I started with 8 land fetchers....

Standard* Demarge

SCORE: 1 | 5 COMMENTS | 2436 VIEWS Top 8: 10/12

Raspberries says... #1

Centaur Healer is a champ against zombies, granting 3 life certainly takes the edge off their rush and being a 3/3 allows him to block up to half of their creatures safely, and successfully trade with almost all of them. Great sideboard option for those running WG.

October 8, 2012 10:45 p.m.

Demarge says... #2

yeah the elixirs in the sideboard I could see easily becoming healers, I tried them mainboard for a good 25 games, but I found the healers to have been lackluster against w/g aggro as Rancor lets any of their creatures able to trade with them and a lot of their creatures are simply huge, but I can easily see them doing work against zombies. I've also decided to try out Redirect simply because there are a good number of strong removal spells going around and quite often a Redirect can act as a two for one version of card:Faith's Shield

October 8, 2012 11:27 p.m.

Demarge says... #3

after reading http://magic.tcgplayer.com/db/article.asp?ID=10749 I think I'll try out Deathrite Shaman in this deck, currently there's just one (because I own just one and since this deck'll be the one I'm using for states I'll have to be realistic while testing) but I do plan on finding more room so I can have 3-4 mainboard, the green ability will probably be the most used, but jace can help fuel the shaman and Abundant Growth can help me with his black ability.

October 9, 2012 6:53 a.m.

matt2265 says... #4

I suggest Snapcaster Mage s for terminus and verdict if you need

November 3, 2012 10:37 a.m.

Demarge says... #5

I actually haven't touched this since states and it's simply still up here mostly as a reference in case I want to try a better version out sometime.

November 3, 2012 4:03 p.m.

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