If I am you, then who are you?

Commander / EDH The_Cheese_Pie


2/2/2018 —Feb. 3, 2018

Remade the deck today dropping several of the cards that don't synergize as well.

Lapshaman says... #1

Why use Unstable Mutation? Also, where are your lands?

December 28, 2016 10:45 a.m.

ColbaltCrome says... #2

Why Worldspine Wurm? I get that you can copy it, but it would have to be on the field and not be targeted by a kill/exile spell. I only see one that targets creatures in a graveyard, Body Double. It seems too situational.

December 28, 2016 4:22 p.m.

The_Cheese_Pie says... #3

Lapshaman, i have no idea about mutation lol, all my lands are in the remains of my Vorel deck.

CobaltChrome, the wurm is in the for a alt win con, Natural Order can cheat it out really easy and then you can clone it a bunch although writing this gave me an idea that i was missing a lot of mana ramp dorks.

December 28, 2016 4:34 p.m.

The_Cheese_Pie says... #4

also CobaltChrome for body double i do agree it is very situational, but the point of it is kind of a recovery mechanic if they boardwipe or kill all my biovisionarys i have at one time then i can pop that out body double to come back in the game.

December 28, 2016 4:43 p.m.