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If a Goblin Burps in the Forest, Does It Kill You?

Modern Budget Jank Mono-Green Ramp Theme/Gimmick



Another attempt to make cards that aren't ideal into Modern playables. In this case, it is all about activating Goblin Charbelcher or killing them with walls.

Goblin Charbelcher is the primary wincon of the deck. With only seven lands in the deck, we can easily fetch most of them out using our twelve one mana land fetches, Sakura-Tribe Elders, Vessel of Nascency s, and Recross the Paths . Activate, flip through our deck, win. We run a single Stomping Ground to increase our odds of killing them if we still have lands in our deck.

Assault Formation is the other half of the deck. With all the spare mana in the deck, we can make our walls beat down and hit hard. Even if the beatdown plan isn't on our radar, we can still profitably block with our walls after playing this sucker.

Chancellor of the Tangle is in here for consistency. We can keep a no lander by using his pregame ability to cast a Lay of the Land effect. He also is great at killing our opponents and blocking if we need to move to the beatdown plan. tarmogofy will have trouble growing large enough to beat this bad boy.

Vessel of Nascency is part of the glue that holds this deck together. About 80% of our deck is mana, so we need some way to find that Goblin Charbelcher or Assault Formation . Vessel does this, and it also helps enable delirium on Traverse the Ulvenwald in the rare game. Sometimes it's also good to find those extra lands to ensure your belcher kills them.

Recross the Paths seems like a weird card, but it is a repeatable land fetch. Even better, if we have no lands in our deck, we can simply stack our entire deck how we want it Goblin Recruiter style. Oh, and then we clash and get it back because Chancellor of the Tangle is on top? Oh darn...

Sideboard (still a work in progess, suggestions welcome!):

Autumn's Veil is for those pesky blue mages. Great for getting our Goblin Charbelchers to resolve.

Firespout kills tokens dead. This can likely be swapped out for another card since the wall plan typically beats tokens.

Fracturing Gust ruins Affinity and Bogles. It also kills Stony Silences and Pithing Needles in a pinch.

Leyline of Sanctity lets us fight through discard and Slaughter Games effects. Also improves our Burn matchups.

Nature's Claim are here for killing Stony Silences and Pithing Needles. You can also side this in against Burn if you need the lifegain.

Relic of Progenitus cantrips and it removes graveyards. Easy peasy.

Scavenging Ooze eats graveyards and wins games. Fantastic for ruining Snapcaster Mage's days.

Vexing Shusher hates counterspells. Killing those blue mages is easier when they can't counter your stuff.


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So I got the last couple cards needed to put the deck together and piloted it at my local Wednesday Night Modern in a field of 31 players. I did not do very well in the event, although I had much more success in some pickup games while waiting for rounds to end. One thing to note is that every one of my rounds finished in under 20 minutes.

Match 1 vs Grishoalbrand

Game 1 I am on the play and land a turn 3 Goblin Charbelcherfoil. With 5 lands out of the deck, I feel pretty good about it. He then reanimates a Griselbrand and a Boborygmos Enraged and throws some lands at me.

Sideboarding: I trimmed the Recross the Paths and two Sylvan Caratids for the two Relic of Progenitusfoil and the Scavenging Ooze.

Game 2 he turn 3 Through the Breachs an Emrakul, the Aeons Torn. I lose after losing my whole board.

Pickup matches vs G/R Tron

Game 1 he plays some Tron lands and has natural Tron. He casts a Wurmcoil Engine, and I belch for 42.

We didn't bother to sideboard since it was just for fun.

Game 2 he Through the Breachs an Emrakul, the Aeons Torn at me on turn 4. I proceed to lose. Against Tron or other decks that maindeck artifact removal, it is best to play Goblin Charbelcherfoil as a seven mana sorcery that reads "Win the game". This slowed us down too much though against Through the Breach.

Game 3 I play a turn 3 Goblin Charbelcherfoil with a backup in hand. He Karn Liberated's it, then I cast the second and belch him for 14. He minuses Karn again and takes care of my second one. I then play Assault Formation and kill him with my Wall of Roots.

Tron getting turn 3 Tron every game is a bit discouraging.

Match 2 vs G/W Relicblade (Quest for the Holy Relic and Argentum Armor with some hatebears creatures. Squadron Hawk MVP)

Game 1 he plays Quest for the Holy Relic. I go two Chancellor of the Tangle and Forest into Sakura-Tribe Elder and Caravan Vigil into Traverse the Ulvenwald. Turn 2 Goblin Charbelcherfoil, turn 3 lots of damage.

Sideboarding: I trim the Recross the Paths, one Assault Formation, and two Sylvan Caryatid for three Nature's Claim and the Fracturing Gust. White has a lot of nasty ways of shutting down our belcher.

Game 2 he leads on three Leyline of Sanctity into a Quest for the Holy Relic. I grab a Forest then Nature's Claim the Quest. He then stumbles on lands and I kill him with Assault Formation and walls. The Pithing Needles he draws aren't relevant.

Pickup matches vs U/R Delver

Overall I go 8-1. 6 Belches and 2 Assault Formation kills. He gets me when he Remands my Goblin Charbelcherfoil and then gets to Mana Leak it later on. I honestly don't remember all the details.

Match 3 vs Abzan Company

Game 1 I get a Goblin Charbelcherfoil and activate, deal a measly four. He untaps and gains infinite life.

Sideboarding: Took out four Assault Formations and two Sylvan Caryatid. Added in two Firespouts, two Relic of Progenitusfoil, one Scavenging Ooze, and the Fracturing Gust. I didn't know if he had any impressive artifact/enchantment hosers, but Fracturing Gust does it all. Abzan also gums up the board too much for my walls to beat down.

Game 2 he gets out a board of Birds of Paradise, Kitchen Finks, Fiend Hunter taking my Wall of Roots, Viscera Seer, and a Spike Feeder. I fire off my Firespouts and kill his board, getting back my wall. He scries a lot and leaves on top. Casts Collected Companyfoil hitting Anafenza, the Foremost and Eternal Witness. Witness gets back Viscera Seer and I lose to infinite life again.

Pickup match vs Zombie Dredge

Overall I go 3-2 in games. I win whenever I get a belcher, he wins when he gets nice dredges. Two ships passing in the night kind of stuff. The walls do great work against Prized Amalgam though.

Pickup match vs Boros Aggro/Burn

I go 2-0 in these games. Walls block attackers profitably. One game I belch him, the other I just beatdown with walls and Chancellor of the Tangle.

Match 4 vs U/B Mill

Mill has the unique property of making our Goblin Charbelcherfoil not lethal. Honestly I was never expecting this matchup, but here we go.

Game 1 I never find a threat. He just mills me out after using Surgical Extraction on my Assault Formation.

Sideboard: Just add in three Leyline of Sanctity. The extra cards are useful.

Game 2 I get a Leyline of Sanctity. He scoops, then reaches for his sideboard and moves about five cards into his deck.

Game 3 he gets the mill plan online and Surgical Extractions my Leyline of Sanctity. I get a Goblin Charbelcherfoil and get off two disappointing belches. At this point, he is at 3 life and I have about 20 cards left in my deck and two lands. I go for the kill since I know both lands are right near the bottom, and he Crypt Incursions me for 26 life. I belch once more, then scoop since I cannot win.

This honestly makes me tempted to turn Scavenging Ooze into Gaea's Blessing, but I doubt I'll run into mill too frequently.

Overall, takeaways is that we are great against the fair decks and are slightly slower than fast combo. Recross the Paths only did it's thing once, and so I might be cutting it for something like Wurmcoil Engine to up my number of threats. I'm also somewhat tempted to go down to 6 lands and add an additional Lay of the Land. Playtesting will ensue to test it out.

Comment sweep and hopes for more suggestions. Let me know if you do any playtesting, the data is always useful.

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Revision 2 See all

(8 years ago)

+2 Autumn's Veil side
+2 Firespout side
-1 Forest main
+1 Fracturing Gust side
-4 Lay of the Land main
+3 Leyline of Sanctity side
+3 Nature's Claim side
-2 Oath of Nissa main
+1 Recross the Paths main
+2 Relic of Progenitusfoil side
+4 Safewright Quest main
+1 Scavenging Ooze side
+1 Stomping Groundfoil main
+1 Vessel of Nascency main
+1 Vexing Shusher side
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #4 position overall 8 years ago
Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

21 - 6 Rares

5 - 6 Uncommons

28 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.09
Folders Decks to Adapt, cool decks I might build, SNESy decks, Jank Land, Deck, Modern To Build, Borrow, New review 04/2021
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