Are you sick and tired of all these Siege Rhinos running over your decks? I am too! Now there is something you can do about it. Not only is this method effective but it is super satisfying to attack with Mardu Shadowspear then once they declare blocks with Siege Rhino you throw a Necrobite on it. They still take 1 plus lose the big beast. Just as effective is a Butcher's Glee'ed Bloodsoaked Champion, your attack or theirs. Instants galore to mess with your opponent. Keep the board clear while still playing aggro.
Turn one: Swamp, Boodsoaked Champion
Turn two: Swamp, Mardu Shadowspear, swing for two-opponent 18
Turn three: Swamp, Master of the Feast, swing for four-opponent 14
Turn four: Mogis's Marauder , Foul-Tongue Shriek, swing all out for fifteen/five unblockable + gain four life just because-opponent -1
There is also a turn five win that takes your opponent to negative 16, I just decided to go with the turn four to show off.
Ruthless Ripper to make your opponent think twice about attacking you at all.
Bloodsoaked Champion for great recursion because you will be attacking every turn past the first.
Mardu Shadowspear because it is one damage no matter what.
Mogis's Marauder because it is a great finisher or great early game pressure. Very demoralizing to take 6+ damage turn three with nothing you can do about it.
Agent of Fates because it is also funny to attack against something big, declare blocks, throw a Butcher's Glee on him, have them have to sac their blocking creature and take six...+ you gain six.
Master of the Feast...yea they draw from him...but not for long.
Brutal Hordechief is a great finisher, especially with Mogis's Marauder or Foul-Tongue Shriek.
Read the Bones to get answers faster.
Everything else just to piss off people, you will be surprised how they never see it coming time and time again.
Sideboard I'm not sure of but that is the best I came up with considering the Meta I face at my LGS.
Thanks for checking this out. Comments and suggestions welcome.