

Basically: Zirda, the Dawnwaker + Manamorphose/Pirate's Pillage + Izzet Guildmage = infinite draw and practically infinite mana. After that, we just play a Lightning Bolt and copy it seven times with the Guildmage to win.

Update: This deck's #1 enemy is targeted discard (I playtested with a GDS-playing friend on FaceTime, and wew lad did those Thoughtseizes hurt; they pretty much beat me by themselves). For this reason, I think it's worth it to splash green solely for Veil of Summer. I'm tempted to even play a copy main, given the dense number of Jund, GDS, and Lantern (yes, I know not one, but two lunatics who still play that deck) players at my LGS. I'm also thinking about extending the splash to add Biomancer's Familiar which is essentially a cheaper Zirda in the main, though for now I'd like to keep the mana pain at a minimum (notice the absence of Fiery Islet even though a cantripping land seems perfect for this deck) as Burn is a matchup we just have to out-tempo, so reducing life loss is crucial.

Another thing I'm thinking about is what to do in the matchups where Bolt is bad. With the current setup, our best bet is to just leave one or two of them in, though I can't help but wonder if there's some kind of other win-condition that fits the fair plan better in those matchups. Expansion / Explosion? Ral, Storm Conduit? If we board out Cryptics and they have Leyline of Sanctity, do we need to Research / Development for Thassa's Oracle...? Any ideas?

Random thought I had just right now: is Storm's Wrath better than Anger of the Gods out of the 'board? Kills walkers; could be worth a try, right? Realizes all the 'walkers in Bant Snowblade tick up to 5 loyalty the turn they come down. Then realizes I'd probably be dead against Red Prowess by turn 4 if I didn't already kill/counter their creatures. Finally realizes Storm's Wrath doesn't deal with Dredge...

So yea I think a lot but most of my thoughts are completely idiotic. Thus, all suggestions are welcome, especially since this is a work in progress. Of course, I can't guarantee I will accept each and every one, as I do have enough judgment to not play Storm Crow.


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Date added 4 years
Last updated 4 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 0 Mythic Rares

23 - 4 Rares

24 - 9 Uncommons

8 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.95
Tokens Bird 2/2 U, Treasure
Folders Firefox Brews
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