I win

Standard* bunbunrabbit


zandl says... #1

Um. Overgrown Tomb for Liliana?

Golgari Guildgate is only for Limited.

September 24, 2012 6:33 p.m.

MollyMab says... #2

This deck is 100 cards. That is far too many. A deck should only be above 100 for battle of wits. Cut 40 cards,. A good place to start would be all the artifacts, cremate, cower in fear and world spinewurm.

May I suggest grixis (blue, black, red) control. You keep Nico Bolas but you have more options.

September 30, 2012 7:31 p.m.

zandl says... #3

Yeah. 100 cards will simply never be consistent in Standard. 60 is the only real number you can afford to play with. Even 61 is statistically unsound.

September 30, 2012 11:16 p.m.

bunbunrabbit says... #4

I like 100 card decks because of the surprise they bring to the table. I like my opponents reaction when I sit down across from them at FNM with my deck. I also like their reaction when I top 4 (a couple of time over the past summer, I even came 2nd), with 100 card deck. I also like 100 card decks because of the nostaglic feelings they bring up in me from the days of yore, during summer camp, ~15 years ago when I first started playing and things like tracking CMC or statistical consistency were unheard of. You were playing a deck of at least 60, to meet the rule requirement, usually 80, 100, 200, 400, or more because that was all the cards you had and the thought that perhaps making a deck only 60 seemed so boring. I remember my Keldon Warlord deck, I don't remember anything about the specifics other then 4 Keldon Warlord s and the 100+ other creatures to fuel it.


LeaPlath and zandl thank you. I don't think I honestly thought of making this deck only 60 ever. I will listen and playtest your suggestions.

LeaPlath I'm going to do what you suggest to see how it plays. Would Rakdos Charm and Izzet Charm be cards worth exploring, in your opinion?

zandl, do you know of a link to a discussion about the statistics? I've tried googling it and I find inconsistent/incomplete information that didn't convince mean that 60 cards was better and not just the norm. So a more complete discussion about how the number are crunched and what they mean would be the most helpful thing in the world, in my opinion.

October 1, 2012 7:54 a.m.

MollyMab says... #5

The Rakdos charm is something for sideboard, while Izzet Charm, yeah, than can work mainboard.

The reason 60 cards is best is that it means you can pull the counters or answers you need, and their are better cards. I'm gonna hit copy and strip all the unneeded stuff from your deck. Then we have a place to start.

October 1, 2012 9:12 a.m.

MollyMab says... #6

deck:i-win-copy is me stripping your deck down.

Basically, for a deck, you want 40% lands. 60 cards. A sideboard full of answers to your match ups and weaknesses. And a win con. Geralfs is not so great for a controlly looking deck. Worldspine Wurm is not great for a controlly deck because you have no ramp and only 25 lands. Lilliana's Shades could work.

What do you want for a win con? Right here you could do Grixis control, or grixis tempo?

October 1, 2012 9:20 a.m.

zandl says... #7



October 1, 2012 10:59 a.m.

bunbunrabbit says... #8

zandl Thanks! That was exactly what I was looking for.

October 1, 2012 5:08 p.m.

bunbunrabbit says... #9

LeaPlath First, Thank you! Grixis ( I didn't know that what was what that color combo was called) is exactly what I was going for. A bunch of my early outlines for the deck had 200+ cards (before editing), with those colors. Second, I want the the win-con to be Army of the Damned , as I rarely see anyone pull that out and I really like putting 13 tokens on the field. That was why I had the card:Akroma's Memorial. The Chromatic Lantern was to help Worldspine Wurm with color and ramp and I was thinking Golgari Keyrune or Rakdos Keyrune for ramp overall. The Worldspine Wurm was there as an alt win-con, since with rotation I'm losing my old alt win-con Sorin's Vengence.

I'm thinking I'm leaning toward Grixis Control Deck. I want to be able tell the my opponent what s/he is allowed to do and if they try to do something else to be able to say "No." Which was where the card:Grafdigger's Cages, card:Tormod's Crypts, and Cremate s came from, because of the continuing focus on the graveyard as a tool. I had Vile Rebirth s in there, but I wanted the card draw from Cremate. card:Liliana's Shade has been a real boon for me currently, I hope that will continue.

My thinking for the deck is:

To help with artifact removal I had thought Vandalblast . And to more control Destroy the Evidence and Survey the Wreckage for mana source removal; Blustersquall to slow down Temp decks; Grave Betrayal to get rewarded for kill there creature; Street Spasm , Electrickery , and Explosive Impact to kill their creatures or to hit them in the face, with perhaps Guttersnipe adding some amp to the hit, to perhaps get a few extra points here or there and sneak over the top.

What about bringing back the Staff of Nin to add a bit of pain and or creature control with the added benefit of a card draw every turn?

I like the strip down you have, I don't think that I will be able to run Dreadbore for a couple of months due to the price, but I am and will be watching ebay and the rest of the internet. But I want to run Dreadbore and it was only the price the prevented me from putting it in i-win. Would Ravenous Rats or Drainpipe Vermin be something to add? and If so would card:Runechanter's Pike be worth the addition to try for early swings?

Once again thanks for you help, it has and is greatly appreciated.

October 1, 2012 7:05 p.m.

Kre says... #10

That looks so much better. Guttersnipe is a good win con, along with Bolas.

Few things.

Vandalblast can be sideboarded.

On the subject of sideboard, it is limited to 15 cards. Drop the Shades and the Electrcity.

I would drop all the negates and 1 disipate. Then add in Searing Spear and the like.

October 6, 2012 10:44 a.m.

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