Borborygmos Enraged is a creature that is a surprise for many commander players facing him. He is ruthless and left untouched for just a turn or two after he hits the board, he eliminates it. While it may take a few turns to make him enter the battlefield, the wait is worth it.
He is also known as the one true Rampager, bringing the powers of land and destruction together in beautiful harmony.
All of the cards in the deck have some reason to be in the deck although some do a low more than others. I have also tried to keep this at a reasonable budget, but keep in mind for anyone who want to enjoy this deck in their own EDH games its pretty easy to make it around $50 or less with over half of the deck being lands and all.
Here are some cards that I felt like explaining their usefulness. Not every card in the deck is described, either out of laziness or just unnecessary to discuss. If you have any questions about the deck feel free to ask. Its pretty fun and so long as Borgborygmos Enraged doesnt get tucked in the library too much.

Powerhouse Cards
Keen Sense and
Snake Umbra
-The ultimate enchantments for BorgyBorg. They make EACH land toss draw a card and with a couple land in hand when this happens, can be a game finisher.
Abundance - This is another really good card for the Rampager. Getting it out before Borgy allows you to fix your hand if you have too many land or visa-versa. With Keen Sense or
Snake Umbra
on the Rampager, it is game over. For each card drawn Abundance allows you to continue to draw land and continue to murder your opponents.
Life from the Loam - This is a card with a crazy amount of power in this deck, with the Rampager out, being able to grab some lands from graveyard and throw them again is pretty awesome. This card can just get mean if you have some card draw, allowing you to cast in multiple times in one turn.
Creeping Renaissance - Another possible win con, this card is a powerhouse with more and more land in your graveyard. On top of that, with its flashback this card is just insane. I have gotten over 10 land every time I have cast this card.
Praetor's Counsel -Similar to Creeping Renaissance allows you to grab all your land and whatever else you want from your graveyard.
Knollspine Dragon -This can end the game if you have enough mana and enough land. Attack with The Rampager, throw some land at people, then cast this monster of a dragon and watch your opponents cry as you draw card after card.
Illusionist's Bracers - equipped to The Rampager, it copies his land toss ability, then pitch them at people for 6 damage a pop.
Recycle - A strange card with a powerful potential lets you draw a card off of playing anything including lands. With Abundance out it can be really useful to get some needed cards in the hand.

Pure Land from library to battlefield ramp:
Cultivate, Farseek, Kodama's Reach, Rampant Growth, Shyshroud Claim, Ranger's Path,
Sakura-Tribe Elder
, Dawntreader Elk,
Growth Spasm Brings a land to the battlefield along with an eldrazi spawn all for 3 mana.
Harrow Sacrifice a tapped land to bring out 2 untapped basics at instant speed.
Far Wanderings gets a land on the battlefield for 3 mana or if you are throwing some lands away can get 3 land back into play.

Land from library into hand Ramp/ Bolt to a players face
Mulch With over half the deck being land, mulch helps get some needed land into the hand
Journey of Discovery
Convient card able to help grab land from the library and drop land onto the battlefield.
Yavimaya Elder Classic card draw/ land acquiring card.
Seek the Horizon
grabbing 3 lands from the library and then being able to wail them at people feels pretty nice.
Sprouting Vines
An instant speed card that has storm which is nice if you have a combo player in the game. Can get 3 land pretty consistently and the more the merrier.
Armillary Sphere throw it out early, and save it for Borgy for some nice damage.

Other Awesome Ramp:
Gaea's Touch Allows you to play extra basic forests which can be pretty handy with 24 of them in the deck. And then when its time to start the rampage sacrificing it for 2 mana is pretty helpful
Generator Servant A pretty awesome card for Borborygmos Enraged, allowing the Rampager to come into the battlefield with haste and start the party.
Koth of the Hammer Koth is a pretty rad dude, able to make mountains into 4/4 and untapping them, or just getting straight ramp if there are plenty of mountains.
Orcish Lumberjack
One of my personal favorite cards in this deck. A one drop than color fix early game if necessary, or just help make it that much easier to ramp into the Rampager.
Oracle of Mul Daya a ramping powerhouse, able to grab 2 of the 55 lands in the deck from the top whenever its in play. With so many other ramp spells, the deck is shuffled often, making it easier to get oracles effect.
Rites of Flourishing part group hug, mostly ramp, rites helps make you feel slightly less of an early game threat while being able to drop extra land each turn.
Sol Ring No explanation necessary.