spam targeted like Daru Spiritualist, generally resulting in an infinite or instant win. This deck is technically a breakfast list because one of it's strongest cards is Cephalid Illusionist. Remember how Spatial Binding can target anything for 1 life? Well, it's the primary breakfast enabler along-side Lightning Greaves. Milling as many cards as you like is pretty good when you're running a commander that can find Animate Dead! Mill most of your deck, attack with Zur the Enchanter, tutor whichever reanimation enchantment is left, get Sun Titan who gets another reanimation enchantment back, get Resolute Archangel or some other huge threat. This is essentially the core gameplan; create a massive, threatening boardstate that can infinitely recur pieces of itself; the dead, reviving the dead, on, and on, down the years... forever.

The third focus (and primary way of winning) is last: life loss, a bargain for power -- paid in blood! Spend life to tether fools with Spatial Binding, spend life to feed Doom Whisperer, life for knowledge with Vilis, Broker of Blood, life for destruction with Kuro, Pitlord... then cheat death with Resolute Archangel or Near-Death Experience. Life for power, power for life... anyways, Near-Death Experience, or NDE shorthanded, is usually how I win outside of combat damage. It is INCREDIBLY important to have protection against interaction when going for a NDE win. My preferred method is playing it with Teferi, Time Raveler, but Forbid on a Lightning Bolt will do just as well, since instant-speed burn spells aren't very common these days. Even with that layer of protection, it's best to wait until the beginning of the upkeep when NDE triggers to drain yourself to 1 life if you can. Once the stack clears, NDE will win the game.

So yeah! Spatial Binding is the primary cog in the weird machine that is this list. It is the backbone, the meat, the very foundation the deck was built upon. The list can work without it, but you'll have to work a bit harder; after all, the closest card to it is Unspeakable Symbol which costs 3x the life per activation.

And lastly -- what of the commander, the whacky wizard, the paragon of power, the bargaining bastard who won't stop reanimating treachous demons and forgotten emperors oh god please calm down Zur the Enchanter? Well, thematically, he is an old & probably stinky floating wizard with knowledge of forgotten spells, enchantments and Artifacts. In his endless quest for perfection, he has repurposed many of these things to have unexpected and devastating results when paired with his "allies". Functionally, he acts as a fill-in piece to many combos, with the primary targets being Animate Dead, Verity Circle, Attunement and Spatial Binding. He's not directly a part of any of the list's win-conditions, but rather there to aid in setting them up by fetching pieces like Spatial Binding and Attunement to get the ball rolling. Getting off a single swing is usually enough -- this is intentional as to avoid the usual (and warranted) hate coming his way from shutting the list out of playing entirely.

Here's a concise, non-exhaustive list of some of the interactions this list features. Many individual cards in this list increase exponentially in potency when paired with synergistic pieces, though there are so many little interactions that it's futile to try and list them all. So here's just the major ones that come up a lot... and some fun corner cases.

Zur the Enchanter isn't liked by the average joe. Main reason for that being the stereotype that he's a stax or voltron commander with a lame gameplan. A commander as malleable and unique as Zur is molded around the players that play him, and I think that says more about the community than it says about Zur. After all, he gives you command zone access to somewhere around 1700 cards, including a myriad of old janky pieces that have come into existence in the last 20+ years. This was my reasoning after finding Spatial Binding; I wanted a commander that let me play it, and Zur the Enchanter was the best one to do it.

Zur doesn't force you to build around Necropotence, Vanishing, Diplomatic Immunity, Propaganda and copies -- that's entirely up to the discretion of the player. There is literally not a single rule in existence which says "you have to put X and Y into your deck". While it's a shame that that's what most folks tend to shoot for, a few lame builds shouldn't take away from his beautiful evergreen design. Any past, present, or future enchantments are up for consideration with this build, all thanks to Zur, and that makes the future all that much more exciting for Zur lists.

I'll stand by Zur the Enchanter as one of the most fun and flexible commanders 'til the day I die. Fun players will make fun decks, obnoxious players will make obnoxious decks.

Love this stinky, floating wizard.

Thanks again to u/Syndelfeniks for producing the featured alters of Zur the Enchanteraltered and Spatial Bindingaltered!


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Lots of changes. Too many to list here. List's feeling good though.

I wanted to write here about Sun Titan's new pal, Harnessed Snubhorn. Big ol' dinosaur. I was looking for a way outside of Emeria Shepherd and hard-casting to get out Near-Death Experience and I think this guy is a fantastic solution. Not so linear as so that's all they can do, but they can also bring back Lotus Bloom, Gilded Lotusfoil, Chromatic Orrery for ramp, Animate Dead and co. for reanimation, and so by extension every creature in the deck. Having to connect is a minor roadblock that all of the tapping the deck does should be able to overcome. Ofc they go infinite with Repository Skaab but half the reanimation cards in the deck do by this point so lol

Anyways, just happy to see mr snubs. Definitely gonna get their halo foil since it + the alt printing's border looks great in white.



97% Competitive

Revision 71 See all

(1 year ago)

+1 Scroll of Isildur main
-1 Tamiyo, the Moon Sage main
Top Ranked
Date added 5 years
Last updated 8 months
Key combos

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

50 - 0 Rares

26 - 0 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.37
Tokens Emblem Jace, Vryn's Prodigy, Morph 2/2 C, The Ring, The Ring Tempts You
Folders Mill Deck, Interesting decks, interesting, Found on Tapped Out, fun decks, Cool Decks that Inspire Me, EDH, builds
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