
Legacy* brokenshakles


MollyMab says... #1

Glimmerpost is meh. The life gain is small enough to be irrelevant when you have better options.

Ordeal is a bad tempo card, cause Modern is filled with removal, boardwipes etc. 1 Pyroclasm is a 2-1 at least.

Remand should be in there in place of Deprive.

Vendilion Clique too is a good disruptive beater

October 23, 2013 4:25 a.m.

Alchemix says... #2

If you're trying to be a tempo deck, you can't afford to have your lands enter tapped - Halimar Depths should go for more islands. Glimmerpost is seriously only good in 12-post, and Cloudpost has been banned for yonks. Lifegain is just useless, especially considering it will often only be 1 life the whole game. Deprive should go for Remand - Remand's card draw is worth far more than their ability to cast their spell again.

Vendilion Clique 's ability is just stupid good - swapping the best card in their hand for a random card will shut some people down completely. People keep sketchy hands sometimes, and you can just ruin their day entirely. Add in Flash and the ability to go on the beatdown for 3 every turn, and you have a stupidly good tempo card.

October 23, 2013 7:33 a.m.

Alchemix says... #3

Further... You don't need any mana from Silver Myr . Apart from Cryptic, all of your spells are 2cmc or less. Invisible Stalker is only good if you can load him up with enchantments and equipment, of which you have 1.

Speaking of enchantments... Ordeal of Thassa should go. At most, it buffs a dude up and draws you 2 cards, but apart from Invisible Stalker, all your doing is 2-for-1ing yourself. Divination is more reliable and sees more modern play... Which is to say, none.

October 23, 2013 8:14 a.m.

brokenshakles says... #4

I think you are underestimating the effect that Deprive + Halimar Depths can have on consistency, its essentially a slightly less good ponder. I definitely see what you mean about Vendilion Clique, that card is absurdly good, will look into getting a playset. Believe it or not, the Ordeal is playing extremely well, It's not to difficult to protect with the effective 12 hard counters in the deck + Mana Leak. I admit playtesting the deck at tournament night Silver Myr is the weakest card in this lineup, but it's presence is an effect of the fact that this deck had much costlier spells earlier in its history. When I can find the aformentioned creature, I will most likely sub it for the myr. The As for the Glimmervoid, it only really works because of the Silver Myr, so it will have to go as well.

October 23, 2013 4:12 p.m.

Theophilus says... #5

You lose so much tempo with Deprive and Halimar Depths . I suggest swapping out Deprive for maybe Familiar's Ruse ; or maybe consider Swan Song

October 24, 2013 8:44 a.m.

brokenshakles says... #6

Familiars Ruse looks good too, Looks like it would combo well with Snapcaster, I will have to look at that. Definitely better than the Remand idea, I have no love for soft counters, even in a cantrip.

October 24, 2013 1:48 p.m.

Theophilus says... #7

Yeah, the synergy with Snapcaster is pretty great.

October 24, 2013 4:45 p.m.

Alchemix says... #8

Oops, mixed up Glimmervoid with Glimmerpost .

I can see the kind-of combo with Deprive and Depths, but tbh it's putting you behind on a land for no good reason. If you want to fix your draws, run Thassa or Serum Visions. Seriously, fixing your draws (which doesn't shuffle like Ponder or bottomise like Visions) does not outweight the tempo loss of a tapped land.

October 25, 2013 7:46 a.m.

keeblerz says... #9

March 31, 2016 6:05 p.m.

brokenshakles says... #10

Hmm, at 5 mana paid over two turns the cost is significant enough to interfere with counterspells in the earlygame, on the other hand it's effect is quite powerful, and by the time I have 5 islands I should be able to steal almost anything modern playable, but I think if I ran it I would be forced to choose between paying for nifty snapcaster tricks to flip Thing and this. A solid sideboard pick for sure though.

March 31, 2016 6:12 p.m.

FullmetalWes says... #11

I'd recommend Deprive over the Familiar's Ruse. Snapcatser and vendillion clique are the only ones that you'd want to and deprive is easy with basic lands.

April 7, 2016 10:07 a.m.

brokenshakles says... #12

The deck started out long ago with Deprive, I had to run a manadork in blue (silver myr) to compensate for the tempo loss. While rusing a Delver or spellskite is not optimal, bouncing lands disrupts all important mana tempo for a deck that is designed to be reactive (and therefore NEEDS open lands at all times, and needs to hit it's lands drops as often as possible). Besides, the Ruse->Snap->FB/Ruse->Snap-to-hand interaction more than makes up for the drawbacks. Long story short, Ruse requires far less deck support than Deprive. Not to mention it can make a 2-for-1 combat trick if you counter a spell during the combat phase and bounce a chump blocker.

April 7, 2016 7:57 p.m.

FullmetalWes says... #13

Yeah great points. I personally still prefer Mana Leak in place of ruse but everyone has different styles of play. Good luck!

April 8, 2016 3:22 p.m.

brokenshakles says... #14

[Mana Leak] is a great card for sure, but Snap + Clique just takes Ruse over the top for selection, especially in combination with TitI. I almost never run "drawback" cards unless I have a way to exploit the drawback for my own gain (Deprive + Halimar Depths is a good example of an early form of this for me.).

April 8, 2016 7:49 p.m.

megonia says... #15

Serum Visions and some more mana efficient cards

December 30, 2016 8:05 p.m.

brokenshakles says... #16

Serum Visions works better in combo, this is draw-go control with efficient beats (50% of the deck is 2 cmc, and I'm running some of the most mana efficient and flexible instants in the format). One drop draw is satisfied by Probe and Whispers, and 80% of the other instants are cantrips as well. Futhermore, the preponderance of 3-ofs in the deck mean that good filtering is essential, and its difficult to find better in Modern than Anticipate. I don't see how the curve could get more efficient than it already is given the color and tribe constraints. (Blue/Wizard/Horror).

December 31, 2016 9:51 a.m.

megonia says... #17

Whispers is just good if you have 6 mana '(in modern!) and you dont have to pay mana to cast probe (but you can )otherwise it would be unplayable Serum Visions is just to good to not play it is never a bad card and smooths out your draws You have to play Ancestral Vision since youre rarely (unless its turn one where you wouldnt have interaction) tapping out for it and it draws you 3 cards for one mana

December 31, 2016 10:48 a.m.

brokenshakles says... #18

Well, the bit about Probe is obvious, 2 life for a draw is still an astoundingly good deal. adding in the peek on top makes it for a a control deck. Serum Visions may be cheap, but in Draw-Go when you pay is actually more important than the efficiency of the cmc, for instance, casting it on turn 2 precludes the Remand-TimeWalk trick, whereas Anticipate can be cast if the opposition decides to not make a move, being able to play consistently at the end of your opponents turn is a huge advantage, and its the only reason Serum is not currently banned. Honestly, I'm in agreement with Wizards that digging for 3 for a single U at any speed is always going to be too good of a deal, so I don't really want to grow dependent on something that's likely to be ban-fodder. Not playing it also reduces the chance of a banning, as that's a big indicator for that, so that people who like the card more than I do can have a greater chance of continuing to enjoy it. A Draw-Go deck is built around lengthening the game, so in Modern with a deck like this you can consistently add +3 turns to average game length, with makes 5 and 6 mana deep pools possible. Add in the large number of cantrips and you are going to be consistently making land drops 1 - 6 on the first 6 turns about 85% of the time if you can cantrip on average 4 times per game. My local game shop is not a den of Pro-Players, so I don't need a AAA deck to do well, and I probably wouldn't be half as popular there if I did.

Furthermore, if the average Modern game doesn't last long enough to get 6 lands out, how would I expect it to last the 4 turns required for an Ancestral Visions to go off? I would rather pay slightly more cmc for instant speed effects that are similarly efficacious. Also, at a 4 turn countdown, Ancestral Visions really only pulls an average of 1 extra card per turn, same as Whispers of the Muse, but Whispers doesn't tie up a drop of blue at the beginning of the turn and can draw more cards in total. It also doesn't cost 40$ each. The only real advantage to Ancestral Visions is that it's payout is really front loaded compared to Whispers and multiple copies can run concurrently at low cost. Once again, this makes it ideal for Combo Decks looking for specific pieces that show up x number of phases/turns from now, and not a control deck looking for ANY answer from a list of many, to be made available immediately.

Please understand that I own a playset of Serum Visions, and have played the deck with them quite a bit, and I have played the same deck with Anticipate, and the deck works better with the latter over a large number of games. Being able to choose from the top three cards is a huge advantage compared to having to take the top and filter the next two in Draw-Go. To say a card is "always better" is really not true, its highly dependent on the deck it lives in, and the parameters that the decks strategy requires. I need my spells to do things at the end of my opponents turn, or for an optional cost other than mana. Casting during my turn is solely for putting down creatures that don't have flash. The entire play strategy hinges on this being true.

December 31, 2016 12:13 p.m.

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