I Mill Myself

Casual michael23v


michael23v says... #1

Need some help to make this better.

May 2, 2013 12:13 p.m.

jph1234 says... #2

I think that you should have more maniacs or more rebirths, in case you mill the maniac, also you should have more card advantage, something like Think Twice , because of the flashback.

May 3, 2013 1:53 p.m.

michael23v says... #4

No longer splashing black.

June 24, 2013 3:36 p.m.

Blhaargh says... #5

Cool deck, why only to Laboratory Maniac , if they are sucked in your Graveyard it is not verry optimal :/ +1 for a fun deck!

June 27, 2013 11:51 a.m.

threetails says... #6

Grim Backwoods with Golgari Grave-Troll , mill 6 and draw one each turn, while expensive, also worth it. Over Splinterfright i would play Bonehoard simply because you can re equip it to whatever you want and it also counts their grave yard, and Mirror-Mad Phantasm , because if you combine it with Bonehoard you can swing for 20 in the air. Basically finishes them every time. Over Screeching Skaab i would put in 2 more Mulch s Because its ramp and it mills you at the same time. If you splash Black it opens up a whole new world of options, such as Lord of Extinction , Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord which you can pull out of your grave yard, and if you combine it with bone hoard to sac itself, is a win almost every time, or a Mortivore , with its regen for one, can block against almost any attacker. Jarad's Orders is also a fantastic way to get a creature into you're grave yard and put a powerhouse or a finisher into your hand (Maybe that Laboratory Maniac you might not have drawn). Over dream twist i would put in Rites of Flourishing Because it allows you to ramp and draw faster, and if you have more than seven cards in you're hand you can actually put use less creatures from you're hand to you're graveyard to pump you're creatures on the battlefield. Consecrated Sphinx Allows you to draw 3 cards in a turn. Gloom Surgeon is an insane card for this because he can mill a mountain of cards all by himself if you keep him around for blocking.

June 27, 2013 12:42 p.m.

threetails says... #7

Oh yeah, and i almost forgot, Sword of Light and Shadow , can give you tings from you're grave yard Sword of Fire and Ice Is removal and a little bit of self mill, and Sword of Body and Mind is great for self mill... if you attach it to an opponents creature.

June 27, 2013 12:48 p.m.

threetails says... #8

Sword of Body and Mind can also prevent a large creature from attacking if they don't want to mill you.

June 27, 2013 12:49 p.m.

michael23v says... #9

Blhaargh Thank you. Only two Laboratory Maniac 's because the Wildwood Rebirth , and Tracker's Instincts can grab him in a bind. It has been a fun deck to play, I am just fairly new and do not know all the cards that are available to make it that much better/faster.

threetails there are a lot of great suggestions you have there, and I definitely want to use them. However, are they all standard legal? If so, I am going to be making a lot of changes. Still think i am going to avoid black for the time being though. I really like Bonehoard and Mirror-Mad Phantasm .. Also, wouldn't Rites of Flourishing help all players?

June 27, 2013 12:54 p.m.

kanofudo says... #10

A lot of stuff that mr. threetails posted are not standard legal. If you're looking for standard legal stuff to help out, and also reasons to splash black maybe, Forbidden Alchemy is a good one. Dimir Charm would give you options, and more self-mill. Boneyard Wurm is another Splinterfright . also Snapcaster Mage . he's a bit expensive, but with dumping all of this stuff into your yard, he becomes super useful

all of this stuff is standard legal and could help you out should you chose to play it.

June 30, 2013 3:57 p.m.

michael23v says... #11

kanofudo i think i will be adding Forbidden Alchemy for sure. I originally had a Boneyard Wurm but dropped him for the skaab's. I would love to add Snapcaster Mage but like you said he is a bit pricey. If I come across some of them for a decent price a may just add a playset.

Also, thank you for letting me know that the cards were not standard. I looked them up already and checked it out. A lot of those would have been great.

Thanks for the help

June 30, 2013 4:29 p.m.

michael23v says... #12

Forbidden Alchemy is not going in quite yet... not sure on black...

June 30, 2013 4:31 p.m.

Behgz says... #13

Check out my self mill brew, Chronic Flooding +1 for a cool deck.

July 2, 2013 2:19 p.m.

Forbidden Alchemy and Grisly Salvage are both worth splashing black alone, they help move things along to your graveyard. Dream Twist is a useful card for self mill with flashback making it extra useful in case you mill it, and it's in your current colors. Deathrite Shaman can help you make use of lands you milled so you don't go mana broke. Skaab Ruinator is a great one-of card for a deck like this, in a pinch you can bring him back from the grave as a surprise threat, he's really hard to permanently remove without exiling.

July 2, 2013 2:31 p.m.

Also, something like Ranger's Guile or Simic Charm is a good idea to include to protect your lab maniac on the last turn. Also, if you decide to splash black, Treasured Find is more versatile IMO than Wildwood Rebirth , so consider that if you go with black.

July 2, 2013 2:34 p.m.

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