First round WRB - 2-1:
On first game, two Master of the Feast out, won on turn 9.
On the second game, due to the lack of creature draw, he got me.
On third game, played Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver and exiled a Blood Baron of Vizkopa. Played him and won it.
Second round WBG enchantement - 2-1:
On the first game, I got out Desecration Demon and was able to swing multiple times.
On second game, he got me with Athreos, God of Passage on the field and me with Desecration Demon that was kept tapped for 5 turns. At 2 life, he played Underworld Coinsmith.
Third game, he got out Athreos, God of Passage, swarmed the field with different enchantment creature. Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver was able to catch some of his creature and I was able to beat him with two of his Eidolon of Countless Battles.
Third round RUG Kruphix, God of Horizon - 2-0:
On the first game, he got out Kruphix, God of Horizon, but wasn't able to get out his big creatures, because Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver exiled his Mistcutter Hydra and other cards that would have gave him turns get one out. Won with Desecration Demon and Master of the Feast.
On the second game, he got out a Kalonian Hydra + Mistcutter Hydra. I had a Silence the Believers in hand and was able to swing with Desecration Demon.
Fourth round Naya 0-2:
On both match, I wasn't able to get out one of my demon, only had Brain Maggot out in play which wheren't able to give me a great advantage.
Fifth round Red deck win 0-2:
On both match, I went on hands with two lands and I had difficulties to get my blue lands. I wasn't really able to get out correctly my demons out as I had two turns late on him.
Changes to be made:
Notion Thief was not as usefull as I required from him, as I always sideboarded him in the end for Brain Maggot and Silence the Believer.
I am thinking about getting Disciple of Deceit back into the deck as an alternative to the draw. I could fetch to get Whispering Madness, but the main problem is that I can't untap him easily in this version of the deck. Maybe it will all be about throwing in an additionnal Whispering Madness.