Some of the combo decks going around for Jeskai Ascendancy have piqued my interest, but didn't go far enough to console my raging Johhny heart. I want it all, infinite mana, damage, tokens, card draw, mill, and I want it standard legal.
That being said, it is possible, though a bit janky to get to. One thing I take pride in this build is the abuse of Ensoul Artifact mixed with Darksteel Citadel. Basically, it will use the combo of
Jeskai Ascendency
Retraction Helix
, and 2 creatures, with one of them being an ensouled artifact. Use
Retraction Helix
to bounce Astral Cornucopia with X =0, and repeat to an unreasonable number. Every untap allows you to tap the citadel for mana, netting 1 mana every time you cycle through. That gets your infinite colorless mana.Keep the combo going then cast the Astral Cornucopia for charge counters for infinite colored mana.
Now, you have worked out infinite mana, and are doing an infinite number of noncreature spells, which leads to infinite mill with Altar of the Brood. Using these infinite noncreature spells combined with infinite mana with
will get you infinite goblin tokens.
So now you have infinite mana, milled out the opponent or opponents decks if you are playing multiplayer, and have an infinite number of goblin tokens, let's go for infinite card draw. Keep your combo going, and instead of infinite mana this time around, target a creature with
Oracle's Insight
, continue the combo loop and you have scryed and drawn your deck. If you want to kill your opponent and just about everything else on the board,
Lightning Volley
is another option instead of the
Oracle's Insight
, just combo out and ping everything to death.
There is Dig Through Time and some Negates to try and preserve things. Right now the deck is rather fragile, but can possibly just kill someone off if you get off enough Raise the Alarm or Hordeling Outburst. The sideboard is also there to add some protection when it is needed.
Also, if you want to be boring, you could also just get infinite mana for a Crater's Claws. I was also disappointed with how many X damage spells were in standard right now. You could also just Ensoul Artifact a Darksteel Citadel or Astral Cornucopia and just go to town.
Ideas or comments would be most welcome, enjoy.
Considering Monastery Mentor from Fates Reforged, but that blows the budget up by about 50%. Though it would easily replace goblinside for infinite tokens without requiring infinite mana first