Ib Halfheart, Goblin Sac-tician [PRIMER]
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 714 | 410 COMMENTS | 64756 VIEWS | IN 232 FOLDERS
Rasaru there is an Upgrade mention in one of the sections
- Fetches:
- Arid Mesa
Scalding Tarn
- Mox Opal
- Chrome Mox
The great thing about this deck is that you can tweak it to be more aggro, control, burn-oriented, etc. I've been taking the control approach by adding Sphere of Resistance, Ensnaring Bridge, Metalworker (as more ramp), Defense Grid, etc
June 26, 2020 9:25 a.m.
Rasaru Essentially its the same list above with the following changes. A few reasons for these changes; I prefer Premodern / Old border cards more. My playgroup isn't crazy about combos and land alteration/destruction. I found these changes to be a little light on creatures, so I plan on adding some more along the way
- Mana Crypt
- Purphoros, God of the Forge
- Goblin Wizard
- Blood Moon
- Magus of the Moon
- Rings of Brighthearth
- Tectonic Reformation
+ Mox Diamond
+ Sphere of Resistance
+ Ensnaring Bridge
+ Metalworker
+ Tangle wire
+ Mind Stone
+ Goblin Sharpshooter
June 26, 2020 11:32 a.m.
Liquidbeaver I just noticed your Muxus, Goblin Grandee. Goblin Ringleader would also be another inclusion for a similar effect.
Mind you, the ability isn't as good, since they go in your hand (with Ringleader) instead of in play (with Muxus), but still thins your deck out & allows you to draw cards sooner (as early as turn 2 or 3) instead of turn 4 or 5 with Muxus.
June 27, 2020 2:22 p.m.
Liquidbeaver says... #6
Hello everyone! It's been a long time since my last real update, but I wanted to get in here and at least update the list. Primer update to come later!
Conspicuous Snoop: Pretty self explanatory, just a solid card for digging and comboing off.
Muxus, Goblin Grandee: Such a strong card that I focused on adding more goblins just so I could take advantage of this and Snoop more often. Combos especially well with Goblin Recruiter. The CMC is high, but we have a lot of ways to freecast it, especially with the recent re-addition of Goblin Wizard.
Skirk Fire Marshal: This is a card I feel like was in my first list, and I took it out really early on because I was new to Magic and getting my ass kicked all the time, so losing 10 life was a death sentence. Now with all the damage doublers (and a new tripler!), as well as having several years with the deck under my belt, I think I can take advantage of this again.
Fiery Emancipation: For 1 colorless more than Gratuitous Violence you get triple the damage and it effects all sources too, not just creatures. The thought of Ibsplosions for 12, or a Goblin War Strike easily breaking 100 damage is just exciting. Time will tell if the CMC is just too high. I think this is strong enough that I would probably add more ramp before I cut this due to cost. Maybe this will bring about the return of Mana Echoes?
Mind's Eye: Giving this thing another chance. It's a staple draw card in EDH for a reason. Again the cost of this is high, so it may be replaced by Thrill of Possibility or something.
Sensei's Divining Top: This is top tier filtering, I don't doubt that whatsoever, but as far as gameplay clunkiness it is also top tier. Mind's Eye took this slot so I wouldn't go down in draw sources.
Insult / Injury: The card that is always the easiest gap filler is also always the easiest card to remove.
Fervor: This is out simply because it is one dimensional. I'm really starting to get a lot of multi-use cards, and more haste sources than before (and a lower need for haste in general), so this unfortunately doesn't make the cut anymore.
Tectonic Reformation: Not as good in practice as I would have hoped. I built all of the deck to try to get as many cards as possible directly into play, and with the very low land count I hardly ever have lands in hand to actually use this. It probably does a lot more in the budget version of the deck then it does this one.
Wild Ricochet: Very fun card, but not something you can count on using because it relies so heavily on what other people play. Would definitely consider putting this back in after more testing.
Other Cards I Am Curious About
Goblin Charbelcher: Always wanted to have this in as an alternate wincon. Even when it doesn't hit hard, it is still consistent, targeted damage I don't often get. Looking for a slot for this ASAP.
Destructive Digger: This seems strong. Does anyone have experience with it? Especially with Goblin Welder or Crucible this becomes a very good draw engine. Also on the short list to be added.
Dockside Extortionist: I think this card has potential, but I am still leery about how it actually plays out. Potentially better than Mana Echoes though. Hilarious in decks with Mycosynth Lattice.
Molten Echoes: I initially misread this and was like AUTOINCLUDE, but after turning on my reading comprehension I realized it was nontoken only. However I do have quite a few gobbos floating around in the deck now, but the potentially they aren't cast is still high. Hmmmm.
Deflecting Swat: Thoughts on this? Seems like a really solid card all around.
Well that's it for now. Hopefully I get to play this again soon for more testing. I might have to buy into it on MTGO just to get a bunch of rounds in....
Let me know what you think about the changes!
August 21, 2020 8:49 p.m.
paytongamer says... #7
I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the modified build once it has had some run. I don’t play my Ib deck as often as I would like because it can be overpowered for my playgroup. The few times I have played Tectonic Reformation I didn’t get any value off it. Knowing it’s not just me, I probably have something else I’d like to try.
I haven’t tried Deflecting Swat in Ib but where I have played it, I have found it useful. Like Wild Ricochet, the usefulness depends on what your opponents do.
Thanks for sharing the update.
August 21, 2020 10:25 p.m.
Liquidbeaver says... #8
sdidonato: With how the deck is turning out in this iteration I think Goblin Ringleader may finally be a good fit. Going to try to find a place to test him in.
paytongamer: It will probably be a while before I can play it in person again, but as soon as I do I will definitely post my thoughts here
August 22, 2020 11:39 a.m.
Liquidbeaver Yeah, I’ve been testing him out for some time. It’s happened where Goblin Matron + Ringleader allowed me to not get totally fizzled out by a board wipe, by keeping gobbos in the hand just in case.
August 23, 2020 9:55 a.m.
Liquidbeaver says... #11
+1 Arid Mesa
With the addition of Conspicuous Snoop, and the successful trial of Experimental Frenzy, having control over my own topdeck has become more important. Madblind does a decent job, mostly because of the Mountain subtype, but coming in tap can be a real detriment, mostly because we are running very land lean.
August 23, 2020 4:28 p.m.
Liquidbeaver says... #12
So in an effort to get more ramp and interaction, I have to start cutting good cards that are just simply not strong enough.
For Daretti, although he is a great engine, in dozens and dozens of games I have only activated him twice a few times, so for his cost and the slot he takes up at least in my meta he isn't good enough.
For Trashmaster, in this deck his first ability doesn't matter hardly ever, and his second ability is good, but not 4 CMC and on a stick good.
I also would like to add Treasonous Ogre for more ramp (or maybe Chrome Mox instead?), and for some recursion Underworld Breach. Opinions on the current list and what feels like the "weakest" cards? I think I'm past the point of having bad cards now, and have to judge things on which is the "least good".
August 23, 2020 5:04 p.m.
I just ordered 2 Tawnos's Coffin because it was way below market value, but I'm wondering if it might go well in here. It would syngergize well with Dockside Extortionist, Imperial Recruiter, Muxus, Goblin Grandee, Purphoros, God of the Forge, Goblin Recruiter, etc... you could even "exile" one of your creatures then Skirk Fire Marshal the world.
August 24, 2020 4:51 p.m.
Liquidbeaver says... #14
sdidonato: I've thought about bounce effects before, but I've also never had this many ETB effects before so it would definitely be more impactful now. My first instinct would be to use Conjurer's Closet for that effect, but at least in my meta I'm not sure the game would go long enough for me to get enough use out of it. If the Coffin didn't tap after the first creature, if it was instead as many as I could pay for in one go, I would absolutely run it.
September 12, 2020 12:06 p.m.
Liquidbeaver says... #15
There are a several cards in Zendikar Rising that will probably make it into the deck! Just a really, really solid set all around. Here are the all the auto-includes for me.
Nahiri's Lithoforming: This card has so much potential! Not only is it decent draw when you only sacrifice a land or two to it, but if you have Crucible of Worlds out this becomes downright ridiculous. Also another rare land sacrifice effect that sets us up for Acidic Soil and Price of Progress.
Valakut Exploration: Just a very strong draw engine, and also the cheapest repeatable effect we have access to that isn't symmetrical. Adding damage to each opponent on top of that is just icing on the cake.
Valakut Awakening Flip: Card filtering (to the bottom of your deck mind you!) with a bonus draw and backside land is very strong.
Lithoform Engine: I'm on the fence about whether this is too costly of an effect, but there is no doubt it is strong, and fun too. We have many, many things of each category that can take advantage of this.
Are there any others you think I should consider?
September 12, 2020 12:31 p.m. Edited.
Liquidbeaver - What cards would you cut for these auto-includes?
September 25, 2020 2:58 p.m.
Liquidbeaver says... #17
Rasaru Here is what I took out for Nahiri's Lithoforming,Valakut Exploration, and Valakut Awakening Flip:
Mind's Eye - I think Lithoforming and Exploration are both stronger cards in this deck.
Torbran, Thane of Red Fell - While strong, with the addition of Fiery Emancipation and this being a damage increaser on a body, I think this is the weakest damage amplifier at the moment.
Snow-Covered Mountainx1 - I will have to see how big the impact this has on my mulligans and draws. I've been able to more than double the amount of draw the deck had even a year ago, but I'm not sure if that is enough to cut the land count down any further.
I've decided against Lithoform Engine for now.
With the potential of a Commander Legends to add a few more cards to this deck, namely Jeska's Will, Jeweled Lotus, and maybe Wheel of Misfortune I am looking for a few cards to cut.
As always it feels impossible.
I feel like the two weakest may be Goblin War Drums, and I never thought I would say this but Disrupt Decorum. Thoughts anyone?
I am also considering adding Goblin Engineer at that point to capitalize on Lotus, Crucible of Worlds for the interaction with Nahiri's Lithoforming, and all the artifacts I am likely to get with Dockside Extortionist.
Additionally, I completely forgot Cavalier of Flame was a thing. Might be a good finisher, especially with Fiery Emancipation in the deck.
October 30, 2020 4:36 p.m.
paytongamer says... #19
Goblin War Drums feels like an appropriate cut. 3 mana and a spot in the 99 to give the field menace? Nothing wrong with it. I ask you (because you've shuffled up the deck a heck of lot more times than I have), how often was Menace the deciding difference in a game? The deck seems to be shifting a little more towards burn and if that is the case. . . .
I am excited to try out many of these new cards myself.
October 30, 2020 10:08 p.m.
Boggart Shenanigans might be good. Can't tell if you've considered it.
October 30, 2020 10:27 p.m.
Liquidbeaver says... #21
paytongamer: In the last several revisions of the deck since I've added Goblin War Drums the Menace hasn't really been impactful because I am winning through something else that uses the Goblins as fuel. Along the same lines I barely get to use Goblin King's evasion, but he has a higher impact potential. It's rare that the damage being dealt by an unblocked Goblin is actually killing someone, it's more likely the Impact Tremors, Raid Bombardment, or Repercussion is doing it.
This is even more the case now with the recent additions of Skirk Fire Marshal, Valakut Exploration, and Massive Raid. I think if the deck focused more on Krenko, big mana with Goblin Warrens, and prioritized combat step damage, then Goblin War Drums becomes much more impactful. That has definitely been this deck at multiple times since I first built it, which just goes to show how flexible Ib is that you can tailor the deck to focus on so many different styles of play.
DBCooper: Shenanigans is good, especially because it can be tutored like any Goblin creature can, and can be freecast off of everything except Muxus, but I think the larger the table gets the less effective Shenanigans is. The same deck I was describing to paytongamer would do well with Shenanigans, a deck that just makes an obscene amount of tokens so it doesn't really matter than you are only hitting one player at a time because you have 250 Goblins to feed into it.
October 31, 2020 12:16 p.m.
BogatyrOfMurom says... #22
I like the deck but I recommand running a copy of Throne of the God Pharaoh, it inflicts damage directly to your opponents and its a card of good value
November 2, 2020 2:26 a.m.
TheApexHat says... #23
Hey there, I've been playing a deck inspired by this for almost 2 years now, and I was wondering what you thought about Toralf, the red god from Kaldheim, for this deck? Splashing the non-combat damage from Ib around seems very fun, as we're running repercussion anyways. What do you think?
January 14, 2021 10:57 p.m.
Liquidbeaver says... #24
TheApexHat That is awesome! It always makes me happy to hear that people have made their own Ib decks and that I had anything to do with inspiring it.
Toralf is exactly the type of card I love running. On top of potentially double-dipping with Repercussion you get to trigger Toralf with:
Blasphemous Act - BIG one here
Not to mention how much more likely we are to overkill a creature due to the damage doublers (and the one tripler).
Not sure what I will drop for it, but it is definitely making its way in. I haven't been able to review Kaldheim for includes yet, so thanks for the idea!
January 23, 2021 11:16 p.m.
Hey Liquidbeaver,
First of all I love all this hahah. Ive played Krenko for years and at the end I was so fucking done with him. Seeing this list makes my heart go faster and in the mood to build goblins again.
I think the list is overall really solid, the only thing what worries me is you seem to rely HEAVILY on Crucible of World. What do you do when it gets exiled or even destroyed? It seems like if they just take out your crucible they basically take out your Ib.
Would really like to know this before I even start building :)
Rasaru says... #1
Liquidbeaver Let me first say that this deck looks super fun to play. Excellent job! If you had a little extra cash and could take this baby to the 1k mark (budget-wise), would there be any specific changes that you'd make? Or do you think it's pretty well optimized at the moment?
June 24, 2020 9:22 a.m.