I Remembered Why People Hate My Decks

Modern IZZETannoying


OlivierB says... #1

Simple and effective, I like it.

Kytheon, Hero of Akros  Flip, Thalia, Guardian of Thraben, Knight of the White Orchid and Brimaz, King of Oreskos are also powerful options in a white weenie deck.

May 29, 2016 3:52 p.m.

IZZETannoying says... #2

Thanks, OlivierB! I did give Kytheon, Hero of Akros  Flip some thought, same as Thalia, Guardian of Thraben. Kytheon, Hero of Akros  Flip might get mainboarded eventually, Thalia, Guardian of Thraben's probably more sideboard. I love Brimaz, King of Oreskos, but you may not have noticed, this is human tribal. besides, what on earth would I remove for him? Knight of the White Orchid also looks promising, but again, what do I cut for him? Also looking into something better than Brave the Elements, but that may be the best I've got there. Any ideas?

May 29, 2016 4 p.m.

OOBS says... #3

Brave the Elements is amazing in a white weenie build. If you wanted to have some fun and a little flexibility, I'd cut 1 Brave the Elements and add 1 Mana Tithe. Very few people expect white to have a counter, and during the second game you can sideboard it out if they saw it and they become hesitant to play stuff on curve. It can also protect your guys against hard wipes like Wrath of God that Brave the Elements can't protect from. Not many people will wait a turn to wipe against aggro. Student of Warfare might be nice in this deck as a 2-3 of, but that's if you feel the need for a mana sink. He can be very nice in grindy games though, and is a lovely topdeck. I totally agree with your analysis on Brimaz, King of Oreskos. My wish is that he would be human, because Champion of the Parish and Thalia's Lieutenant would get absolutely insane. I would cut 2 Hanweir Militia Captain  Flip and 1 Consul's Lieutenant for 3 Knight of the White Orchids, because Knight of the White Orchid makes it so t3 on the draw you can play him, get a land, then play your land per turn, and then play another 2 drop, which speeds up the clock a bit. Thalia, Guardian of Thraben is really nice against control, the deck's toughest matchup, but up to you whether it is sideboard material or not. I'd actually consider Frontline Medic instead of Abzan Falconer, as it can be a real pain for your opponent, and I feel like it is pretty easy to get battalion. Although it is worth noting that you need to be swinging with him to get his effect, so your opponent knows it is coming. As a little added bonus, x cost spells don't get played with him on the field. Also, when you need to kill an opponent's board state with Odric, Master Tactician because you can't go in for the kill, he really shines. I would probably cut 1 Always Watching for a Frontline Medic as well, as the vigilance doesn't stack, and 6 enchantment anthems + 4 creature anthems (Thalia's Lieutenant) seem a little bit too much, and I feel like an extra creature to benefit from them might be better, and it would trigger Champion of the Parish and Thalia's Lieutenant when it enters, so every creature counts. Anyway I think I've talked enough. If you want to take a look at mine, feel free to. Good luck on the deck!

May 30, 2016 12:53 p.m.

IZZETannoying says... #4

So, WhisperingBlade, I like most of your ideas here, but here's my thoughts. Hanweir Militia Captain  Flip essentially becomes Brimaz for me when flipped, as the free human a turn gets crazy with Champions and Lieutenants. I can cut the Consul's Lieutenants, and add the Knight of the White Orchids (I feel dumb there, didn't realize he gave a free land, thought it went to hand), as the Consul's are kinda redundant with so much pump. I like the Mana Tithe idea, I'll have to test that. As for the Student of Warfare, I do tend to end up with wasted mana occasionally, so he might be good. As for the double Always Watching s, they do help. I do want the six anthems to stay though. Do you think it's reasonable to run Light from Within in the empty slot if I remove an Always Watching ? Frontline Medic may warrant inclusion, but most people in my meta run obscene amounts of exile and bounce based removal, because there's two or three guys that just run NASTY walkers, so, there's gideon hate present. Also, there's one guy who runs a deck with like 23 walkers as a joke, and I kid you not, he wins with it on occasion. So, yeah,Frontline Medic is good, but sometimes flying is great. Also, wanted your opinion on Riders of Gavony. One guy runs a SCARY werewolf deck, and even with this iteration of the deck I may not be able to race him. Overall, I like your ideas, and I'll check them out. Thank you! Any other great ideas would be welcome.

May 30, 2016 9:15 p.m.

OOBS says... #5

Frontline Medic sounds bad for you meta, so I'm with you on that decision. Light from Within is certainly something to play test with. Riders of Gavony might work, but I think it depends if that one player warrants your sideboarding, or if there are other decks in your local meta that it would also deal with. Also, if you do play with it, I'd advise not strictly relying upon it when defending, as a Lightning Bolt or other kill spell can make things go downhill fast. But to more directly answer your question, yes if it deals with multiple decks in your meta or just one in particular that really messes with you, it might be worth siding in in place of Abzan Falconer or even Odric, Master Tactician. Speaking of sideboards, what is the current state of your sideboard?

May 30, 2016 9:35 p.m.

IZZETannoying says... #6

My sideboard is pathetic and needs help, but that player does warrant sideboarding SOMETHING for. His decks, usually the wolf or a jund build, destroy anything that shows up. Because this deck actually casts shit, his wolfs wont get the option to flip. However, I'm curious. If I replaced the Consul's Lieutenants with Knight of the White Orchids, and took out the one Brave the Elements for a Mana Tithe, what should I sideboard? Don't get me wrong, I might still use Frontline Medic because of his annoying tendencies, but what's your general feeling for a sideboard?

May 30, 2016 9:44 p.m.

OOBS says... #7

Mirran Crusaders might be good, especially in a heavy Jund meta (or if you deem that one Jund player to be a large enough problem). I personally love Burrenton Forge-Tender even though it isn't a human, mostly because I can use it to protect my board state against red damage board wipes like Anger of the Gods, has protection from a lot of aggressive creatures in decks like Zoo or Burn, and can prevent fatal damage from red sources other than Skullcrack (gotta be careful with that one). I'm not sure how much affinity you have in your meta, but Kataki, War's Wage is a pretty low costing card that is very effective. I run Ethersworn Canonist against combo decks like Storm, and Grafdigger's Cage against decks like CoCo or graveyard decks. I'm not sure how much you'd like to spend on the sideboard, but these are just suggestions based on what I use or what I've seen most.

May 30, 2016 9:59 p.m.

OOBS says... #8

Forgot to mention that Mirran Crusader is also good against infect to a degree.

May 30, 2016 10 p.m.

IZZETannoying says... #9

Our meta is actually pretty casual, no real fnms yet, so this was meant to be an overwhelmingly superior deck for that. Sideboarding's gonna be pretty vague till I take it to an actual fnm, but I like the Crusaders.

May 30, 2016 10:10 p.m.

IZZETannoying says... #10

FYI, side at the moment is letting me playtest stuff.

May 30, 2016 10:12 p.m.

MrBiggieD says... #11

What about Gather the Townsfolk? Turn 1 Champion of the Parish followed up by a turn 2 townsfolk is a quick way to get things going in your favor. I'd recommend playing them over Always Watching as 4 Honor of the Pures is really all you need for pumps. Also, if you wanna splurge a bit, a couple of Elspeth, Knight-Errants would really finish the deck off. She usually finishes off games within a turn or 2 after hitting the battlefield.

May 30, 2016 10:16 p.m.

IZZETannoying says... #12

So, my feelings: Knight of the White Orchid - is a must have. the extra mana pushes this deck for reliable turn 4 kills. Light from Within - is flaky at best, I'd be better with the double Always Watching s. Frontline Medic is SUPER easy to trigger, and so not fun when he does. Not so set on Mana Tithe, but it could work out. I'm trying to keep this deck walker-less, because budget, and because I'm damn tired of everyone using them. Gather could be feasible, but sometimes vigilance is invaluable, and the extra copy helps me find it. However, I'm not COMPLETELY sold on Hanweir Militia Captain  Flip. It really helps when there's minimal disruption, but personally, it was in there for the human tokens. Without four creatures, it's a shitty bear. So any ideas on that would be welcome. But, I might have one of my own.

May 30, 2016 10:25 p.m.

IZZETannoying says... #13

Alright, I have an idea! Lets see if Path of Bravery does me any good. I'll playtest it. I think it could work over Always Watching .

May 30, 2016 11:06 p.m.

IZZETannoying says... #14

BAD IDEA. Never mind.

May 31, 2016 10:18 p.m.

mahanhen says... #15

Adaptive Automaton enters as a human might be worth a thought/inclusion

June 4, 2016 5:13 p.m.

IZZETannoying says... #16

meh. pricey, and I have better 3-drops.

June 4, 2016 10:11 p.m.

mahanhen says... #17

I'd try Accorder Paladin, I'd say it's better than Consul's Lieutenant as it doesn't need to be renown to give a buff to the team, it seems a bit faster

June 5, 2016 1:46 a.m.

OlivierB says... #18

Let us know about Accorder Paladin. I find Renown ability of Consul's Lieutenant difficult to activate. Perhaps with Spirit Mantle ! This aura is cool, and I play 2.

I have also tried Boros Elite, but I have since replaced them with an ally synergy : Hada Freeblade and Kazandu Blademaster.

Question :

Does Thraben Inspector effectively accelerate your draws ? It is one of my issue with this kind of deck, quickly running out of creatures.

June 5, 2016 9:05 a.m.

IZZETannoying says... #19

I had thought about Accorder Paladin, but decided I like Consul's Lieutenant better because of the first strike. Brave the Elements helps me activate renown on it, and besides, people tend to focus more on my big threats anyway (Champion of the Parish and Thalia's Lieutenant). I don't plan to immediately run the allies because they're more expensive than my other choices, but I might in the future. And yes, Thraben Inspector does help me with draws, and is a solid card early game.

June 5, 2016 4 p.m.

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