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I make my own Graveyard with Blackjack & Hookers!

Commander / EDH* Control Reanimator UB (Dimir) Zombie



Planeswalker (1)


Artifact (1)

It's Just Like New!

Oh-kay. This Deck has been refurbished with a couple of tweaks thanks to the Guilds of Ranvnica. Some tweaks include Plaguecrafter and Thief of Sanity. The basic idea of the deck remains the same, but here are the two basic Rules I follow with this Deck.

1.) Never trust your Opponents to have creatures. Ever. Even if they do, they probably will not help you regardless.

2.) Mill myself, and Discard cards to mill my opponents and make them discard their cards.

Assuming you have all you need readily available to you, including mana, and creatures in graveyard, this is what you want your field to look like.

1.) At least 4-7 Creatures on the field, Including The Scarab God (T.S.G.) and one of the Zombie Boosters. (Death Baron, Diregraf Captain, or Lord of the Accursed)

2.) Some, Not all, Combination of the following cards on the field: Profane Memento, Howling Mine, Anvil of Bogardan, Dictate of Kruphix, Megrim, Psychic Corrosion, Sphinx's Tutelage, Patient Rebuilding, Keening Stone

3.) This is the important bit. Having Guiltfeeder and Fleet Swallower on the field the turn before this one.

4.) Phenax, God of Deception (P.G.D.) must be in your graveyard OR hand.

5.) Have Tar Fiend in your graveyard if possible.

Now the play springs into action. Follow all important details on your field to get to your Main Phase. Once there, Using T.S.G.'s activated ability, target P.G.D. in your graveyard to exile him and throw a copy of him onto the battlefield OR play him from your hand. Either way, get him onto the field.

Next, tap those 4-7 creatures specified earlier to mill one of your opponents for a lot of cards. Assuming all of those 4-7 creatures excluding T.S.G. are 4/4 Black Zombies in their base, they should be around 5/5's of you have a zombie booster. Our targeted opponent will be milling around 19 to 34 cards from this simply thing alone.

Go to combat. Swing with Guiltfeeder and/or Fleet Swallower. Guiltfeeder should attack the opponent you just milled, and Fleet Swallower should attack a opponent. (Target opponent does not matter.) Now, assuming that the opponent Guiltfeeder is attacking cannot block (Very likely to happen) they will lose 19+ life on the low end. Going over to Fleet Swallower, his attack trigger occurs before GuiltFeeder's does. Target another opponent with this ability. Not the one Guiltfeeder attacked, but any other opponent will do. They will mill the top half of their remaining library. Exit Combat Phase.

2nd Main phase: Now if your Guiltfeeder opponent is dead, then you can concentrate on your Fleet Swallower Opponent. Use the Keening Stone on this opponent. Pass turn. Ideally, they will die due to draw.

NOW COMES THE REALLY JANKY-JANK CONTROL B.S. So, if you are in a 4-man pod, you just successfully killed two of your opponents. Congratulations, but you are not done yet. In response to your third Opponent's Main Phase, activate the T.S.G.'s ability again, and target Tar Fiend. Sacrifice those 4-7 creatures on your board and either Guiltfeeder or Fleet Swallower, to not only make this last opponent discard their entire hand ideally, but also pump up Tar Fiend with at least ten +1/+1 counters, making him a towering 14/14. Your opponent might likely concede, but may try an all out attack with whatever they have on the board. You should have enough life, blockers, and shenanigans in hand to counter this last-ditch effort.

Your Next Main Phase Will Vary Depending On Which You Kept.

The Fleet Swallower Ending Show

The GuiltFeeder Ending Show

Lemme tell ya about muh boi G.

A.K.A. Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur

He's good, man. Real good!

The Problem: I have a very dumb and stupid synergy going on between my Skirge Familiar and G. See, G. let's me draw stupid amounts of cards at the end of my turn. Cards that can be turned into mana, thanks to Skirge Familiar. With this, I can cast counter-spells by discarding cards I do not need, like creatures. The problem is that this mana is only a single color, and cannot be changed.

Now I did some research...

Cards that can change mana color are very limited, as far as I can tell. Mycosynth Lattice is an easy work around the problem, but if I play it then my Best Case Scenario Play falls very short, as Guiltfeeder is blocked by artifacts. Another workaround is getting some decent mana rocks, like Dimir Signet which splits the mana put into it into blue and black. 2-for-1. Can't go wrong. The problem there is that it's a one-time use.

What I need is some guidance and maybe a definite answer to my next question: Is there a card in my colors that can change mana into mana of any color to the extent, or a step below, of Mycosynth Lattice?

Hard Hat Area. Mind the Dust.


Updates Add

So, off-hand, I decide to throw in Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur at my local EDH FNM...

Wow. Just Wow.

So, to make a long story short, I had a lot of stupid fun with this card in my deck. The first synergetic play I found was with Anvil of Bogardan. With it on the field, nobody cares about Gitaxias... letting me draw a lot of cards for free~ The second synergetic play I found was with Skirge Familiar. Let's just say that I drew into some key counter spells and had enough blue mana for some really kinky fun~

Did I win the game? No, but I had a lot of stupid fun!

More to the point, I have some very interesting ideas and substitutions. The most notable is that Gitaxias is replacing Liliana. Being honest, I can never get her final ability to prock-off. Best case scenario, I'll keep her around in a medallion around my neck.


94% Casual


Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 1 Mythic Rares

32 - 0 Rares

29 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.56
Tokens Champion of Wits 4/4 B, Copy Clone, Dreamstealer 4/4 B, Emblem Liliana, the Last Hope, Zombie 2/2 B
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