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I see doub- triple!

Vintage Clone Mono-Blue Tokens


With the new cards coming in Foundations, I was curious to see how a deck built around Homunculus Horde would play.

We're running lots of card draw and lots of creatures that copy other creatures. This way we can either copy our own stuff, increasing our card draw or our payoffs such as the homunculus or we can copy our opponent's creatures if they have some beefy stuff.

I've never really played with clone/copy spells, so I'm very open to suggestions.


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96% Casual


Date added 3 months
Last updated 3 months

This deck is Vintage legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

12 - 0 Rares

14 - 0 Uncommons

12 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.50
Tokens Copy Clone
Folders Building/Buying
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