I'd rather be Flying!

Standard* Hexaflexagon


Skyler1776 says... #1

Maybe Divine Visitation , Dawn of Hope , Radiant Destiny or Angel of Grace? Also, the wayfinder isn't standard legal.

January 17, 2019 12:52 p.m.

Skyler1776 says... #2

my bad, I thought the expansion symbol was Origins at first glance

January 17, 2019 12:53 p.m.

BlueBallsMgee says... #3

You could consider Angel of Grace for your sideboard. Great body with flash and an effective surprise effect when you're against a heavy swing.

January 18, 2019 3:34 a.m.

Hexaflexagon says... #4

Hey Skyler1776,

Thanks for your comment. Divine Visitation is pretty much a dead draw in this deck, as I only have four cards that don't make token Serra Angel s. It also will raise my mana curve by quite a bit, as I'll have to take out some of my lower costing cards so it can fit in. For Dawn of Hope , I just think that its card draw is just too slow and clunky for me to use. I'd much rather prefer Silhana Wayfinder . Radiant Destiny is a good card, but I just don't know where to put it.

Thanks again,


Hey BlueBallsMgee,

Thanks for your comment. Angel of Grace might do very well in the sideboard, so I'll definitely add it to my list of sideboard considerations.

Thanks again,


January 18, 2019 1:41 p.m.

This looks cool. I'd consider swapping some of the removal package for Mortify / Sky Tether . You have 15 4 CMC spells including Conclave Tribunal which can still be essentially a 4 drop in a lot of match-ups. Mortify is almost never dead and sky tether is straight up Swords to Plowshares in a flyers deck.

I've also had some success with Consecrate / Consume in the side. While Carnage Tyrant isn't that much of a problem the ability to curve Resplendent Angel into it and get the free life and token against Steel Leaf Champion or Nullhide Ferox is great. Also being able to play around dive down can be relevant against izzet drakes/mono blue.

Finally, seeing as you've been playing around with the idea of angel stompy for RNA might I suggest a different take on the archetype for when you've finished with the abzan version. I played against a bant angles deck running Biomancer's Familiar , Growth-Chamber Guardian , Incubation Druid type stuff with angels as the top end. The advantage being that both Resplendent Angel and Shalai, Voice of Plenty both have activated abilities that get cheaper with biomancer on board. Havn't actually tried this yet but it could be something to build around if you are interested.

January 25, 2019 12:34 a.m.

Hexaflexagon says... #6

Hey stensiagamekeeper,

Thanks for your comment. I'll definitely try something new with your Mortify idea. I'll start playtesting some combination of Mortify and Sky Tether instead of 2x Conclave Tribunal and see how that goes before making a final decision.

I see your point on Consecrate / Consume . The only problem is that I don't know where to put it. I could put it in for Kaya or maybe a Find / Finality . What are your thoughts on what to take out?

I really like your idea on going Bant, using Biomancer's Familiar to curve out with it on T2, Resplendent on T3, and then activation on T4. Of course, this is a very unlikely scenario, seeing that you need GU on T2, then WW on T3, then WWW on turn 4, but it's fun to think about. Once I make a decklist for this, I will be sure to send it to you.

Thanks again,


January 25, 2019 1:39 p.m.

WarriorMagic says... #7

I don't think you will want to play Conclave Tribunal . It is a very good card, but in this deck, where you aren't flooding the battlefield, you just have a few big creatures, it feels pretty bad. I also don't know how much I like Drover of the Mighty . Maybe Flower / Flourish instead if you really want ramp. Llanowar Elves is the go to, but you only have 8 untapped green sources for turn 1 sooooo. I would cut the 4 Conclave Tribunal and add the 4th Vraska's Contempt and some copies of Mortify or Cast Down . The creatures in the maybe board don't feel very powerful, so I wouldn't play them. From the instants I would play a copy or two of Assassin's Trophy , and Settle the Wreckage in the mainboard. Settle the Wreckage is also good in the sideboard. The rest don't feel great though. (not including Mortify , that card is very good it was just referenced earlier.) From the planeswalkers in the maybe board, I don't like Kaya, Orzhov Usurper , it does next to nothing, but I would play 2 or 3 Karn, Scion of Urza , I would also add Vivien Reid . Duress , Find / Finality , and Ritual of Soot are very good, but probably Ritual of Soot is played over Find / Finality . This is because Ritual of Soot doesn't kill as much of your stuff as Find / Finality does. Lastly, The Eldest Reborn is great in sideboard and The Immortal Sun should only be played if you run few enough planes walkers to not make it a nonbo. Apart from that, it seems pretty solid. Good Luck!

January 27, 2019 3:06 p.m.

Hexaflexagon says... #8

Hey WarriorMagic,

Thanks for your comment.

After some playtesting, I do agree with you that Tribunal has to be cut. Most of the time, it's pretty much a Hieromancer's Cage as I don't use Convoke. I'll go with your suggestion and add my fourth Contempt and another Mortify . I'll also playtest Ixalan's Binding and Assassin's Trophy in the Mortify slot, just to mix things up and try something new.

I really like Drover of the Mighty instead of anything else ( Llanowar Elves , Incubation Druid ) because I have 4 Dinos in the sideboard and the Drover can turn into a decent blocker against aggro. Also, in this deck, I really need color-fixing, and Drover helps that need.

While Flower / Flourish is a great card, it doesn't actually mana ramp. It brings the land to your hand and you can only fetch a basic Forest or Plains, which is why I won't put it in the deck.

I like the idea of Assassin's Trophy . What do you think (apart from Tribunal) I should take out for it?

I'm not a big fan of Settle in the mainboard. There's just so little space, and it's a sideboard card for now.

I really like Kaya, Orzhov Usurper as it helps exile cards for graveyards at an aggressive cost. She also allows me to gain life if I exile a creature card, which might be very useful against Drakes. My meta has a lot of Drakes and Golgari, so these slots are crucial. I could take it out for Deadeye Tracker , but that kind of seems like a downgrade. The only reason why I wouldn't take it out for Deathgorge Scavenger is because against x Midrange, I also side in the Tocatli Honor Guard , and it nullifies half of the Dinosaur's ability. Although, if I added in Scavenger, I would put my Dino number up to 5, which would mean a more likely chance at pumping up Drover. Just thinking out loud.

I already have Vivien Reid in the sideboard. With Duress , you mainly want to be playing it on turn 1, and I only have 6 T1 untapped lands that produce , so it kind of gets my opinions on it for this deck a little sour. The main reason I run Find / Finality is for the Find part for outvaluing the Control and the x matchups. I only occasionally use the Finality part. This is the main reason why I don't run Ritual of Soot instead. I have considered The Eldest Reborn , but I don't know where to put it.

Thanks again for your extremely helpful comment,


January 27, 2019 9:49 p.m.

nzznzn says... #9

I was going to suggest Incubation Druid as well, but I see that's off the table, so may I offer Elvish Rejuvenator in place of District Guide ? It has a much frailer body and pretty much exists as a growth spiral plus a body, but it gets you to Angels faster, which you really need without so much in the 2-mana removal slot.

Speaking of which. Assassin's Trophy is good, but a rough spell to cast on turn 2, even if you are ramping. I'd supplement it with either Seal Away or Cast Down , which are very good on turn 2. Perhaps 2 of each and drop the Tribunals, a single Lyra, and a Wayfinder.

January 28, 2019 5:27 a.m.

TheSimikBOat says... #10

Hey Hexaflexagon!

Some days ago (many days) you made me some suggestions to my TRY JUND! deck, and I decided to try to give you some suggestions to compensate that, but as soon as I saw this deck I saw all the suggestions that you have been given, and I thought: "WOW, I have arrived late".

I love this deck, and the only suggestions that I have are Kaya's Wrath as a mass-renmoval, and Revival / Revenge to Reanimate your creatures with enter-the-batlefielt-triggers (like Silhana Wayfinder and Knight of Autumn ), and the most important... it can Reanimate your Resplendent Angel . Also in the late-game Revival / Revenge can be a key factor to win the game (in the "Revenge" mode).


TheSimikBOat :D

January 29, 2019 4:59 p.m.

Hexaflexagon says... #11

Hey nzznzn,

Thanks for your comment. Sorry for taking so long to reply to your comment. I was busy remaking this deck with an IRL friend. I like District Guide better than Elvish Rejuvenator because it almost always gives me a land. My dad started playing MTGArena a week ago, and one thing he didn't like about the RG starter deck was that the Rejuvenator didn't always hit a land.

Cast Down is no doubt a good card, so I have 2 copies of the card in my upcoming version.

Thanks again,


Hey TheSimikBOat,

Thanks for your comment. The IRL friend I worked with to remake this deck also sounded me out on the idea of Revival / Revenge , so I'll definitely try it out. What do you think I should take out for it? Maybe Find / Finality ?

I'm not a big fan of Kaya's Wrath as it really stretches my new deck's manabase. Already, I'm having some problems where I can't play Black cards when needed and Kaya's Wrath only makes that problem worse

Thnaks again,


January 29, 2019 8:38 p.m.

TheSimikBOat says... #12

As you have commented before, you may take out the 2 Find / Finality , because if you need them, you have 2 in the sideboard.

On the other hand, I think that you could take out 2 Adventurous Impulse , because the good thing about having 2 Find / Finality on the maindeck is that with the "Find" option you may re-use creatures that cost more than 3 manas, and the "Finality" option is a good removal.

these are the only options that I can think of.

January 30, 2019 6:35 a.m.

Trainyaj says... #13

I would add a mana dorks and 2 Awakening of Vitu-Ghazi for the Vivien, Champion of the Wilds as the Vivien doesn't actually have a very high chance of hitting a creature (around 50 % chance if I have done my calculations correctly).

April 23, 2019 5:45 p.m.

Hexaflexagon says... #14

Hey Trainyaj,

Thanks for your comment.

I really like Vivien, Champion of the Wilds because it allows me to give my Ripjaw Raptor /Lyra/Resplendent/ Storrev Vigilance and Reach, allowing me attack and block anything from Drakes and Tempest Djinn , to . I also like her because I can cast my creature spells as though they had flash and she forms a grind loop with Storrev, Devkarin Lich .

Thanks again,


April 23, 2019 6:17 p.m.

Trainyaj, it's around 50% to have one creature but more like 80% to have one or more (assuming 24 creatures).

Hexaflexagon, that's a lot of 4 drops. Storrev, Devkarin Lich could be a Isareth the Awakener and Despark might work in place of Vraska's Contempt . Not saying they are better just your curve might thank you. Dryad Greenseeker or Arguel's Blood Fast  Flip could be a nice fit for this deck as early plays that both let you hit land drops and accrue CA. Call me crazy but Bounty Agent might even be a relevant card this season with lyra, niv, search, baby bolas, landing, feather and zombie gods.

April 29, 2019 4:34 a.m.

Hexaflexagon says... #16

Hey stensiagamekeeper,

Thanks for your comment. Sorry for such a late reply, I was just on a plane and had to go to school the next day, so this is the only chance I've had to write to you. I see your point on a lot of four drops and I agree that I might benefit from having less four drops. I like Storrev, Devkarin Lich because he can return Planeswalkers as well as creatures and they return to the graveyard once they die, allowing me to use them again. I like the idea of Despark , but I really like the lifegain on Vraska's Contempt and the ability to kill any creature or Planeswalker against aggro. So that'll probably be staying in. But I will consider Despark in my sideboard. I really like Dryad Greenseeker , but the thing is that it only puts the land in my hand, and not on the battlefield is really important. I really like Arguel's Blood Fast  Flip and I have nothing against it, it's a really good card. I might make out a Vivien and Ripjaw for 2 Blood Fast, I'll have to think about it. I see your point on Bounty Agent , but we'll see weather or not the meta has enough reasons for it to have a spot or two in my sideboard.

Thanks again,


May 1, 2019 4:07 a.m.

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