That's a solid suggestion, Saljen. The more I play this, the more I think I'd like cheaper counterspells. The only problem with that, is once I stabilize, and I'm just waiting for a win condition, I prefer to have a hard counter to anything I just can't beat (since by that time, It's not unreasonable for the opponent to have 8+ mana). I was thinking Pact of Negation instead of Mana Leak, but that does mean less access to early game counters. My reasoning for that is that I'm usually utilizing all of my early mana anyway for Caryatids, Axebanes, Battlements, Omens, etcetera. What do you think of that logic?
April 9, 2015 1:42 p.m.
Condescend might be a good alternative in that case for this deck. It can be played as early as Mana Leak but is also relevant late game since you produce so much mana in this deck. The scry 2 is very relevant as well.
April 9, 2015 1:46 p.m.
Yeah, I could see Condescend filling that gap. Thanks, Saljen! That's a big help!
April 9, 2015 4:44 p.m.
You probably don't want counters in this deck just because you're not the type to be holding up mana, but if you really want one run Remand for the draw.
April 26, 2015 6:12 p.m.
bigguy99, thanks for the input. The counters are primarily in to protect during the late games while the game is stalled and I wait for win conditions. However, significant playtesting has revealed that I usually need answers early game vs combo decks or the dreaded Blood Moon. For that reason, I do kind of want a cheap counterspell like Mana Leak or Condescend. Remand is out of the question just for the fact that this isn't a tempo or combo deck. Buying one more turn and digging one more card doesn't really do much for me.
Solid suggestion though. Thanks for commenting :)
April 26, 2015 10:57 p.m.
Cool deck! I'm going to make an assault formation deck myself soon. I have seen multiple around, but this tops them all off!
April 28, 2015 3:37 p.m.
Thanks for the compliment, ryast89!
Yes, Assault Formation is very good, and slid quite easily into this deck, though it's definitely not what the deck is about. It usually just hits late game for an accidental win. If you like unusual control builds, then this should definitely be right up your alley!
April 28, 2015 4:40 p.m.
Buckminsterfullerene says... #9
Hey, Killkow, have you thought about using the Colossus of Akros? While a bit high on the CMC scale, it adds a certain amount of inevitability to the deck and is its own wincon. I use it to great effect in my Assault Formation deck, The Best Offense.... Just a thought. Feel free to take a look at mine and give any advice you may have!
April 28, 2015 10:54 p.m.
Breaksk8r1992 says... #10
Collected Company could be awesome since 1/3 of your deck is creatures and almost all 3CMC or less :D
May 2, 2015 8:42 p.m.
gunnyguy121 says... #12
a cheaper alternative to leyline of sanctity would be Witchbane Orb
May 10, 2015 5:12 p.m.
i would run Freed from the Real for infinite mana with Axebane Guardian.
May 15, 2015 4:13 p.m.
ShrivelingPoms says... #14
Wall of Denial unfortunately can't be turned into an attacker by Assault Formation because of its shroud. Other than that this deck is way up there on the jank meter which is amazing
May 17, 2015 12:25 p.m.
Breaksk8r1992 says... #15
I already see Celestial Colonnade in your sideboard, but if you're not playing a control deck it's kind of slow, so I'd recommend Stirring Wildwood since it's cheaper, has reach, and survives bolt, and Treetop Village as both are great beaters/win cons while you're waiting :)
May 17, 2015 1:10 p.m.
I feel like sanctum plowbeast is your worst card in the deck, and that you could use more Wall of Denial
Saljen says... #1
I'd cut Dissolve for Mana Leak. Much more relevant in the earlier game and easier to cast in a 3 color deck.
April 8, 2015 5:55 p.m.