Ib Halfheart, Goblin Sac-tician [PRIMER]
Commander / EDH
SCORE: 714 | 410 COMMENTS | 64756 VIEWS | IN 232 FOLDERS
Liquidbeaver says... #2
Still in the middle of reviewing the Innistrad sets but have one card I think easily slots in in place of an existing card:
As much as I like Mizzium Mortars I think this fits much better overall. Being one-sided is really rare in red, plus being so cheap to cast. I look at it as a way to just tamp down all the opponents and knock everyone down a peg while I build my boardstate. Also works well with Soul-Scar Mage.
Keep watching for more updates from Innistrad, and if you think something is a must-include let me know!
November 20, 2021 4:29 p.m.
I can't remember if this was already discussed, but what are you thoughts on Invasion Plans, Heat Stroke and Grappling Hook? In my experience with this deck (played it about 20 times now). I've only every used Ib's first ability (sac and deal 4 dmg) only once (just yesterday)! As a result, I started digging trying to find ways to utilize this ability more. I decided to remove Magus of the Moon and Blood Moon, so I've got a couple free slots open :)
December 3, 2021 10:14 a.m.
paytongamer says... #4
Rasaru, I like Invasion Plans. I ran Grappling Hook in my deck at one time. Ib's sac a goblin to damage a blocking creature hasn't come up all that often for me in the games either. Players who want to block and don't want their creatures blown up generally prioritize getting Ib off the battlefield. I can't say I gave hook a great chance to prove it's worth in the deck but I remember the 8 mana to play and equip was just too much investment when I should have been focused on developing my board state. Heat Stroke seems redundant. I would hope your Ibplosion would have done the job, especially if you have one of the many ways to increase that damage out on the battlefield. Invasion Plans definitely looks like the best option for a strategy where you want to Ibsplode lots of stuff. In the right Meta it sounds like a blast.
At this point I generally won't even run Ib out until I am getting close to being able to go off and win or I have decent protection for him. Sacrificing lands to make gobos is the ability I use to reliably win games. In a game last night I tried to alpha strike with a huge swarm of gobos to clear the board before I went for the win. One of my opponents played a fancy fog that ruined the attack so just sacked the team to Goblin Bombardment. It was a very silly game and I had Gratuitous Violence & Fiery Emancipation on the battle field so each Bombardment trigger hit for 6. Game over.
December 3, 2021 12:42 p.m.
paytongamer Sounds like a blast! Last night's victory came from a main phase Price of Progress + Acidic Soil. There was a Nekusar, the Mindrazer out most of the game, so I was just patient and enjoyed the extra draw until it was time to wipe all 3 players at once :)
I think I'm going to make the following changes..
Blood Moon -> Invasion Plans
Magus of the Moon -> Goblin Trashmaster (lots of artifacts in my meta)
Glimpse of Tomorrow -> Tibalt's Trickery
I might even take out Burnished Hart for a Extraplanar Lens
Since I don't really make a ton of tokens (unless Krenko is out), I've never been satisfied with Glimpse.
December 3, 2021 1:22 p.m. Edited.
paytongamer says... #6
Rasaru, your game actually sounds similar to the one I mentioned. I was facing Kwain, Itinerant Meddler and loving the extra card draw. When I played Fiery Emancipation it got countered and I ended up taking a bunch of actions with that counter on the stack, drawing and impulse drawing about 35 cards. I found my Tibalt's Trickery and countered the Negate. This is a long way of me saying, I support you putting Trickery in your deck.
December 5, 2021 1:02 p.m.
Liquidbeaver says... #7
paytongamer/Rasaru: I support all of these ideas!
Invasion Plans was actually in the very first version of this deck, before it even made it on TappedOut I think. Depending on your meta it can honestly be great, and just like with Ib, if you slam it down the turn you can actually use it opponents don't get the opportunity to use it against you.
I've had absolute blow-outs with just Nemesis Mask so it stands to reason it should be even easier with Invasion Plans, and if you happen to have Soul-Scar Mage or Toralf, God of Fury Flip out you could really just turn the entire game upside down.
When Tibalt's Trickery was spoiled I seriously considered adding it, and I'm finding the disruption value of cards in a deck like this can often be taken advantage of moreso than something that is just pure power. This is also why Wheel effects can be so devastating, you're ready for it and they aren't.
December 8, 2021 1:27 p.m.
Liquidbeaver says... #8
Found two new cards I hadn't seen before:
Last-Ditch Effort & Impulsive Pilferer
Last-Ditch Effort is really intriguing when Pashalik Mons is on the field, or if you run Boggart Shenanigans (might be me soon).
Pilferer is honestly just a really solid 1-drop for us. Do we have enough space for it? Maybe not, but it does have everything we could hope to get out a 1 or even 2-drop.
December 8, 2021 1:47 p.m.
kamikaze132 says... #9
Hey Liquidbeaver, This is one of the coolest decks I've ever seen and I've been a fan of it for a while. I love goblins and want to recreate this deck myself. Is there any video of this deck being played so I can better understand some of the interactions?
December 14, 2021 12:51 a.m.
Liquidbeaver says... #10
kamikaze132: Thank you, I really appreciate the compliment!
I don't have any videos myself unfortunately, but if you have any questions at all I would be happy to answer them, and I'm sure we could get some other perspectives from others with the deck as well, since we all have different metas and preferred playstyles.
It definitely has play patterns that are not typical of a standard Goblin deck, but as long as you are a fan of big all-or-nothing plays that can really surprise the whole table (including yourself!) I think you'll like it.
December 19, 2021 12:59 p.m.
Liquidbeaver says... #12
Went through and made some minor updates to the primer, as well as some card changes to add some more Christmas spice!
Buried Ruin out for Command Beacon: Really should have done this sooner with how frequently I've had to recast Ib compared to how often I benefit from recurring an artifact, especially at the cost of losing the land. Also allows Ib to be cheated in, which prior to Command Beacon was not possible.
Goblin War Party out for Beetleback Chief: This has been a long time coming as I've slowly made the deck able to take advantage of creatures more than spells. The haste is now less important due to the increased amount of non-combat shenanigans the deck is doing, so it is outclassed by a body that makes tokens. This could be Siege-Gang Commander instead, or in addition if I can find another space.
Jeska's Will out for Tibalt's Trickery: This deck has always been the most fun for me and the rest of the table when it is was at it's most unpredictable, and Jeska's Will is just kinda boring from that perspective.
And for the most controversial swap of the day...
Faithless Looting out for Heat Stroke: (thanks Rasaru for the suggestion, I had never seen it!). Faithless Looting, as much as it was so good in Modern it had to be banned, with my version of Ib I find myself perpetually with a 0-1 card hand, where I can't cast or re-cast Faithless without losing everything I would draw.
As for Heat Stroke, note that it says after each combat, so not only does this "buff" our Ibsplosions (or provide redundancy when Ib isn't out!) to where they kill anything they hit, it only hurts us in the sense that we are incentivized to not block when we get attacked, but it will also destroy any blocked or blockers in any other combat as well. Chaos and disarray over control and planning!
All in all I am very happy with the current list, everything feels good and fun, it's balanced for my playstyle. Other than a couple lands or artifacts I don't feel anything is included just because it's a staple, but because it's the best card for what I want to do.
December 25, 2021 1:59 p.m. Edited.
Liquidbeaver says... #14
Getting caught up on new cards again, and definitely have a favorite so far:
This just has a lot to like. Either the opponent chooses to have 2 blockers get hit for 4, or they let it through and give us a treasure. If they do decide to block we deal 4 damage to each and draw a card off the attacker we were already going to lose, all for . Just a straight up great card for us.
We've also got Big Score which is just an improved version of the already decent Unexpected Windfall. Swap it out, or run both is the question?
Professional Face-Breaker also looks really solid now that we are generating treasures must more consistently...
Exciting times!
April 17, 2022 4:47 p.m.
Liquidbeaver says... #15
Contemplating a pretty scandalous card swap for this deck:
Crucible of Worlds out for Elixir of Immortality
(or similar effect)
Over the last several years the deck has gotten to the point that it can get little to no value out of Crucible outside of replaying a fetchland or two every 5 games where it actually comes out. It isn't something I would tutor for anymore, and isn't a huge priority most of the time as a Goblin Welder target.
Elixir on the other hand can be great nearly every game, especially getting dead Goblin lords and ladies back in the deck so I can grab them with Moggcatcher/Goblin Recruiter/Goblin Matron, get them back to the top for Conspicuous Snoop, and many others.
Really the only bad aspect is it puts lands back into the deck that I deliberately tried to remove, but with the all-or-nothing alpha strike style of this version of the deck that doesn't end up mattering as much.
Let me know your thoughts and we'll run it by Ib and see if he cares what we think or not.
April 18, 2022 5:14 p.m.
Spiteful Repossession might be good here, love your deck btw
April 21, 2022 12:24 p.m.
Liquidbeaver says... #17
Aceh: How did I miss that?! It is perfect for this deck! Figuring out a spot for it immediately...
April 21, 2022 8:48 p.m.
Liquidbeaver says... #18
Note the wording on Spiteful Repossession. It benefits from damage doublers, the tripler, Torbran, etc....
April 21, 2022 9:43 p.m.
Liquidbeaver says... #19
Found a couple more cards from New Capenna Commander that seem like great includes for a new version that focuses even more on Treasures.
Stay tuned for many new card swaps!
April 21, 2022 9:45 p.m.
Goblinking81 says... #20
Have you considered Goblin trashmaster??? gives the boost to your goblins, and you can sac them to destory artifacts
May 4, 2022 1:25 p.m.
Liquidbeaver says... #21
Goblinking81: I had Trashmaster in the deck up until fairly recently, but removed him due to having a decent number of sac outlets, and my main playgroup not being too artifact heavy. That being said I think he is an easy-add for a playgroup that is artifact heavy, although I don't think the new influx of specifically Treasures would qualify. Trading a creature for a Treasure would only be marginally okay with something like Pashalik Mons out.
May 19, 2022 10:44 p.m.
Liquidbeaver says... #23
Well if this isn't just the right kind of chaotic Ib card then I don't know what is. Love it!
May 20, 2022 10:32 p.m.
Rundvelt Hordemaster Show
We got a really good new goblin that I'll be adding for sure into my list
August 23, 2022 11:33 a.m.
Liquidbeaver says... #25
sdidonato: I have been moving the last couple weeks so I haven't been able to keep up to speed on Dominaria. That is a very strong card, one of the strongest we've gotten in a long time! Great card to help rebuild after a board wipe, or just dig deep through a sac engine. I love it!
Rasaru says... #1
If anyone is interested in buying this deck, I've got a blinged out version that I'm considering selling. Just DM me!
Ib Halfheart - Goblin Kamikaze
October 19, 2021 9:53 p.m.