I Want It, Now

Standard BenZyvera


RUGslug says... #1

This deck style just isn't fast, and that's something you should take into consideration. You might want to run some removal or some way to get your guys to be unblockable so that Nightveil Specter and Fiend of the Shadows can get their attacks to hit home.

i suggest Victim of Night , Ultimate Price , Devour Flesh or just straight up Murder .

Another thing I noticed is that you are running FOUR Invisible Stalker s when his sole purpose in your deck is based on 4/60 total cards (the cipher ones). You might want to test out Artful Dodge to allow your exilers to hit home and be able to cipher more often. Your cipher spells are expensive though (as all are) and you might want to run Crypt Ghast to speed up your ramp! With Realmwright every land is a swamp so tap away!

Evil Twin is a clunky form of removal and can honestly be taken out for the aforementioned removal.

Search the City just isn't that good in my opinion. idk.

-3 Evil Twin -4 Invisible Stalker -1 Search the City -1 Bane Alley Broker -1 Misthollow Griffin

+1 Realmwright +3 Crypt Ghast +2 Artful Dodge + 4 Removal Spell Combination of choice (Devour Flesh , Ultimate Price , Victim of Night , Tribute to Hunger , Murder , Tragic Slip , etc.)

Thats what i've got for ya man!

February 25, 2013 2:51 a.m.

caboose2900 says... #2

Haha! I love it! I made a deck just like this, well sort of. Same basic Idea except executed a lot differently. I don't know how to link things but here is address. You might get some ideas since our decks are so different yet similar. http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/no-rest-for-the-weary/

February 26, 2013 8:32 a.m.

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