♫ I want the woooorld. I want the whole world ♫

Commander / EDH Grimaldii


emd612 says... #1

Probably the best suited title i've ever seen. +1 for a great synergistic deck...and for a wonderful reference.

March 31, 2013 8:27 p.m.

islip says... #2

I'd cut Spite/Malice , Jace's Erasure and Reveka, Wizard Savant

Obelisk of Esper -> Darksteel Ingot strict upgrade.

Oblivion Ring -> Arrest because it traps their commander.

Detention Sphere -> Faith's Fetters same as above.

Oh and get a Sol Ring

March 31, 2013 8:31 p.m.

Grimaldii says... #3

@islip - great advice!

  • I've cut the advised cards

  • Huh, you're right, the obelisk is pretty flavourful for the deck, but yeah.. the ingot is 'strictly better'

  • Changed the other two suggestions, they're fairly cheap to get a hold of aswell!

  • Ah, I forgot Sol Ring , the perennial auto-include.. funnily enough, I've recently got hold of a cheap revised edition one, so I'll add it!

March 31, 2013 8:42 p.m.

metalevolence says... #4

If you need to take cards out, Elspeth seems like an easy choice.

April 2, 2013 3:18 p.m.

Grimaldii says... #5

Ho hum, I suppose so. I've seen another Merieke EDH deck that uses her to produce token chump blockers. Her ultimate would make everything indestructible too, same as Avacyn, Angel of Hope , but I suppose it's a long shot. Thanks, I hadn't really thought of her!

I thought 100 cards would be easy :p

April 2, 2013 3:28 p.m.

MagnorCriol says... #6

Mother of Runes doesn't help you keep what Merieke steals. Her ability doesn't do anything that Protection protects from. The only time the ability targets is right at the initial moment, and the ability's later destruction event doesn't target at all.

April 3, 2013 3:55 p.m.

MagnorCriol says... #7

Herp, forgot to mention that overall I like the deck. Seems fun to play.

April 3, 2013 3:56 p.m.

psychoza says... #8

OMG ... I remember assholes playing Isochron Scepter + Orim's Chant back in high school.


+1 for the memories!

April 3, 2013 4:02 p.m.

Yananas says... #9

Nightveil Specter

Simic Manipulator

Stolen Identity

Evil Twin

Some cards you might consider playing if playing your opponent's cards is your goal.

April 4, 2013 10:18 a.m.

Grimaldii says... #10

@Yananas - Some interesting cards! Squeezed Evil Twin in for the moment, and I like Stolen Identity . Could be fun on Soltari Visionary .

April 5, 2013 7:32 p.m.

Your deck has no way to deal with Homeward Path , think about it.

April 6, 2013 6:22 a.m.

also a fun fact Mind Over Matter which is one of the most broken cards in edh, goes very will with your general, but if you have Arcanis the Omnipotent out as well, and an eldrazi in your deck, you get to tap or untap any permanent infinity times, worth considering.

April 6, 2013 6:25 a.m.

awkwardraisin says... #13

Tragic Slip as something else to throw on that scepter? Combo's well with Merieke, she steals a creature, you untap her, it dies, kill another creature, steal one more!

April 6, 2013 6:59 a.m.

Grimaldii says... #14

@AzrielBarakiel - Okay, wasn't really aware of that card, thanks for the heads up. I believe Memnarch could still steal Homeward Path and I'll add a Strip Mine and Pithing Needle . It took me a minute to work out how it works, but I'll add in Mind Over Matter too! Need to decide between Kozilek, Butcher of Truth or Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre to include.

April 6, 2013 8:09 a.m.

I think Mortify would work beautifully in this deck. Also, Kozilek, Butcher of Truth gives you better bang for your buck over Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre .

April 6, 2013 10:36 a.m.

Milk__Man says... #16

What about adding in Sphere of Safety for more control?

April 6, 2013 10:54 a.m.

Grimaldii says... #17

@abstractApathist - Still haven't decided between the titans. I suppose Kozilek's card draw could be useful, but Ulamog is indestructible, and his destroy target permanent activates when cast, not when enters the battlefield, so he'd still kill something even when countered. I love Mortify though!

@Milk__Man - I like it! could be good with the relatively large amount of enchantments I have.

April 6, 2013 11:53 a.m.

Milk__Man says... #18

Glad to help!

April 6, 2013 12:06 p.m.

Kozilek also trigers when cast, to be honest i think that Kozilek is a better choice for you, my reasoning being that you want to use him to shuffle back in and the likelyhood that Ulamog will be killed is lower, and he is more p/t than ulamog for less mana, and worst case scenario, you cast him and get to draw 4 more cards. I feel as though your deck will have enough control once it is perfected to not need Ulamogs ability, but Kozilek's is, no matter the situation, always good. also check out Vindicate

April 6, 2013 6:41 p.m.

oh also Aven Mindcensor is an amazing card. Just in general. Serra's Sanctum doesnt get you much because all of your enchantments are pretty much 5+ drops, i would replace it with a Ghost Quarter to be honest. I'll add more suggestions later. Good luck man, she's a fun lady to play :p

April 6, 2013 6:47 p.m.

ninnyz says... #21

i highly reccomend Synod Sanctum . with untapping you run the risk of blowing up your "borrowed" creatures but the sanctum allows you to stow them away. PLUS it puts them back under your control. just don't invest too much in it

April 8, 2013 11:30 p.m.

Grimaldii says... #22

@ninnyz - Interesting suggestion, I can see how that'd work! It's also tutorable with Trinket Mage . More a matter now of working out what to take out for all the great suggestions I've got!

April 9, 2013 5:30 a.m.

Prison Term is strictly better than arrest, because it can also attach to creatures with hexproof since it attaches rather than target, fun fact. Tragic Slip seems under powered, and what is the reasoning for Enchanted Evening ?

April 9, 2013 7:24 a.m.

Grimaldii says... #24

@AzrielBarakiel - Enchanted Evening is in for shenanigans with Soltari Visionary , meaning it can destroy any permanent when it does damage. Also to combo with Greater Auramancy , meaning all my permanents have shroud, but the opponent is still open to Leave No Trace , Esper Charm etc.

April 9, 2013 10:49 a.m.

Grimaldii says... #25

@AzrielBarakiel - Also possibly with Ethereal Armor

April 9, 2013 10:53 a.m.

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