I Prefer Not to Attack

Commander / EDH Gandolphin


LegitAstroBoy says... #1

Other than the needed work on land, looks pretty solid. +1 from me!

November 19, 2013 10:36 p.m.

Discoduck says... #2

Hmmm despite the presence of Flickerform , I think a blink deck should do without creature auras (simply because you wouldn't be able to blink whatever you attach them to without losing the aura).

Even if they only get attached to Roon himself for the commander damage, there are better ways, imo, to do it with static creature pump/ equipment.

As to blink-y possibilities:

Soul of the Harvest can rack up some great card advantage! Armada Wurm can get stupid! Hornet Queen can fend off some flyers! Lavinia of the Tenth can lock down token decks! Prophet of Kruphix lets you use enters-the-battlefield triggers at instant speed! Aura Shards decimates...well, look at it!

And many more. Made a Roon deck myself, and it ended up being the funnest deck to build, simply because blink strategies provide lots of options.

But yeah, looks super fun! +1

November 20, 2013 5:57 p.m.

Gandolphin says... #3

Thanks for the +1, those were all things I considered adding but never really got to it, will definitely do that now. Aura's really don't have a place in here as much as the things you mentioned. I will definitely check your deck out if it's on this site.

November 20, 2013 7:42 p.m.

Gandolphin says... #4

Well I never heard of Aura Shards before or Soul of the Harvest So not really all of them were considered.

November 20, 2013 7:48 p.m.

Gandolphin says... #5

Does anyone have an idea on what I could replace Proteus Staff

November 22, 2013 9:10 p.m.

Lup3rcal says... #6

Not really sure why Knight of Glory is in here. If it's because of the exalted, then maybe Rhox Bodyguard would be better, but that's really just an expensive Centaur Healer . Actually, I guess Centaur Healer is just a weaker version of Inquisitor Exarch come to think of it. I'd run Dungeon Geists if I were you, since the ability to reassign the tapped creature is very useful in EDH.

November 22, 2013 9:30 p.m.

Gandolphin says... #7

Thanks for the advice Lup3rcal, I want to have some exalted triggers in here just because I'm only going to be attacking with my commander and it helps get more damage through, and Knight of Glory has protection from a lot of removal and can serve as a really nice blocker against a black deck AND is a low casting cost, as to where Rhox Bodyguard is an overly expensive weak guard in a format where lifegain is rarely useful. Dungeon Geists is a good card and I could put it in but I don't know what I'd remove, maybe some of the white removal cards?

November 22, 2013 10:04 p.m.

Lup3rcal says... #8

Yeah, I suppose Knight of Glory is a good blocker against black decks. For Dungeon Geists , I guess I'd take out Nevermore unless there's a general who you REALLY hate playing against in your group and who you don't mind having target you. You still have Meddling Mage for the same effect if needs be, and mage can be reassigned with Roon of the Hidden Realm .

November 23, 2013 12:36 a.m.

Gandolphin says... #9

I'm fairly new to this site, do you know how to clear comments so if new people happen to stop by they aren't confused by above comments?

November 23, 2013 11 a.m.

yeaGO says... #10

See the update Update feature

November 23, 2013 11:08 a.m.

Have you considered the ETB mana ramp creatures, such as Solemn Simulacrum , Farhaven Elf and Wood Elves ?

November 23, 2013 12:28 p.m.

LegitAstroBoy says... #12

I think Admonition Angel would be a great card in this deck.

November 23, 2013 10:28 p.m.

Gandolphin says... #13

I have thought about land searching cards (I thought I put the Solemn Simulacrum in the deck but apparently not. I'm not quite sure what I should take out though.

Admonition Angel is a really good card, but it has no place in this deck. This deck Isn't about flickering land but about flickering creatures and when you flicker an Admonition Angel bad things will happen to you.

November 24, 2013 11:39 a.m.

LegitAstroBoy says... #14

..... It doesn't flicker land. It would be there so when land enters the battlefield, you exile your own creatures. Then, when you have a Cloudshift or anything to bounce a creature, such as your commander, you can bounce the Admonition Angel to get all of your stuff back and have a horde of ETB effects.

November 24, 2013 11:47 a.m.

LegitAstroBoy says... #15

So good things will happen to you :D

November 24, 2013 11:47 a.m.

Gandolphin says... #16

Land won't be entering the battlefield enough to exile most of my creatures and that's too complicated of a process just to get a few abilities to trigger (It would take awhile to get enough cards exiled with the angel, seeing as I won't be drawing mana every turn, to be worth it anyways) and it takes away blockers. I have enough flickering where I get my cards back right away or by the end of my turn to where even if I could consistently exile cards with Admonition Angel I wouldn't need it anyways.

November 24, 2013 11:56 a.m.

LegitAstroBoy says... #17

I guess if you have your commander out, it would only save you 2-4 mana. You could just flicker the creatures directly instead of going through Admonition Angel i suppose.

November 24, 2013 12:05 p.m.

Dekordius says... #18

What's up with the 2x Swords to Plowshares ?

November 25, 2013 4:02 p.m.

infinitemana says... #19

This has probably already been suggested, so I'm also gonna assume you're not running Restoration Angel because of budget?

November 25, 2013 4:09 p.m.

Gandolphin says... #20

I fixed the Swords to Plowshares things, I don't know how that even happened or why everything is showing up as the older versions of the card. I would add Restoration Angel but I'm not sure what exactly I would take out.

November 25, 2013 4:21 p.m.

infinitemana says... #21

You could probably cut Farhaven Elf or Knight of Glory .

November 25, 2013 4:29 p.m.

Lup3rcal says... #22

You are aware that you only have 99 cards including Roon, right?

November 25, 2013 5:55 p.m.

Gandolphin says... #23

Yeah I just got on and that was the first thing I checked (realizing that it probably replaced something with the second sword) and my computer's glitching out really bad lately, so I should probably fix that.

November 25, 2013 10:49 p.m.

andypants040 says... #24

Instill Energy can be nice for your General. Lets him flicker twice during your turn, or once during your turn and still available for defense. Also gives him haste.

December 10, 2013 9:38 a.m.

Gandolphin says... #25

Instill Energy is a great card I, will definitely add it.

December 10, 2013 9:44 a.m.

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