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If you hate people... Play this deck

Modern Competitive Control Mono-Blue Ramp Tron




Mono Blue Tron is a deck that revolves around acquiring more resources than your opponent and ramping into some of the most powerful spells in all of magic. What enables this deck to acquire these resources any faster than your conventional midrange or control deck? Your answer lies in the lands and they way you get to them. Tron Lands (Urza's Tower, Urza's Mine, and Urza's Power Plant) are the namesake set of cards in this deck. These lands and the decks that use them are referred to Tron lands and Tron decks respectively, The name is derived from an 80s cartoon involving 3 robots that could link together to make a more powerful robot known as Voltron. Similar to the cartoon, these lands produce singular colorless mana however together they tap for 7 colorless mana. With this powerful resource available to you you can win in many different ways. But the hard part is getting to this stage. Unlike Green Red Tron which focuses on establishing tron as fast as possible with land fetches--such as Sylvan Scrying-- and then getting out a game finisher as fast as possible, Blue Tron plays the slower game. It slows down its opponent using powerful permission and counter spells and wins with any of its many flexible Wincons. If this deck is played well, it is a well oiled machine that is almost impossible to beat. It is not forgiving however so be ready to lose-- a lot before you start putting up real results. A common misconception about U Tron is that it is not competitive and inferior to it's other Tron Counterparts. This is incorrect. Although this deck is low in cost for a modern deck, it is extremely competitive. If I had all the money in the world, I would still play this deck. I hope the rest of this primer is informative and will convince you to play this amazing deck or at the very least check it out and give it the respect it deserves. If you dont it'll be your funeral next time you run into it.

The Primer


Reading this decklist

Deck Colors

Deck strengths

Deck weaknesses

The Strategy

General strategy

Early game

Mid game

Late game

Contingency Plan


Matchups and sideboarding

Combos and synergies

Card Choices Explained


Value Cards

Card Draw

Removal / Pseudo Removal

Win Conditions




Other Information

Building this deck

Event record


This deck is the product of many long long hours of playtesting, building, acquiring the cards, and writing this primer so it would mean a lot to me if you guys would comment and give me suggestions,tell me what you think, and try the deck out. Also if you are going to suggest a card please remember that this is competitive, modern, tournament deck that is very high quality so only suggest viable cards that you think will improve the deck and make sure they are modern legal. Also remember to upvote, and let's try to get this decks rating up to 500. Thanks all and remember, to upvote. Play Better Magic.
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The coding for this primer was developed by Epochalyptik here.


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This deck has needed a remodeling for some time now... I have had some time off from magic and coming back into the game I had a chance to look at the deck in a different light. The first problem that I had to address was the fact that mono U tron and Control Decks in general have always had terrible matchups against aggressive decks such as infect and burn. Previously I had decided to just except this fact and try not to ever play those aggressive decks. Unfortunately with aggressive decks such as those making up almost half of the metagame I realized that I could not do this. This prompted me to make some changes to the list (more on that later) but more importantly it made me analyze the way I played the deck and see if there was anything that I could do about my own habits to make those aggressive decks easier matchups. The first step in this analyzation process was to look over some of the replays from Cockatrice and Untap.in. My conclusion was that I was not countering the most important stuff and thus would counter Goyfe instead of holding back on the counter and instead countering there much more dangerous Liliana. Sure I was taking more damage this way however this stopped a much larger threat in the long run. Now with the deck that I was previously running I would never get to that "long run". I would die much sooner than that. So with that in mind I went to change the deck. What I decided was that if I wasn't going to counter their earlier threat I would have to have some other form of removal and/or bounce. Dismember and more bounce in the form of another Repeal and a Cyclonic Rift were my answers to this. With the addition of these spells, my Infect matchup goes up considerably and my already solid matchups against midrange decks got even better. The one problem that I still had was Burn. My solution to this was 2 Bottle Gnomes in the SB. These additions, I feel, make the deck a lot stronger overall. Not only do these changes help out with the new mindset that you should playing this deck with (only counter the real threats and mop up the semi threats later with bounce and removal) it also makes the aggresive matchups better because they will generally have threats on the board before you ever have permission up. The extra bounce and removal will help because you can get rid of their threats after they come off the stack.

A quick side note. With these large changes to the deck, I feel like I need to make it clear that the play-style of this deck also needs to be changed. No longer should you be tapping out on turn four to cast your defensive Solemn Simulacrum. Often times I realized that I had had to do this play because I would die next turn. Hopefully with the addition of the onboard removal and bounce this will no longer be the case and instead you can cast it on turn 6-7 with some permission in hand.

-2 Treasure Mage, -1 Wurmcoil Engine, -1 Solemn Simulacrum, -2 AEtherize (removed from the SB).
+2 Dismember (moved from SB), +1 Repeal, +1 Cyclonic Rift, +2 Bottle Gnomes (added to the SB), +1 Batterskull (added to the SB), +1 Dispel (added to the SB).

I will update the primer ASAP.

Comments View Archive

Revision 26 See all

(7 years ago)

-1 Batterskull side
-2 Bottle Gnomes side
-1 Dispel side
+2 Gemstone Caverns main
+1 Island main
+1 Pithing Needle main
+1 Remand main
+1 Spatial Contortion side
+1 Spell Pierce side
+1 Spellskite side
-3 Talisman of Dominance main
-1 Tectonic Edge main
-1 Treasure Mage main
+1 Trickbind side
+1 Trinket Mage main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #4 position overall 9 years ago
Date added 10 years
Last updated 6 years
Key combos

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 2 Mythic Rares

14 - 6 Rares

13 - 5 Uncommons

7 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.67
Tokens Copy Clone, Wurm 3/3 C w/ Deathtouch, Wurm 3/3 C w/ Lifelink
Folders blue rape, Interesting, decks, Deck Wishlist, Modern, Decks that I want , Modern, Deckideen, u controll, Cool
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