I See White People.....

Commander / EDH Peanut3181

SCORE: 110 | 99 COMMENTS | 15832 VIEWS | IN 66 FOLDERS

if under the right conditions, this deck is extremely lethal. I love it, but why not Norn's Annex? It might make you a target, but for a 5 drop phyrexian white artifact it gets good.

November 6, 2015 12:01 a.m.

Peanut3181 says... #2

Godhead_Initiated thanks a lot!! EDHrec.com really helped me in creating this deck! If you got to custom categories you'll be able to see the different categories that I separated the cards into. I mainly want more cards that create tokens.I initially had more general board wipes like Day of Judgment but I decided against it. I would rather have more spot removal, and situational board wipes like Fell the Mighty and Mass Calcify although a reset button is always nice.To answer your question about Norn's Annex, it's because I kinda want to be attacked when my general is out to put more tokens on the battlefield. Plus, me getting attacked doesn't bother me. I gain a lot of that life back anyways unless it's commander damage.

November 6, 2015 5:02 p.m.

In my mono white edh deck, I like to run white buff enchantments. I was surprised to not see any of the usual. I realize this is a token factory deck, and all you really have to do is mass attack, but why not cards like Crusade, Glorious Anthem, Honor of the Pure, and possibly in your case, Leyline of the Meek would be best. If you don't know what Leyline of the Meek does, it pumps all creature tokens on the battlefield by +1/+1. But the only problem with Leyline of the Meek and Crusade is that it pumps all creatures, not just yours, ie, Crusade pumps all white creatures.

November 6, 2015 9:10 p.m.

KarmaWG says... #4

Why even considering Dictate of Heliod if Honor of the Pure and Crusade are out...

November 24, 2015 7:52 p.m.

Kjartan says... #5

Why all the "Bad" lands?

November 24, 2015 8:05 p.m.

Peanut3181 says... #6

The reason for all the bad lands is because when I take any damage I put that many 1/1 tokens out with Darien's ability even if it's from lands.

November 24, 2015 10:35 p.m.

Peanut3181 says... #7

Dictate of Heliod is nice because it has flash and I can easily sneak in an army for 45 instead of 15, and it only pumps my creatures as well and not other white creatures.

November 24, 2015 10:37 p.m.

Kjartan says... #8

Peanut3181 Ahhh, noice

November 25, 2015 6:11 a.m.

spiritwolf13 says... #9

Vedalken Orrery would let you flash in your life gainy stuff on the combat step, allowing you to just make no blocks and regain all the life, and trick your opponents into tapping out.

November 29, 2015 11:59 p.m.

ElendVenture says... #10

Marshal's Anthem, doubles as an Anthem and late game recursion. Hour of Reckoning for a mostly one sided board wipe. Devout Invocation to double the amount of tokens you have on the field. Since you have a lot of life gain, Angelic Accord would be pretty sweet.

Since we've been talking angel tokens for the last two cards, why not Luminarch Ascension? Having this and your commander out would make people want to hurt you every turn to keep the counters down, which would make play right into your main plan anyway. But if not, you get as many cheap 4/4 angels as you can pay for every turn.

November 30, 2015 8:05 a.m.

Peanut3181 says... #11

ElendVenture I do like the idea and the politics of Luminarch Ascension but I don't really know what I would take out for it. I'm still thinking about Devout Invocation, I do need a little more recursion and recovery from board wipes.

November 30, 2015 4:33 p.m.

ElendVenture says... #12

Without hesitation I would cut out Brave the Elements and Rebuff the Wicked. Both are extremely situational, and nice to have when those situations arrive. But there is no real redundancy for those effects in your deck, so you will be relying on a lot of luck to have them exactly when you need them.

Looking over your deck again, you should also add Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and Reliquary Tower.

November 30, 2015 6:53 p.m.

Peanut3181 says... #13

the reason i have those in there is in case someone targets my commander or one of my high value creatures. I found this extremely helpful. I know it's situational but my meta plays a ton of removal. Brave the Elements also helps my creatures swing in for the final kill and not just only protection. Nykthos and Reliquary Tower are definitely going in there though.

November 30, 2015 11:11 p.m.

Spinalripper says... #14

+1 just for the name!

November 30, 2015 11:34 p.m.

punchdrinkcry says... #16

Though a fair deal of creatures you create are Soldiers, I'm still not convinced that Coat of Arms is the proper include. It buffs your opponents' team as well. It may as well say "All Goblins get huge but that's really it." And with only four equipment cards, Relic Seeker looks borderline unplayable.

May I interest you in Eldrazi Monument and an Akroma's Memorial? Getting to use your team when you generate them seems pretty important and you are weak to sweepers and skies teams.

December 1, 2015 12:10 p.m.

punchdrinkcry says... #18

There's one for cheap in one of the Commander 15 decks. I forget which one.

December 1, 2015 2:01 p.m.

DiamondFlavor says... #19

I had once theory-crafted a Darien deck that was more focused on combos than swarms and pumps. Looking here makes me want to bring that back and actualize it.

Blasting Station can do some wacky things for you. You can sacrifice a soldier to shoot yourself for one, which triggers Darien to make another soldier and untaps the Station. This loop is potentially handy. If you have any of the Soul Warden effects in play, it makes a closed loop. If you have multiples, you get infinite life. You can also abuse any other "enters the battlefield", "leaves the battlefield", or "dies" triggers, particularly things like Mentor of the Meek, Goldnight Commander, Cathars' Crusade, which already play into the swarm strategy anyway. With this loop, Altar of the Brood is a win-condition. Requiem Angel in the mix gives you infinite flying spirits.

I understand that this is mostly a footnote to your strategy, and that many playgroups do not encourage or allow infinite combos. I just like mentioning it because Darien gets really funky for a mono white commander. Also, Blasting Station is a fine card to have anyway just for the non-infinite synergies with your commander. Say an opponent tries to exile something you want to reanimate, or tries to Mind Control Darien, or just targets your things with removal, it's usually going to be worth it to net the soldier instead.

Also, sacrifice outlets let you go infinite in a few other ways: Reveillark, Karmic Guide, and a sac outlet lets you loop infinitely, as your can use Reveillark's LTB to grab Karmic Guide and another <2 power creature, then use Karmic Guide to grab Reveillark. Sun Titan (who I recommend you play anyway because he's so good) makes a loop with Fiend Hunter, as you can exile the Titan under the Hunter, then sac the Hunter to return the Titan, then use the Titan's ETB to return the Hunter. This lets you sac the Hunter infinite times, with, say, Blasting Station to win. Same thing also works with Gift of Immortality or Angelic Renewal and Sun Titan (sac the Titan, the enchantment returns him, he returns the enchantment).

In addition to Blasting Station, Ashnod's Altar and Phyrexian Altar are worth playing even in the non-combo route for times when you need mana more than bodies. It's not a fringe situation to have Well of Lost Dreams, Ashnod's Altar, and Soul Warden and just turn your dudes into straight cards. Or just Mentor of the Meek and Ashnod's Altar. You can also do stuff like sac 10 soldiers to Ashnod's for (20), then Martial Coup for x = 20.

Altar of Dementia might seem like a weird choice, until you have 10 soldiers with +/+ from Dictate of Heliod or Cathars' Crusade and your opponent has Propaganda or plays Rakdos Charm or a board wipe.

Jinxed Idol and Jinxed Ring give you steady but bearable sources of damage to self when you don't want to rely on forcing opponents to attack you. Also, they provide an opportunity to sacrifice when needed, and can be a nuisance for opponents who can't get rid of it or use the damage as easily as you can.

Just some ideas.

December 1, 2015 9:30 p.m.

FourDoughnut says... #20

Sweet deck! I'm gonna give you some suggestions from my own darien deck that I think you'll enjoy

Worship, Blasting Station, Dingus Staff

Blasting station + Dingus staff + darien = infinite sac, infinite etb triggers and infinite damage. Pretty sweet.

Worship speaks for itself

DEFINITLEY put in Luminarch ascension, having that and darien in play is nasty.

In my deck I also run silly things like Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth And Kormus Bell really helps deter boardwipes, and if you can drop elesh norn it's gg

December 2, 2015 10:28 a.m.

Peanut3181 says... #21

Thank you DiamondFlavor and FourDoughnut!! I will definitely be adding in some of those great card suggestions for the deck.I really love the idea of making infinite spirit tokens and Blasting Station with Requiem Angel and cards of the like to trigger my ETB effects. This seems so so gross.

I also love the idea of Luminarch Ascension for some added value and also the idea of Altar of the Brood and Altar of Dementia. Thanks so much!! Please come back and review the deck later to see the changes I made.

December 3, 2015 12:31 a.m.

Death927 says... #22

Well, I see dead people.

Also, you should maybe think about putting in Ajani, Caller of the Pride

December 5, 2015 8:39 p.m.

griffstick says... #23

Faith's Shield is better than Rebuff the Wicked is every way. Also can save you commander against a damage based board wipe

December 6, 2015 4:39 p.m.

griffstick says... #24

I'd change Oblivion Ring for either Stasis Snare or Quarantine Field.

December 6, 2015 4:53 p.m.

The2kman says... #25

What about playing Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth with Karma to have your opponents take damage for all their lands since they should have more than you.

Also, maybe consider Kismet instead of Loxodon Gatekeeper. Then it's less likely to be destroyed by board wipes.

Gift of Estates for ramp?

December 8, 2015 8:38 p.m. Edited.

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