
Instant (2)

So, the point of this deck is to burn the opponent in the face, fast and hard.

The first few turns should see Spark Elemental and Hellspark Elemental for some quick aggro damage. Ball Lightning and Hell's Thunder are pretty much the same purpose, but just a bit stronger. The burn spells are mostly for keeping the board clear or finishing your opponent off.

The CMC for this deck is a bit misleading. Flame Javelin has a CMC of 6 but is effectively 3 in an all red deck, making the overall CMC of 2.25 actually 2.02, effectively.

Ignus wishes to BURN.

Yesss, Long have I slept, dreams of flamesss. I am yoursss till death comesss for usss both!

You are naught but tallow for my flamessssss...

When the Planessss burnnnn and all life is but torchesss, then Ignusss ssshall at lassst... be at peace.

Suggestions should fit within the general theme of the deck. Yes, economy is a factor. ie don't tell me to take out a card that has cmc of 2-3 for one that has a cmc of 6-7. That's just silly.


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Revision 16 See all

(8 years ago)

+3 Puncture Blast main
-3 Volt Charge main
Date added 11 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Rares

22 - 2 Uncommons

6 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.25
Folders Modern, Burn decks, Olhar, Modern
Ignored suggestions
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