If you hate people... Play this deck

Modern IzzetFanatic

SCORE: 188 | 292 COMMENTS | 35836 VIEWS | IN 89 FOLDERS

klone13 says... #1

Make sure to make the deck modern. nice deck btw.

April 20, 2015 10:53 p.m.

klone13 says... #2

I also think i played u on untap. We have to play again some time.

April 20, 2015 10:54 p.m.

IzzetFanatic says... #3

klone13 yes thank you we should play again.

April 21, 2015 1:17 a.m.

jackanukealty says... #4

Side in a few Pithing Needle. Seriously. They murder fetches, sometimes affinity, manlands, you name it.

June 3, 2015 8:55 p.m.

Maringam says... #5

I feel like I made this exact deck...

June 4, 2015 8:14 p.m.

IzzetFanatic says... #6

Maringam, this is from Tolarian Community College and its like shocktroopa's deck. It is based on the one from Tolarian Community College. The sideboard is different...

June 5, 2015 8:05 p.m.

Maringam says... #7

That is fair.

June 5, 2015 9:37 p.m.

buildingadeck says... #8

I don't like 22 lands and 4 Talisman. Running less land causes your mulligans to be worse. That is one of the reasons that the 24-25 land Tron decks have a lot of appeal right now.

After a lot of testing, I prefer Ghost Quarter over Tectonic Edge because Edge does not hit Inkmoth Nexus when you need it to. Quarter is also faster against GR Tron.

Because you're running Oblivion Stone, I would highly recommend Fabricate over one of your Treasure Mages. It's not often that you'll use it for O-Stone, but it can be a nice option.

I'm also unsure of the lack of Cyclonic Rift and Ugin, the Spirit Dragon. Ugin is the second most reliable win-con in U-Tron aside from Mindslaver, and I think that alone warrants a slot in the deck. He also has the potential to x-1 your opponent, which is great. Rift is an emergency switch, or it can clear the board if you want to swing for lethal. It can act as a Time Walk or a Boomerang, making it a versatile one-of.

Tolaria West is another card that can't be eaten by Sundering Titan and can fetch for more Tron lands.

Running Cyclonic Rift in the main allows you to cut it from the side, so you now have an open slot. I think that slot depends on your meta. You could potentially run another counter in the side like Dispel or a second Spell Pierce, you could run Bottle Gnomes or some sort of early life gain for burn/aggro match ups, you could run a Repeal for match ups where you need to the extra cantrip, etc. It just depends.

Here is a link to my version. There are still some slots up for grabs after 50 games with it, but it has won 70% of it's matches, so I'm pretty happy with it.

I also like the versions that run some number of Chalice of the Void. It is a very strong card against many of the decks U-Tron has a hard time beating like Grixis Twin, URx Delver, etc. Tempo decks with counter spells are pretty challenging to beat.

August 15, 2015 10:39 p.m.

PlattBonnay says... #9

Cut the Oblivion Stone for a copy of Ugin, the Spirit Dragon. Since you aren't playing Fabricate, the difference is essentially naught, and Ugin offers more utility. Also, the Trickbind in the sideboard should really just be Squelch. Most of the time you will be bringing them in for the Twin matchup, which is all activated abilities.

August 16, 2015 12:26 a.m.

buildingadeck says... #10

PlattBonnay: Cutting Oblivion Stone is a bad idea. You need it as a sweeper, especially in the mirror or against RG Tron and Affinity where Ugin is essentially useless.

I do recommend adding Ugin, the Spirit Dragon, but not in the place of Oblivion Stone.

August 18, 2015 12:48 p.m.

IzzetFanatic says... #11

buildingadeck I agree that the Oblivion Stone is too good to cut and that you need it in certain match-ups. The reason I run 22 lands and 4 talismans is because even in the case that you don't get tron, you still get ahead with mana via the Solemn Simulacrums and Talisman of Dominance which you need because you don't have as many land fetches as GR tron. I will consider adding Tolaria West to the deck. It seems like a good idea. The one problem is the come into play tapped drawback. There are times when I need blue mana and tapped wont work. Thanks for all the advise man. I am really considering it and you are very knowledgeable on this subject. Thanks.

August 18, 2015 12:57 p.m.

buildingadeck says... #12

IzzetFanatic: Anytime. Thanks for the compliment, man.

Personally, I cut Simulacrum from the list, as well. On T4 without Tron, I'd rather not tap out for an Island. And by the late game, he's not as useful a card for me because he ends up just chumping. If you're looking for a spot for Ugin, I'd start by replacing one of the Simulacrums.

August 18, 2015 1:33 p.m.

IzzetFanatic says... #13

buildingadeck Thank you that seems logical. Ill try cutting them for Ugin

August 18, 2015 2:48 p.m.

This deck feels a little slow to me. With all of the X cost spells, I feel you will struggle to stop your opponent in the first few turns against the fast decks. Burn also seems like it'd be a nightmare. I think I'd swap out some of the X spells for some Spell Snare or Spell Pierce.

Otherwise it looks very good. Nicely done!

August 18, 2015 3:15 p.m.

buildingadeck says... #15

Figag: Burn is a tough matchup, but Condescend is strictly better in most scenarios than Spell Snare in Tron because it gives him a scry 2, and a strong counter (because the Tron lands produce 7 mana).

If he experiences a large amount of burn, the better option is to switch to a Chalice of the Void version.

U-Tron is a combo-control deck, and as such, it has a bad matchup against burn, unless it accomplishes its goal to stall until burn runs out of gas.

August 18, 2015 3:24 p.m.

IzzetFanatic says... #16

Figag Thank you for your advise. And your complements. I feel confidant about this deck and even more so now that you commented. It is a little slow but a lot of times its fine. The Remand also slows down fast decks a turn even though casting remand against 1 and 2 drop spells is inefficient compared to casting it against a spell with huge cmc. Or slowing down opponent by countering Liliana. I may grab Spellsnare for sideboard or more Spellpierce but for now my scry is better. Plus it's hard to play against U Tron. A lot of times they just play there spells as fast as possible just to try to kill me before I can re-balance. It's a good strategy but then they are vulnerable against Condescend. If they keep mana open to cast the spell and stay safe from Condescend then I can stabilize in the mean time. Thank you for the advise though and I will keep it in mind if I ever change the deck's counterspells.

buildingadeck Surprisingly, Burn is a decent matchup game 1 although im on my heels a lot it is normaly fine if I get some chumps out. Goblin Guide is good for me because I can usually fine tron a turn or 2 faster and thus pop a Mindslaver and burn his own creatures and himself. Even if I don't have the Mindslaver Lock its normally devastating to crack mindslaver once. I can also grab a Wormcoil and thats normally gg. I've played like 10 games against Burn and lost 2 off them so despite what you might think it is actually a fine matchup. After Sideboard I have it almost in the bag.
IzzetFanatic Remember, Play Better Game.

August 18, 2015 4:19 p.m.

buildingadeck says... #17

I've only played Burn twice and am 1-1 against it, but it still feels like a tough matchup to me. Obviously, any control deck has the upper hand once the game hits T4 or T5, but it takes a bit to get there.

August 18, 2015 4:36 p.m.

IzzetFanatic says... #18

buildingadeck I agree. I have a question about adding the Ugin, the Spirit Dragons. So i've obviously been play testing intensively and it seem like a huge card in this deck. I am definitely considering it. Seeing as it is a 25 dollar card though I am trying to make absolutely sure that it is going to be better than the Solemn Simulacrums. So here are my questions.

How many do you think I should run? I'm playtesting with 2 now.

Also i've cut all three Solemn Simulacrums for the 2 Ugin and I added 1 Repeal. Does that seem ok?

Thank you so much for the advise! It has helped me a ton. I am just loath to get rid of the simulacrums when they can chump for me (my meta is a fair amount of aggro. Lol why am I playing this deck in a aggressive meta??!) and draw me cards to stabilize. It also helps me with my mana fixing for blue and is just a sick creature. I can hard cast it turn 4 if I don't think they have threats in hand and grab an island to get ahead of them in mana. Personally I like the Simulacrum better because it seems better with the stratagy of the deck but I think you will convince me otherwise and I will show better results overall. I just don't know. But thank you for your advise.

BTW I decided against Tolaria West. After playtesting extensively with it it seemed to me that it was most often just a enter battlefield tapped island. The fact that the Titan does not hit is irrelevant most of the time because I have other islands on the battle field anyways. The transmute was good sometimes but often I found the 2 blue hard to find especially when trying to hold up counter magic.

August 18, 2015 11:50 p.m.

buildingadeck says... #19

All fair points.

I play 1 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon. I've heard of people playing 2 and loving it. I think Repeal number 4 could be good, but if you like the Solemns, I would just cut 1 for one Ugin, and see how you like it. There are many nuances to the deck that allow for one card to make a difference. Other options for the Solemn Simulacrum slot is Chalice of the Void, or an Anticipate and a Repeal, or the second Ugin and Repeal, etc. Chalice seems good to me against aggro.

The reason Ugin is such a beast is that he's a boardwipe against everything excepting RG Tron, U-Tron, and Affinity, and he bolts your opponent or a threat each turn. Lastly, his ultimate basically gives you your Slaver lock.

I've been question Tolaria West myself, but it's been a fine one-of for me so far.

I hope this helps.

August 19, 2015 1:53 a.m.

IzzetFanatic says... #20

buildingadeck thank you so much you have helped me more than you can imagine. I will continue to playtest and use the knowledge you have given me to make my game better. Thanks. Do you play on untap.in or Cockatrice(both good, free deck testing sites that replicate MTGO without the price)? Maybe we could play together. Thank you for all your help again. Good Luck with all decks of yours.IzzetFanatic

August 19, 2015 3:33 p.m.

buildingadeck says... #21

I play on both the new and old versions of Untap (I prefer version 2). My name on the site is deckbuilder. Feel free to add me, and send me a message.

I'm here to help as best I can. Good luck in your continued tinkering with my favorite deck. :)

August 19, 2015 4:20 p.m.

IzzetFanatic says... #22

buildingadeck ok i play on V1 bcs the password on V2 doesnt work for me lolthanks

August 19, 2015 5:27 p.m.

buildingadeck says... #23

Alright. Well, feel free to post on my wall if you want to get some games in, and we can play on v1.

August 19, 2015 5:59 p.m.

tchau204 says... #24

The background makes everything too hard to see. -1 ): my eyes

September 7, 2015 10:12 p.m.

IzzetFanatic says... #25

buildingadeck I have need of your help again...This time for the sideboard. So as you can see, right now I run 2 Hurkyl's Recall against affinity and Tron. I run 2 Dismember against midrange decks like jund, junk and such. And I run Cyclonic Rift against Similar midrange decks, affinity, Merfolk, Elves and other decks like that. Also against Twin and decks that I think have Blood Moon in sideboard. I want your perspective on weather or not this sideboard has the right number of specific cards. I'm debating weather or not I should take out the Cyclonic Rift For a third Dismember. Also, should I side in 1 Dismember against Merfolk and/or Affinity matchup? It seems ok but its 4 life minus some if I have Talisman of Dominance. Finally if you have any other suggestions for the sideboard please let me know. I am happy with the cards in the sideboard, it's just the number of them that I am worried about. PS I know that you don't know the metagame where I am but coming from a broader perspective would you say it suffices?

September 8, 2015 5:14 p.m.

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