Peanut3181 says... #2
Oh for sure, I had somebody Path to Exile and Swords to Plowshares Darien on back to back turns. The combo is too fragile against control decks. It was Esper control. If people know what your doing they will break the combo, especially when you play Blasting Station.
Thanks so much for though for building it!!!!
September 12, 2016 9:13 a.m.
Forceofnature1 says... #3
Well I had a VERY fun time piloting my 2.0 version of the deck. It worked a LOT more smoothly and I felt like I had something to do every turn. Even when things got disrupted, they were never SO disrupted that I couldn't get some steam going again.
I didn't win every game, which is fine with me, but they were all very fun. The flavor on these cards is so great too, felt like I was telling an epic story about a human vs zombie free for all.
I tried to look at my decklist to make sure I wasn't just copying yours and I feel pretty happy with the differences. I mean there are the same white power cards as always but I am using different artifacts and not pushing the Darien abuse to the far end. I produce a bunch of tokens but have more targeted removal than you do. Our table gets a little ridiculous so I have to be more aggressive in my spot removal.
Overall great deck, I'll be interested to see how it plays as I develop it a bit more! I'll post the decklist when I get a chance too and give you props for the inspiration!
September 14, 2016 12:49 p.m.
Peanut3181 says... #4
wow man! thanks so much for building it! I love to see people really excited when they build it! I'm definitely a synergy player as you can probably tell. I go all in on a strategy and stay with it.
Please post the decklist and message me with the list, I'm intrigued to see it!!
September 25, 2016 7:22 p.m.
Casual-Player says... #5
Hi, the deck looks cool.Maybe a Promise of Bunrei could work well too :)
January 11, 2017 11:43 p.m.
Peanut3181 says... #6
hmm...the issue i have with that card is that it isn't recurrable since the enchantment is sacrified. I have ways to get it back but i would rather use Sun Titan for get back a Soul sister. I gotta weight the cost. Upside is that i pay 3 mana for 4 1/1's. Or if it gets exiled I take 1 removal spell and 0 spirits.
Thanks for the comment tho! Thanks for liking the deck!
February 4, 2017 2:06 a.m.
BX223Hunter says... #7
LOVE this deck!! Thank you for the crazy awesome inspiration!!
Do you ever find your removal suite light on enchantment hate?
I found that Brimaz is only okay given how fast D pumps out the soldiers, so I'm experimenting with an Dispeller's Capsule in its place since we're running the archaeologist to recur it.
February 28, 2017 9:01 p.m.
Peanut3181 says... #8
I do have Austere Command, and Return to Dust and Oblivion Ring the deck is pretty weak when it comes to removal and being able to control the board. The capsul is ok, I would maybe use Aura of Silence instead.
Thanks for the compliment! I always bust this out if we are going super casual and I feel like confusing people lol
February 28, 2017 11:25 p.m.
BX223Hunter says... #9
Darien Paper is the version I built from your inspiration
March 1, 2017 3:06 a.m.
revenger2112 says... #10
Have you thought about including Extraplanar Lens + Snow-Covered Plains , or is that too janky for you?
June 9, 2017 1:24 a.m.
Peanut3181 says... #11
See I don't even think it's jank. It's quite good, but I do wanna go a little easy on mana doublers
June 10, 2017 10:09 p.m.
you should add Anointer Priest it never hurts to add another healer plus it can recur itself
April 25, 2018 9:42 p.m.
OneManClan says... #13
My playgroup just assigned this CC to me to build. Looking it over, how does Karoo make this deck more efficient?
August 21, 2018 1:44 a.m.
Peanut3181 says... #14
Haha that's awesome!!! It can technically give you card advantage for bouncing another land and allowing you to make your next land drop for the turn. It's just personal preference, the downside of bouncing a untapped plains can be rough if you're sitting on non-basics. It's non-essential.
If you don't like the mana base feel free to add a few extra lands and take out something like Ankh of Mishra or Worship
August 27, 2018 7:23 a.m. Edited.
OneManClan says... #15
Here's my build for Darien after using your build for starting inspiration.
I wanted to make the deck more versatile and not entirely dependent on Darien while also having a reactive element since mono-white "struggles" to keep up with faster decks. So far this build has been owning games and its been a blast to play.
I'd love to know what you think.
I'm also working on a more multi-combo build to see how so that way I can play Darien at tournaments.
September 8, 2018 6:36 a.m.
AngelicOverseer88 says... #16
Why are you running Grand Coliseum , when you could be running Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx ? That would make more sense, since you are a mono-colored deck.
Nykthos does work in my mono white angel deck.
April 3, 2019 9:05 a.m.
Peanut3181 says... #17
Nykthos is most definitely in the deck lol. Idk how I missed it in my decklist. It’s a staple in any mono colored deck
April 8, 2019 11:17 a.m.
bspymaster says... #18
FYI, I don't think Darien, King of Kjeldor + Blasting Station + Soul Warden + Altar of Dementia doesn't work. Altar of Dementia and Blasting Station both require you to sac the creature to it. Therefore, you can't sacrifice a creature to both Altar of Dementia and Blasting Station . Other than that, love the concept!
April 14, 2019 11:48 p.m.
How would you untap the blasting station to make it go infinite?
May 4, 2019 11:03 p.m.
Nevermind - I'm an idiot and I forgot how blasting station works lol.
May 5, 2019 8:20 p.m.
Peanut3181 says... #21
You are correct about not sacrificing a creature to altar of dementia and blasting station, BUT with cards like Goldnight Commander , Cathars' Crusade and Archangel of Thune I can mill them out because the soldiers can be infinitely big from infinite ETB triggers
May 6, 2019 8:03 p.m. Edited.
I really like the look of this deck! I'm currently working on some ideas for another creature token deck (preferably around flying/lifelink) but this is really providing some interesting insight into what might be the best way to go about making tokens and getting the most amount of benefits from them without having to lift a finger! awesome stuff +1
January 7, 2020 8:29 a.m.
Peanut3181 says... #23
Took out Kytheon, Hero of Akros Flip, Worship, and Emeria Shepherd. Pretty much do nothing cards and very specific.
Enter Teferi's Protection, Smothering Tithe and a plains to help with redundancy.
February 27, 2020 5:44 p.m.
Peanut3181 says... #24
The deck tends to be weak against control decks, but it is by far the most fun to play. Don't expect it to win a lot, but if you wanna do some cool stuff, this is a great deck!
Forceofnature1 says... #1
I agree, I played it in a 4 person matchup and a Bane of Progress derailed my entire game. Playing it one on one was pretty fun with the zombie deck, I wouldn't say it was "competitive" but definitely some fun interactions to be had. The lifegain helps as we both enjoy massive games/board states.
September 7, 2016 9:06 p.m.