Ib Halfheart, Goblin Sac-tician [PRIMER]

Commander / EDH Liquidbeaver

SCORE: 714 | 410 COMMENTS | 64752 VIEWS | IN 232 FOLDERS

Liquidbeaver says... #1

mlequesne: That is really interesting.... I had always included Sledder over Raider because it was half the cost, but I had never seen the other printing before. I am seriously going to look into that, thank you!

December 5, 2017 11:28 a.m.

Liquidbeaver says... #2

Cyfer: In the same realm of Mind's Eye there is also Farsight Mask which you will probably like. The pseudo-protection is nice, and also the draw is for each time you take damage, so if you get attacked with 10 tokens, you draw 10 cards.

December 5, 2017 11:38 a.m.

Liquidbeaver says... #3

Cyfer: Siege-Gang Commander has a slot in my deck only because he is pretty good at 2 different things, rather than being amazing at one.

His most direct comparison is Beetleback Chief. They both tie into Purphoros, God of the Forge really well, they both can be copied with Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker, but Siege-Gang is unique in that he has a (heavily) costed sac ability. Because it is an activated ability with a cost, it can be copied with Rings of Brighthearth or Illusionist's Bracers (if you are desperate), and he is not even on the radar when opponent's know you run Purphoros and Impact Tremors. Of the 25+ times I have cast him, I don't think he's ever been the target of spot removal, which just means you get to surprise people later with the last bit of damage to need to finish someone off. The cost of the sac is a lot less noticeable later in the game when you have no cards in hand and nothing to spend the mana on, haha. Admittedly though, I don't use his sac ability much, but it's why he edges out Beetleback Chief for me.

Being able to free-cast him with a Goblin Lackey, Warren Instigator, or a Moggcatcher also helps to justify the include.

I wouldn't call him a game changer in any regard, but he has been a solid play every time I cast him, even just based on the bodies alone. I just make it a habit with all my creatures that, with Ib out, at the worst each one is still worth 4 creature damage during an attack. As you probably already know, this deck snowballs in really awkward ways, and sometimes it just takes a handful of tokens.

December 5, 2017 12:01 p.m. Edited.

Cyfer says... #4

Liquidbeaver: thanks for the suggestion, I definitely added Farsight Mask to my sideboard in case I find I'm drawing way more aggro than I normally would be. I can dig your justification for Siege-Gang Commander, it makes sense. He may just be one of the first to bite the dust should I find a better creature. Do you think Anger on top of Urabrask the Hidden is overkill?

December 6, 2017 4:37 a.m.

Liquidbeaver says... #5

Cyfer: I think Anger is definitely welcome, as you can see from my sideboard I am trying to find a spot for one more Haste effect myself.

December 6, 2017 11:27 a.m.

Tristanraid says... #6

Great deck! Ive shown it to my meta. They love it.

December 8, 2017 9:52 a.m.

Liquidbeaver says... #7

Tristanraid: That is awesome to hear! It means a lot to me that you all liked it.

December 8, 2017 3:01 p.m.

Love the deck! Do you have a particular reason to run Scour from Existence over Spine of Ish Sah? It has great synergy with Goblin Welder.

December 10, 2017 7:19 p.m.

Liquidbeaver says... #9

Eon_of_Chicanery: I added Scour so I would have a colorless permanent exile for some of the big Eldrazi, but more specifically because Red sucks so bad at enchantment removal, which what was giving me the most trouble. I hadn't actually thought about Spine in a long time, and now that I am thinking about it again, having the chance of recasting it multiple times a game is going to be more consistently useful to me than being able to specifically exile something, like in the case of a Blightsteel Colossus, which never really comes up in my playgroup.

I am definitely going to say that is a meta-dependent call, but it just so happens Spine of Ish Sah is a better meta call for me than Scour from Existence is. I am going to switch that before I play next.

Great suggestion!

December 11, 2017 4:53 p.m.

CantaPerMe says... #10

What about Vicious Shadows? Works pretty well with all the sac outlets and can close up games

December 12, 2017 1:54 p.m.

Liquidbeaver says... #11

Pallino: It's hard to argue the strength of Vicious Shadows. It's in the same realm as Boggart Shenanigans, and I think falls to personal preference as to how and when you want to do damage, how well you dodge table hate, and what your meta is like.

Shadows hits a lot harder, and more often, but draws a lot more attention from the entire table, where Shenanigans is more like subtly persuading someone not to wipe your creatures (so they are still free to wipe everyone else's), under the threat of you using all the death triggers against them in retaliation. The fact that you can direct the damage from either card to any player you want is great.

Personally I like keeping my CMC as low as possible to make it easier to rebuild after multiple wipes. The obvious problem with that is that I lack a lot of the higher CMC, more impactful cards (like Shadows), that can be used to end games.

That's definitely a tough choice, but I don't think you can make the "wrong" one in that situation.

December 13, 2017 1:09 p.m.

Liquidbeaver says... #12

Well it took a really long time, but I finally got Skirk Fire Marshal and Basilisk Collar out at the same time the other night. 4 players and 8 creatures hit for total of 120 health gained. Went from probably being the first player to die (Reaper King and Grenzo decks at the table and a Coat of Arms out), to winning the game the turn after with just a few Goblins created by Ib after the wipe.

This deck is never not fun to play. I love it.

December 13, 2017 1:52 p.m.

Liquidbeaver says... #13

Mox Diamond out for Chrome Mox. While the Diamond arguably is better, in this deck where you rely so heavily on basic mountains, and I run so few of them, exiling one has been a death sentence more often than it has been a benefit.

I considered Mox Opal as well, but I think I would be more comfortable with that if I was closer to 25 or so artifacts.

December 15, 2017 3:28 p.m.

Tristanraid says... #14

Chrome mox is definitely the better choice.

December 16, 2017 12:28 a.m.

Liquidbeaver says... #15

Tristanraid: It took me a long time to switch it out, but I agree, I think it fits a lot better.

December 18, 2017 3:56 p.m.

Liquidbeaver says... #16

Scour from Existence out for Spine of Ish Sah. Great suggestion by Eon_of_Chicanery will trade a something I added as niche removal for a repeatable one with more flexibility. I may slot Scour back in in the future if I decide I want a little more removal, but for now the Spine is a better fit.

December 18, 2017 4 p.m.

autruche2 says... #17


December 20, 2017 2:28 p.m.

Kilrane says... #19

December 23, 2017 12:39 a.m.

Cyfer says... #20

Liquidbeaver: My board keeps getting cleared. Feels bad man. Highly considering putting an Elixir of Immortality in. Anything else you find really helps against heavy removal decks?

December 23, 2017 5:23 a.m.

Liquidbeaver says... #21

Cyfer: Unfortunately heavy removal (or counterspell) is going to be mono-red's worst matchup.

We have almost no recursion to speak of outside of a few colorless spells and some red creatures. Elixir of Immortality and Trading Post are probably going to be your two best bets. The other route is also Darksteel Forge and Mycosynth Lattice, but without access to good non-creature tutors, definitely don't rely on it.

If the removal is blue there is Pyroblast/Red Elemental Blast, as well as Fork/Reiterate/Reverberate/Wild Ricochet if it is counterspells that you are worried about.

Most of the reason I play with such a low CMC is so I can rebuild easier after a wipe, since Aggro is what mono-red is best at. It's hard though when you are getting focused, so I try to play as fast of a game as possible, because I will either win or lose quickly, since my deck can't really hang in the endgame with Control, Midrange, or some BattleCruiser decks.

Having more damage based sac outlets or triggers from creatures dying is going to be incentive for other players to not wipe your board, so it may be worth it to run all of them you can. Boggart Shenanigans, Vicious Shadows, Outpost Siege, Stalking Vengeance, and Altar of Dementia are probably the best we have available.

You have to develop your own lines, with the idea of big, bursty combats and other tricks to wipe the table. I've had more success with putting out creatures more slowly than I could so that, not only do I look like I have a shitty hand to everyone else and become less of a threat, but I'm also not leaving creatures out multiple turns to get removed. It's harder for an opponent to remove or counterspell 4 creatures all at once than it is to remove the same 4 over multiple turns. Put them out the turn before you need them, and you will be a lot better off. It's why I've tried to double and triple up on effects and interactions as much as possible. Having Goblin Matron/Imperial Recruiter/Mogg Catcher/Goblin Recruiter for getting to a Krenko, Mob Boss for instance, as well as a Feldon of the Third Path to get him back, is a lot of buffing my chances to have Krenko in play.

Redundancy in red is what leads to consistency in your games, since red doesn't have the plethora of options available to the other colors.

Don't get discouraged though, and don't make too many drastic changes, because this deck plays oddly. I've had it now for a little over a year, and I didn't really settle into a solid build until about 8 months ago. It probably took me 3 months of playing that deck before my winrate went from 25% or less, to 50% or more. There is quite a learning curve to it, even though on the surface it seems pretty straight forward.

Haste and more big mana might not hurt either, if you find yourself with cards in hand each turn.

It's a glass cannon deck to an extent, so sometimes you're gonna have huge turns where you wipe the table, and other times your gonna fizzle out and do nothing because the whole table wipes you.

It get's better though, because once you lock down your build, playstyle with the deck, and get good with it, people become afraid of the deck and focus you even when you don't have a board presence. It took me a long time to not be salty about it, and now I take it as a compliment.

December 23, 2017 1:36 p.m.

bushido_man96 says... #22

Perhaps playing with Vedalken Orrery could help out? There's a lot of advantage to being able to play out threats right before your turn begins, giving them pseudo-haste.

December 23, 2017 5:07 p.m.

are you actually suggesting running a overrated and underwhelming card thats only run in casual untuned artifact decks... on a primer? if they know enough to write a primer you'd think that suggestions arent really asked for, nonetheless cards completely unrelated to the decks gameplan and synergy..

i mean its nice to suggest stuff, but on a primer? and with unrelated cards only seen in casual decks?

sorry but i just dont get the point in it man, read the deck description/name before you comment, orrery isnt good in any edh deck, neither is shimmer myr

December 23, 2017 7:56 p.m.

Liquidbeaver says... #24

bushido_man96: My biggest issue with Vedalken Orrery is how often I have Price of Glory out, so I wouldn't be able to take advantage of Orrery without hurting myself. It isn't a bad cost, and like you said it is pseudo-haste, plus extra flexibility and interactions that are unavailable to this deck.

I would definitely say it's something that could go in the budget/casual versions of this deck, depending on the person's meta.

At the moment, the decks priorities are:

More Draw > Even More Draw > Still More Draw > Wipe Protection/Recursion > Little Bit More Haste

...so the haste isn't a huge deal at the moment, especially with 4 sources already, it's just something that might round out the build once I get to a more comfortable amount of card draw, which is going to take a lot more work.

December 28, 2017 2:02 p.m.

bushido_man96 says... #25

goblinguiderevealpls: A few things.

  1. I see the word "primer" all over the place, but I don't really know what that means. I guess it means the poster spent a lot of time to put cool pictures and stuff on the page to get upvotes and such, but I don't really know. I see this deck is posted, along with other decks, on this great website, and if I feel like commenting, then I will.

  2. I'm not new to Magic, but had been on hiatus for some time, and recently started playing again, and so I admit that I'm not fully caught up on a lot of things, but I'm getting there. I don't think Vedalken Orrery is an overrated card, or underwhelming, or I wouldn't have suggested it. And then there's that point; its merely a suggestion. I haven't played his deck, so I don't know how it plays, but I do know that the Orrery's ability can be a helpful one at times, so I made the suggestion. I could be very wrong, and that's ok. But I didn't post just to post.

  3. I did read the primer, some time ago. I didn't just skip to the bottom and post a card.

December 28, 2017 5:22 p.m.

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