Restoration Angel- Arguably the best card creature in the deck. It essentially allows us to buy back any creature in our deck with an EBT effect (Spoiler!!! that is most of the creatures in our deck). It has a big butt that dodges
Lightning Bolt, and with flash, it gives an extra trick up our sleeve to either save one of our creatures from a removal spell or just give values to our board. Plus it is one of our combo pieces for the deck.
Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker- Similar include in the deck to Restoration Angel. On its own, it's pretty weak and hard to cast but gives value by creating copies of our non-legendary creatures. It is also the essential piece to our main combo in the deck.
Kitchen Finks- Great card to slow down aggressive decks, puts pressure on our opponents and is resistant to non-exile removal. Otherwise is a good target for Resto.
Emrakul, the Aeons Torn- Only in here for the ability to be pulled out with a Nahiri, the Harbinger ultimate. A terrible card to draw into and is usually sideboarded out if we ever sideboard out any of our Nahiris
Siege Rhino- This card is synonymous with value and pain, for those of you who remember standard this card was a bonkers creature that could easily change the tide of a game. Also, one of the cards that pushed Birthing Pod over the top which helped lead to its inevitable ban in Modern. In our deck, it serves as a powerful four drop creature that gives us value when it enters the battlefield by draining our opponent's life and a pretty big body that can help to finish games all on its own. This is one of the most common cards to Bring to Light for value and makes for a hell of a great Resto/Kiki target.
Blade Splicer- Another value card that works well with Resto (told you that card was good in our deck). Four power and two bodies for three mana is really nice. Can be aggressive on its own but most of the time it just helps us stabilize our board.
Birds of Paradise- Mana fixing and accelerant for one mana, enough said.
Sylvan Caryatid- A bigger butt Birds of Paradise that costs one more and can't block fliers. The hexproof is really relevant because our opponents can't use spot removal on it to try to deny us mana of a certain color. Also since it does add mana of any color to our mana pool it is a much better include in this deck that Noble Hierarch due to our Bring to Lights.
Courser of Kruphix- One of the best cards in our deck for sure. Has a large butt for a good cost, helps filter our draws by playing lands off the top, and the life gain makes our Fetchlands and shocks less painful while also helping in aggro matchups. Great card and solid include.
Tireless Tracker- An extremely powerful three-drop creature that can give us insane value with our 8 Fetchlands and can take over games on its own if left alone.
Lotus Cobra- A really cool card that has the ability to ramp us up extremely quickly with Fetchlands and is one of my personal favorite creatures.
Glissa, the Traitor- Been testing out this card, the artifact part does not have any relevance for the deck but its ability to trade with any creature in combat with what makes this card so appealing
Qasali Pridemage- A catch-all creature that is also great for combat, love the card but may take it out if it doesn't hold up its' end of the bargain.