
You can definetly call me The Oracle Vorthos Johnny Player.

Main idea of this deck is to play creatureless, which gives me actual feeling that I'm a Planeswalker. I even wear Pyromancer's Goggles when I play.

To accomplish that, I picked Keranos, God of Storms as a head of this deck. He's not really a creature, he isn't the core of the deck (I don't need him in every game), he's not one of that gods that have "When ~ enters the battlefield, paint big red target on your forehead" (like Mogis, God of Slaughter does), he is just perfect.

Color identity is also perfect for me. I've almost always been playing Red or Blue.

Below, I'll explain other picks, all categories are queotes from real cards.

This category contains everything that generates mana (and other lands). I'm gonna explain few picks below:

Arcane Lighthouse - In the age of magic boots that makes creatures untargetable, this is blessed card and is autoinclude in most EDH decks.

Boseiju, Who Shelters All - Paying 2 life is nothing compared to making your spells uncounterable.

Izzet Signet - Cuz signets are fine as mana rocks.

Halimar Depths - Late land, but on the other hand lets you plan your game for next turns, it's good to know if you are getting lands or burns from Keranos.

Mage-Ring Network - Storage land works perfect for few X spells that are included.

Maze of Ith - This. This often makes my games for just denying single attacker and let me gain political favor for defending other players.

Mind Stone - One of best mana rocks, can draw you card if mana flooded.

Sol Ring - One to rule them all.

Thran Dynamo - Another good mana rock that rewards fast.

Mystifying Maze - I thought that it's just worse version of Maze of Ith, but that mana abillity actually means a lot.

Tolaria West - Used to tutor Maze of Ith or other needed land. Its very unlikely to be played as normal land, but there is always such option.

Vivid Creek - Might provide some mana fixing.

Other dual lands picks are obivious and I won't go throught them.

Glacial Chasm Suspended ATM - Might save your life lategame, but drawing that when you need mana hurts.

Ice Floe Suspended ATM - To turn down those big fatties and Voltron decks. Unfortunately, doesn't give mana.

Here I got some tutors and tax enchantments to save the day.

Dismiss into Dream - Makes Voltron players loose their minds, and changes Keranos burn into removal.

Eternal Dominion - Best of all Epic spells. Might get you targeted, so use it wisely, probably with some enchantments onboard or after clearing board with Decree of Annihilation.

Fabricate - Use to get Pyromancer's Goggles or some mana stones if we got it already.

Long-Term Plans - Not-so-bad tutor, Keranos helps to get to it faster.

Firemind's Foresight - This often means near end. Tutor Mystical Tutor (To later get Mana Geyser), Volvanic Geyser and Reiterate to combo infinite damage and mana next turn.

Mystical Tutor - Tutor to get answers or combo pieces when game lasts too long.

Muddle the Mixture - Counterspell with transmute. Mostly for Transmute part. Main targets are Cyclonic Rift, Fault Line , Titan's Revenge or Smoke .

Mystic Retrieval - Does fine with Epic Experiment, but also work fine aganist mill decks.

Pentagram of the Ages - Might stop combat damage from big hitters, but also might save yourself from massive Rolling Earthquake.

Propaganda - Makes them target other players first or delay those haste creatures.

Sensei's Divining Top - Controls your draw and creates softlock with Counterbalance.

Stream of Consciousness - Can make infinite combo with Mystic Retrieval, Epic Experiment and Beacon of Destruction , while having more copy spells in library.

War Tax - Worse and better Propaganda. If I have more mana than opponent, I can stale the game untill I have proper combo.

Quicken - Instaspeed that Decree of Annihilation.

Probably most obivious category and picks, simply counterspells.

Arcane Denial - Two cards for opponent and one for me while countering spell for 2? Can also be used to counter any X spells that got exiled with Epic Experiment to draw 3 cards.

Counterbalance - Softlock with Sensei's Divining Top, not much to explain.

Counterflux - Best counterspell of all time. 2B and 1R might be much, but that "can't be countered" part saved me few times.

Counterspell - aka Blue Lightning Bolt

Muddle the Mixture - Mostly used to transmute, but still might copy something.

Sunken Field - It is always threatening when opponents see that on battlefield.

The essence of this deck, cards that make impossible burn into easly applied fire in EDH. Copy spells. Use to hurt twice as much or copy their nasty spells like tutors or counterspells to counter them.

Fork / Reverberate - Simple copy spells.

Refuse / Cooperate - Copy spell from GV. Great aganist mill decks.

Increasing Vengeance - Flashback is always nice, even more when it makes it twice.

Pyromancer's Goggles - Graal of every red burn deck. Very good, too bad it often gets removed fast.

Reiterate - Buyback is great ability, even going infinite with Mana Geyser.

Swarm Inteligence - IMHO, straight better then Sphinx-Bone Wand, definetly better for non-storm deck.

Wild Ricochet - When someone dare to remove your enchantments or artifacts, pushish them with destroying their Sol Ring.

Those cards have common thing - They hurt.

Anger of the Gods - Can clear all those mana dorks and other utility stuff that support opponents.

Beacon of Destruction - Works fine with Epic Experiment when it gets copied and "cascades" into other copy spells, while beacon feeds library into burn spells.

Breath of Darigaaz - Pretty much value, for 4 mana we burn everything for 4 damage. Its mostly enought to clear most of the board from creatures.

Chaos Warp - Used mostly to get rid of nasty enchantments like Leyline of Sancity .

Cyclonic Rift - What is a blue deck without this one? Also can tutor it with Muddle the Mixture.

Blasphemous Act - Autoinclude in every red burn deck, works great in multiplayer games, when I can just burn creatures for 13 with only 1 red.

Devil's Play - Flashback, even if expensive, explains everything.

Fault Line - Massive burn, pick it with Firemind's Foresight.

Pulse of the Forge - aka Equalizer. My favourite card in this deck.

Inferno - No mercy for flying creatures. Takes down that The Gitrog Monster

Insult / Injury - Mostly for the first part, double damage for incoming burn. This into Searing Wind copied with Reverberate for instakilling someone.

Leyline of Punishment - Lifegain is my worst enemy. Might need to mulligan till I get this if playing aganist Oloro, The Ageless Ascetic.

Lightning Bolt - Red deck w/o it is just like blue deck w/o Counterspell.

Reality Shift - Removes big creatures that are hard to burn down.

Searing Wind - 10 instant damage for 9 mana is simply good and easy to copy.

Shattering Pulse - It took Vandal blast 's place due to massive hate I got everytime I used it.

Stonefury - Same case as above, but with lands and that ramp-crazy guy which lets me copy his land-fetch spells.

Pyrohemia - Its here for its value and ability to constantly get rid of hexproof creatures. Saved me few times from white decks with Leyline of Sancity .

Rolling Earthquake - Better version of Earthquake. Who does even play horsemanship?

Titan's Revenge - Even with average 3,5 CMC in this deck, it still might get back to our hand. One of the best.

Dictate of the Twin Gods - Second favourite card. Casting it as two opponents are fighting each other makes me lol.

Fire Servant - The only creature in this deck. It still hold the theme of Planeswalker feeling as my servant. Also, I don't want to be milled with Telemin Performance

Furnace of Rath - Most dangerous of all cards in this category. For us. Be sure enemies wont hit your before you can burn them, or just do right after it hits the board.

Repercussion - For others its full trample for every creature. For me its win-con with any massive burn.

Sulfuric Vortex - Main thing is lifegain prevention. Getting hit for 2 each turn speeds up the game and completly removes Planeswalkers from game.

Those are cards that are combo parts or combo enablers, or just cards that often wins me games.

Blasphemous Act - Add Repercussion and its GG.

Decree of Annihilation - This deck have not so fast, but steady growth, often getting back from this faster then others.

Epic Experiment - Just epic card. Set X to at least 10 so I can cast every instant and sorcery in my deck. Copy it before starting resolving to let it cast another copy to copy it and copy more copies. Often ends with Decree of Annihilation and Ethernal dominon next to other on stack. That often makes enemies concede.

Eternal Dominion - As mentioned above, if I am lucky enought to hit it with Epic Experiment and Decree of Annihilation, it makes sure win. Also, overall fun cards.

Isochron Scepter - Copy Mystical Tutor and start fetching cards. Copy Lightning Bolt to start burning. Copy Counterspell to control them. Copy Fork to copy.

Mana Geyser - Best enabler in red. Lets set up combos much earlier than it is nromally possible. Also, goes infnite with Reiterate and deals infinite damage with any other burn spells.

Mana Seism - Riskier Mana Geyser with less outcome, still enabling to cast big spells earlier.

Mizzix's Mastery - If Epic Experiment didn't work, it might do its once again and make it actually work.

Reiterate - Copy everything if you have enought mana.

Repercussion - Changes massive burns into wincons if there are creatures on battlefield.

Feel free to comment and suggest cards!


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Remade description, also added Quicken instead of Spiraling Embers.

Thinking about adding more casual, fun cards such as Death by Dragons, they are mentioned in Maybeboard.

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Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

41 - 0 Rares

23 - 0 Uncommons

10 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.56
Tokens Manifest 2/2 C
Folders Try, Commander Wants, cool, Commander, Commander, deck ideas, Izzet
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