The Idea
A fast, explosive modern deck centered around the Goblin tribe. The "idea" is to throw down as many Goblins as possible and tap them. It's a pretty straightforward deck designed to quickly overwhelm the opposition. It's also pretty cheap!
Throw down a Goblin Guide on turn one and swing for 2 right off the bat! Sure they'll be able to pick up an extra land if its their next draw, but if it isn't you just swung for 2 and got to look at one of their cards! If the guide doesn't pop up, Legion Loyalist will also do. Landing with haste and giving your Goblins first strike and trample late-game is nothing to be scoffed at.
Goblin Wardriver
and Goblin Bushwhacker are the two-drops in this deck, both of them providing a bonus to all of your attacking Goblins. Goblin Bushwhacker provides a more immediate bonus and comes in with haste, but
Goblin Wardriver
's bonus cannot be underestimated.
Goblin Chieftain
, the crux of the deck, will really beef up your already mighty Goblins.
Should Krenko, Mob Boss hit the field with a
Goblin Chieftain
in play, you immediately double all of your Goblins. Krenko, Mob Boss has fantastic synergy with Purphoros, God of the Forge as well.
The Rest
Lightning Bolt is a staple. Three damage for one mana at instant speed can't really warrant any complaints from your end.
Krenko's Command provides two not-at-all beefy goblins for the low price of two mana! These little guys will get huge when the other cards come into play.
Should you find yourself at an impasse, Goblin Grenade can deal massive damage and provide the final push needed to win the game. It can also trade one of your measly Goblins for a potential threat on your opponent's board and is quite useful.
When you've run out of cards to play, cast a Reforge the Soul to replenish your hand. This will usually work in your favour since your deck is so fast that using this on turn three or four will screw up your opponent more than you. It is likely that when you've run out of cards, your opponent will still have some. Reforge the Soul can really help you out and really screw over your opponent.