I Tap Your Deck

Modern aeonstoremyliver


GeminiSpartanX says... #1

Scry 3 is a powerful ability, but it doesn't directly help you win. Also I hope you know that Snapcaster targeting Archive Trap means you still have to pay 5 mana to flash it back. You actually can't flashback it for free (had to get a judge's ruling on that once just to make sure. Here's a link - http://tappedout.net/mtg-questions/snapcaster-mage-and-archive-trap/ ). So I'd cut a few of them to make room for more Breakings or the 4th Mind Funeral.

Your deck now has 4 sweepers, the 4 Paths, and Crypt incursions to stall, I don't know if you really need the Remands. Maybe as a SB card if you're up against a storm or burn deck that doesn't use creatures that much. If you want it just for the card-draw, I'd just finish your set of Visions of Beyond (<- that card wins games!). There's a reason Ancestral Recall is worth so much $$.

March 19, 2014 10:35 a.m.

GeminiSpartanX says... #2

*When I say 'cut a few of THEM' I mean the Owls. I re-read my post and wanted to clarify so you didn't think I meant the Traps. They rock!

March 19, 2014 10:42 a.m.

Good to know about Snappy and Trap.

I appreciate the help man, I'll play around with some changes, thanks!

March 19, 2014 9:02 p.m.

Oraxy51 says... #4

Grindstone for Mono-colored decks.

May 1, 2014 11:53 p.m.

Oraxy51 says... #5

First Strike + Deathtouch + Vigilance + Provoke = Screw target creature.

May 1, 2014 11:57 p.m.

Grindstone isn't Modern legal, sadly.

Oraxy51 what are you talking about screw target creature?

May 2, 2014 12:07 a.m.

rrankin15 says... #7

hey man i love the combo with Archive Trap

July 20, 2014 1:48 p.m.

Thanks! Ghost Quarter and Path to Exile force it, to a degree. Trap punishes any sort of tutoring, including fetches. Once I play Trap for free, Path reads, "Exile target creature," and Quarter becomes a virtual Strip Mine .

This deck can be quite competitive if piloted correctly, but I don't see it winning a PTQ. It's a rogue, boogeyman brew that's extremely fun and rewarding when it does win.

July 20, 2014 1:53 p.m.

rrankin15 says... #9

ive been looking for a way to incorporate it but i felt like it would only work some of the times so like sideboard at best. but you force it and thats kinda awesome

July 20, 2014 2:07 p.m.

I would most definately take out the 2 Day of Judgement?!?!?!! for 2 additional Glimpse the Unthinkable . Since you're running the full set of Path's, I'd also consider moving the Supreme Verdict s to the SB to bring in more Breaking / Entering . Against much of the current Modern meta, Jace's Phantasm is better than the Wights. Decks like U/W/R control and Infect run few creatures, as does most Rock/Jund lists or Tron (our worst matchup). The flying evasion also helps for the alternate beatdown win, whereas the only time I can think of Wight being better in modern is agaisnt Pod or Affinity decks. (Even then, Affinity has many flyers that will just fly over a large Wight). Perhaps you could replace them with the additional Breakings if you really want to keep maindeck boardwipes. However, creatures and boardwipes don't normally get along in the same deck, so you may consider maindeck Ensnaring Bridge s in place of the boardwipes so you can continue milling with crabs and block with Phantasms if they have someone that can still attack. Nice deck!

July 21, 2014 7:37 a.m.

Excellent suggestions!!! Thanks!

Cost is holding me back from Bridge and Glimpse, though. If I can trade hardcore for them, I would. Bridge is an invaluable resource I've had on my radar for awhile.

I will be making some adjustments with what I do have, however.

@GeminiSpartanX what do you think about Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver ?

July 21, 2014 12:46 p.m.

I agree about Ensnaring Bridge being an 'invaluable resource'! I just obtained my 2nd one by using store credit that I won by placing in our weekly Modern event at my LGS. Now that I have 2, I find that previously difficult matchups are much better since I maindeck both of them now. Merfolk has no answers to one, and zoo and rock decks have trouble as well. Affinity can power through them at instant speed (attacking with a 0/1 or 1/1 then insta-quipping Cranial Plating or adding battlecry triggers), so they're not as effective there. Still, they're just a generally great card to have if your deck doesn't rely on creatures to win.

As far as Ashiok goes, it really depends if you can protect him/her/it(?). You need to +1 at least 3 times in order to be better than a Breaking / Entering to be worth a slot (at least over the additional Breakings that you don't yet have in your list). The fact that he/she/it? exiles cards instead of milling them doesn't play well with Extractions or Crypt Incursions, which is the main reason I don't run any Ashiok in my list. If there was a draw-go list that was a solid control shell using nothing but Ashiok, Nephalia Drownyard , Archive Trap, and counterspells/removal (like paths), I think Ashiok would be a solid inclusion. Tbh, I've been thinking about a list like that for a while now, I just haven't tried to make it yet. Something like 20 lands, 10-15 recurrable or free mill sources, and 25 counters/removal/cantrips (super troll-y build). The main reason I haven't yet is that being able to activate our Ancestral Recall (Visions of Beyond ) on or after turn 3 is much easier with a build that mills cards like burn decks burn life as opposed to a slow control-style deck.

the tl;dr version is Ashiok is good only if you can protect it, which the burn-style mill doesn't normally do. So in this deck's case I wouldn't bother.

July 21, 2014 3:32 p.m.

addaff says... #13

I love me a good mill deck. Archive Trap is a must now that the onslaught fetches got reprinted. Wrath of God > Day of Judgement?!?!?!! since it stops regeneration. I would replace a Mind Funeral for another Glimpse the Unthinkable if you have it. Nothing is worse than hitting a mana pocket in the opponents deck. Maybe a Tormod's Crypt or Nihil Spellbomb in the side for control/burn/storm match ups. You could also use Quicken to mill them on their turn and draw a card.

I am working on an instant version of mill using Leyline of Anticipation . I have to find the right mix of mill and counterspells to get it to work.

Instant Mill (help needed) Playtest

Modern addaff


September 29, 2014 1:15 p.m.

Yep, Archive Trap is the bees knees! I love to drop two at once and mill almost half the deck.

I only have the one Wrath, at the moment. They're easy enough to obtain. I would love to have a playset of Glimpse the Unthinkable ; best mill card ever. I payed almost $30 for the two I have, now one is almost that. In time, I suppose. I am able to snatch a lot of land out of their deck with PtE and Ghost Quarter , plus their fetches.

Leyline of the Void post board and Surgical Extraction main are phenomenal graveyard hate. I'm reluctant to run a 'nonbo' with Crypt and Bomb as I have Stony Silence in the side.

Quicken is very interesting... I like the cantrip and effect for sure. I may have to test with it. I don't like the extra mana for it, causing my 2CMC to become 3CMC and so forth. I've pulled off turn 4-5 wins with this often, so slowing it down for a cantrip/Instant effect may not be the route I want to take. If I were playing a more Control build, it would definitely be in the 75.

I appreciate your suggestions and will scope your deck, addaff! Thanks for the +1!

October 2, 2014 9:35 p.m.

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