Ignorance is Bliss

The Purpose

I've been on a little bit of a personal quest to try to figure out ways to win by using each individual part of the board. In this deck I'm taking a look at trying to win with the library. Specifically, my library. I thought that a mill deck would be a bit too obvious and cliche and I wanted to try something a little more unorthodox. So, I decided to go with a deck that's purpose is to mill YOURSELF rather than your opponents.

The way this is done is through various combos and tricks. You mill yourself all the way down and make sure you have a Laboratory Maniac or a Jace, Wielder of Mysteries in play and you straight up win. It's a pretty straight forward idea. The deck does have it's weaknesses however, namely the lack of straightforward defenses. You're gonna end up just getting slugged in the face a lot and you just have to hope you can combo off before you die. Any help with trying to cover that weakness would be great. This is the first iteration of the deck, so there is definitely a lot of room to improve.

With that, lets get into the card breakdown.

Card Breakdown

Deranged Assistant

  • We can't have a deck centered around Laboratory Maniac and not include his Deranged Assistant now can we? This insane little guy can be extremely helpful by providing a little bit of extra mana at the cost of a little self mill, which is kinda the point so the cost doesn't really matter. But we haven't even begun to see his full potential.
  • This guy has quite a combo tucked away under his sleeves. If you have out a Training Grounds, you can equip Umbral Mantle to him. This will give you the ability to completely mill yourself out with an indefinite combo, while also making Deranged Assistant here JACKED. You can use him to get to your wincon and have an absolute monster of a wizard for a turn just incase.

Fatal Push

  • A simple kill spell to slow down opponents during early game so that I can get things running.

Inverter of Truth

  • You might be asking yourself, why switch your graveyard and your library? It isn't because I want all my stuff back, quite the opposite. If you combine this with Relic of Progenitusfoil, you will exile your library and get nothing back, effectively milling yourself out.
  • As a 6/6 it does make for a decent combative force as well.

Jace, Wielder of Mysteries

  • This basically serves as a back up Laboratory Maniac who is the key to this deck
  • Does have a little bit of an advantage being a planeswalker. Means that most removal wont work on him.

Laboratory Maniac

  • This is it. The star player. This is how you're gonna win by self mill. Just gotta get this guy out before you combo off.


  • Pretty straight forward. It kills your library. Pretty good late game solution if you're getting desperate.
  • Also is a 10/10 which makes him a decently big combative force.

Mana Leak

  • Just a simple counterspell that will slow down our opponents during early game.

Relic of Progenitusfoil

  • Another part of that combo I mentioned earlier. When this card's second ability is paired up with Inverter of Truth you get yourself that full self mill that you want.

Robe of Mirrors

  • This is really just in here to provide protection to Laboratory Maniac. Once he's in play, you want him to stay there. It would suck to mill yourself out and then have someone just be like, "Lol, I play Murder on Laboratory Maniac." And then you make yourself lose.

Training Grounds

  • Also a part of a before mentioned combo. Play this, then equip a Deranged Assistant with an Umbral Mantle and you can mill yourself to 0 cards and also have a pretty big creature for a turn.

Umbral Mantle

Vampire of the Dire Moon

  • This serves to just be a cheap deterant. Its a pretty effective little creature with lifelink and deathtouch for just 1 mana.

Wail of the Forgotten

  • This card does a good variety of control once you get a little bit of self-mill accomplished.

Other Decks

I’m always looking for advice and suggestions on decks. Here’s some more of mine in the Modern format if you’re down to help me out!

Life Drain

Modern Lord_Olga


Dig Your Own Grave

Modern Lord_Olga


Brain Getting Too Big

Modern Lord_Olga



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Revision 6 See all

(21 hours ago)

-2 Evolving Wilds main
+2 Polluted Delta main
Date added 5 years
Last updated 21 hours
Exclude colors WRG
Splash colors B

This deck is Modern Beyond Horizons legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

17 - 0 Rares

9 - 0 Uncommons

14 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.17
Folders Modern, Quest To Win With The Board
Ignored suggestions
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