Evidently, the consensus regarding Urza is that players say… “Yeah I play him, but NOT that way!” and everyone says “Yes… yes you do.” Well, I genuinely think mine isn’t quite like that. I do have Darksteel Forge, note no Micosynth Latice, cards I always wanted to play but never had an excuse to. I think that there are a lot of other cards that better lists would use.
I’m going to say right now, by like a mile, this is not the best Urza deck out there.
Some of the metal BEEFCAKES are favorites of mine, however I never had a good enough excuse to play. Blightsteel Colossus (although it feels mean) and Platinum Emperion are partly convinced me to get into MTG, but never got to really play them. Tutoring a Blightsteel Colossus, and similar, early in the game in my mind should just be a last chance option for casual play. If you tutor for him every time well…
Thankfully I mashed in some old affinity cards. Some could Be a little underwhelming, but there is nostalgia there. Played that deck for a decade. Hangarback Walker and Walking Ballista are more Hardened Scales era, still worth including for fun. The old era cards are somewhat mediocre in EDH, but one can still sneak wins in with Arcbound Ravager and Inkmoth Nexus… ah memories.
On a sad note, I sold my Mox Opals to afford my updated Hardened Scales... really wish I kept one to play in this awesome artifact deck. A lot of these artifacts that are jammed in here are personal favorites. Even the mean ones, that will get you hate regardless of your play group level. FYI I am very casual. Pet cards and pretty art!
Like most of my decks, I have a massive maybeboard / good stuffins list to tinker.
I can’t make the list for you, but I’ve poured over lists and collected a list for all types of players. Predominantly mean stax and spendy cards (if money is no concern) that are either not my play style, or beyond me. So the maybeboard list is for both of us! However, my decks sometimes feel aimless in the pursuit of cards to play only with art I like, are somehow still good, and advance a wincon. Anyway, this list is not to say it’s comprehensive or even close to being so, but there are some seriously… seriously good stuffins to stuff your stuffs in.
I am not a particularly old / passionate blue player, and I do expect some chuckles from experienced players. I've played for years but certainly as a filthy scrub, with minimal commitment to blue. My wallet also can’t commit to some of the cards expected in blue artifact cEDH decks like: Power Artifact, Copy Artifact, Force of Will, Fierce Guardianship, Chrome Mox, Mana Crypt, Transmute Artifact, Force of Will and Grim Monolith. If you are very interested in Urza as a commander, these are obviously very good cards and are all worth acquiring. That said I may purchase some cards at the $50 level IF they are useful in my other RUG decks.
While I adamantly want to play sweet artifacts, the deck needs either a higher proportion of lands, a lowered CMC, more artifact ramp, or a mix of all this.
Isochron Scepter - Depending on your playgroup this card might catch serious hate. Tutor or counter spell on a stick? Thank youuu.
Batterskull for Forsaken Monument - Don’t necessarily need to swing Crabby Phatties for lifegain. Not to mention all the other benefits the Monument has.
Steel Overseer for Everflowing Chalice - Despite my total hate for infinity combos, I think having one (in this case Hullbreaker Horror + Chalice + other mana rock) to end exceedingly long stalemates is acceptable in my play groups. This combo is very common in Urza decks, so beware immediate hate when Hullbreaker hits the table.
Cranial Plating for Deadeye Navigator - While I wish to keep affinity alive Deadeye is too good to pass up. Using the infinite mana combo above, or other similar synergies my ape brain can’t process, you can blink Urza enough times to bring Urza’s whole factory to life. Also feels better to prioritize this when they alone effectively having Plating.
Metallurgic Summonings for Mechanized Production - While I love Metallurgic Summonings and have played it in a number of decks, I don’t play enough spells to make it worthwhile. Also, Mechanized Production is… wow. I didn’t even read the second half of the text before saying yuuuup.
Temple Bell for Skullclamp - It’s a better draw engine that is less “friendly” to opponents. I suck enough as is.
Mirrorworks for Sculpting Steel - You trade versatility for significantly higher mana drain.
Darksteel Ingot for Chromatic Lantern - Just a better card, yes it’s a mono blue deck, but we have a lot of utility lands.
Thespian's Stage for Academy Ruins - Thought Stage might be good for Treasure Vault, but seems mediocre, and at the risk of a higher price tag Ruins is just too good.
Vedalken Shackles for Archmage's Charm - Eh, Shackles seems bad unless you’re playing against strong creatures. Plus Charm is good and the art is insane.
TOP POTENTIAL REPLACEMENTS: Some aren’t necessarily great, but are just cool cards.
Isochron Scepter
Whir of Invention
Aetherflux Reservoir
Golem's Heart
Mystic Reflection
Portal to Phyrexia
Mind Stone
Force of Negation
Urza's Workshop
Hope of Ghirapur
Thopter Spy Network
Manifold Key
Tezzeret, Betrayer of Flesh
Mystic Forge
Spine of Ish Sah
Grand Architect
Clock of Omens
Karn's Temporal Sundering
Empowered Autogenerator
Tomb of the Spirit Dragon
The Immortal Sun
Workshop Assistant
Mass Manipulation
Expedition Map
Karn's Sylex
Canoptek Scarab Swarm
The Mycosynth Gardens
Ichormoon Gauntlet
Wurmcoil Engine
Zenith Chronicler
The Seedcore
Gitaxian Probe
Blinkmoth Urn - Truly made for an Urza deck; however, it’s kind of an expensive mana rock. Honestly would prefer the booty sooner.
Wurmcoil Engine - I think every deck needs at least one card for lifelink, but if I’m not going to commit to Aetherflux Reservoir and Golem's Heart (seems to require another combo anyways) he seems like deadweight. I love the lil guy though.
Vedalken Shackles - Feels mediocre, but always been fond of this card.
Blightsteel Colossus - Budgeting(?)
Nettlecyst - Always nice to beef up phatties, but is perhaps underwhelming.
Arcbound Ravager - Combat tricks aside, and a desire to relive affinity, I doubt it’s impactful enough.
Mindslaver - Really cool card, but not even really sure what make the player do.