I'll gain 15 Life Now.

Vintage Mpz5


SwiftDeath says... #1

what happened to Path to Exile and Journey to Nowhere yes Oblivion Ring is better than journey but journey is still good but not better than path. so where's all the removal.

November 20, 2010 9:58 p.m.

Mpz5 says... #2

The oblivion deals with planswalkers, artifacts, and enchantments as well, that's my reasoning. As far as Removal goes I have 2x Judgments, 1x Swords, and 3x O-rings which is 6, 2 of them being mass removal and if I need more I always have 3 path, 1 o-ring, and 1 judgment in the side which would bump it to 10.

If I were to add a few paths maindecked what should I take out for them in your opinion?

November 21, 2010 3:42 a.m.

marin274 says... #3

I really like the deck man :), it makes me happy :D.

November 22, 2010 6:28 p.m.

marin274 says... #4

I gave you a +1, I like it. I play tested it against my green deck you saw. It was a really fun match, you were at 8 life but you destroyed a bunch of my lands and using two rangers of eos, four martyrs of sand and then a proclamation of rebirth to make it 7 martyrs of sand you healed SO much and from there three serra ascendants destroyed me cuz A: I can't handle a flying 6/6 all too well let alone 3, but they also have lifelink sooooo :P. I do like the idea behind the deck though :), martyr of sand is SO much better than the green version Martyr of Spores in my opinion.

November 23, 2010 4:54 p.m.

marin274 says... #5

Oh and you did a day of judgement before the whole healing fiasco...some of my creatures give mana which got rid of even more of my mana...CURSE YOU! xD

November 23, 2010 4:55 p.m.

adambomb1548 says... #6

Try to use the elixir of immortality...replaces your deck from grave removal...plus an extra five life is nice!

November 23, 2010 5:57 p.m.

Deadcandance says... #7

There is a card I'd consider if you think you'll run into afinity a lot. It's from kamigawa and makes so all players have to play 1 at the beginning of their upkeep for each artifact they control or they sac it. But idk how your deck works or how afraid of affinity it is? I don't play much legacy so yeah.

November 24, 2010 1:15 a.m.

Mpz5 says... #8

Happen to know the name of the card for anti Affinity?

Appreciate the advice.

Basically I quickly gain life which makes my Serra Ascendant 's 6/6 fliers with lifelink by turn 3 and I beat on them gaining life the whole time. Ranger tutors them up and Rebirth brings them back if they die.

It tends to be pretty quick and I always have Day of Judgment for affinity but I have to hit 4 Mana before they kill me so...

November 24, 2010 1:28 a.m.

Deadcandance says... #9


There ya go!

November 24, 2010 1:43 a.m.

Mpz5 says... #10

Thanks, Too bad it's 2 Mana cost though rather than 1. Also is a bit steep on the wallet, though not as bad as some others.

November 24, 2010 1:57 a.m.

Deadcandance says... #11

I actually have never looked at the price, but 2 mana helps your curve doesn't it?

November 24, 2010 2:01 a.m.

marin274 says... #12

2 mana isn't bad but his deck is focused all around the 1 mana cards. Still though, it could be a great help, if I were to ever fight any kind of artifact deck I would want four of those on my sideboard :D.

November 24, 2010 10:02 a.m.

Zanven says... #13

Soul Warden , card:Soul's Attendant and card:Ajani's Pridemate are all used to great effect in a similar build like this when Soul Warden was standard, called Soulsisters. Might be worth checking out for you.

Rest for the Weary , despite being a two drop, is also beastly in a deck like this.

Lastly, Kor Firewalker s for sideboard? They're hard to argue. Life gain and pro red. BEARCLAW!

November 24, 2010 10:22 a.m.

Mpz5 says... #14

Yea, I considered firewalkers but the match up is so amazing against red in the first place that I don't think I need the red hose... by the time I gain 18+ life the 2ed turn of the game can red possibly burn me to death before they run out of steam? In my experience with standard, if you gain an early 4 to 8 life a RDW deck might as well give up that game.

I use to run Soul Sisters when it was standard and it gave me the idea for this one. After trying the soul sisters theme with Martyr of Sands in place of Lone Missionary and a few other changes I realized that Proclamation of Rebirth was godly in this deck and with it's inclusion the 2 drop Ajani's and Lone missionary were clunky, I also realized that Children of Korlis was a better fit than a sad 1 life per creature for a 1 drop since I can potentially gain a bunch more life all at one time to get good use out of Cradle of Vitality .

As Far as the Rest for the weary goes, I use to run 2 copies but I took it out because I felt that there were better cards available. What would I trade for it?

Thanks for the input, please keep it coming.

November 28, 2010 5:44 p.m.

leakyleper says... #15

It worked out well enough my GW Ramp yesterday. You took that final 40 I did like it wasn't anything. I think I would main deck the Mother of Runes instead of the Ication Scout. They both have to tap to do their thing and the protection just seems more useful that the first strike in pretty much every situation that I can think of at least.

December 3, 2010 2:59 p.m.

Mpz5 says... #16

I agree, do you happen to have any? I haven't found any at the shop.

My thought was against something like death touch or infect it would stop in it's tracks.

I'm kind of deciding if I want it at all or rather a 3ed or 4th of something else.

December 3, 2010 6:04 p.m.

LeakyBucket says... #17

Have you thought of working Inheritance in here? Reinforcements might be worth a look too. It doesn't put anything directly into play but it does let you grab any creature.

December 3, 2010 7:21 p.m.

Mpz5 says... #18

Thanks for the idea's. I'll have to consider them.

The only problem with Inheritance is that I rarely have an excess of mana to dump into it and between Remembrance , Survival Cache , and Ranger of Eos , my hand stays pretty full.

Reinforcements is pretty good but most of the time I would rather leave them in the grave for Proclamation of Rebirth , I will test it though because returning my Felidar Sovereign when it dies would be nice.

Keep the comments coming.

December 3, 2010 9:31 p.m.

loda says... #19

I like this deck. Great Idea. +1

December 10, 2010 5:17 p.m.

sporkife says... #20

so, I like the maindeck a lot (Martyr was one of my favourite decks when it was in standard), but the sideboard could definitely use some reconfiguring. couple things here... card:Orim's Chant: stall against aggro, save your dudes from sweepers, shut off combo for a turn. great utility out of the side. card:Kataki, War's Wage: if you run into artifacts, you will want to have this dude. if they don't have an answer it's often game. Morningtide or Samurai of the Pale Curtain : better than Nihil Spellbomb Wrath of God : better than DoJ, full stop.

December 10, 2010 5:54 p.m.

Mpz5 says... #21

I agree with most of the changes for the side.

I don't have any card:Orim's Chant or it would be in the side in place of Silence As is, I think Silence will work since I gain enough life to be out of range against most argo decks but I will try to pick a few up.

card:Kataki, War's Wage is actually in my acquire board. I would love a few of them for this deck and plan on trying to get a hold of a few.

I fail to see the advantage of Morningtide or Samurai of the Pale Curtain in this deck. My goal is to remove their graveyard from the game not mine since I focus a lot of the deck around Proclamation of Rebirth and a kicked card:Marshal's Anthem. I need to keep my grave and I think the Nihil Spellbomb will work for what I'm worried about which is a reanimator or dredge style deck that depends on their grave to win; they will not get very far with mine since chances are their life will not be over 30 like mine.

I would totally have Wrath of God in place of Day of Judgment if I owned them.

Thanks for the input and please keep it coming. I will definitely try to get a hold of a few card:Kataki, War's Wage, and card:Orim's Chant. I'm pretty much a type 2 player that has recently gotten into the older cards so it will take me a while to get staples.

December 10, 2010 6:39 p.m.

sporkife says... #22

i should mention, this inspired me to finally throw a martyr/proc list together again. pretty awesome deck.

For some reason I thought Nihil Spellbomb was all graveyards (dunno why) so I said Morningtide or Samurai of the Pale Curtain cause they're probably better if that was true, but I can't read, so yeah.

On the other hand, if you happen to have any card:Sensei's Divining Top lying around, I'd shove them in - that thing is $17 or whatever for a reason, and in monowhite there's not too much card advantage anyway.

Temple of the False God can be a big help, as it puts you one turn ahead of the curve as far as mana goes, Proc being relatively mana-heavy. Weathered Wayfarer is a possibility for fetching him (and then singleton Tectonic Edge / Emeria, The Sky Ruin instead of 3 / 1), plus he's a white dude.

The other thing I would suggest is Kami of False Hope somewhere. With Proc and Ranger of Eos he's ridiculous - tutor for im and go nuts with Proc. Dare Zoo to be able to do anything useful.

December 11, 2010 4:07 p.m.

Mpz5 says... #23

Yea, I wish that I had a few Kami of False Hope , if I did I would probably ditch a few Children for it but alas I have none or any card:Sensei's Divining Top. However, this deck does surprisingly produce tons of card advantage through Day of Judgment , Survival Cache , Proclamation of Rebirth , Ranger of Eos , and Remembrance .

Weathered Wayfarer would be a great 1 of if I had one.

LoL, I wish that you had commented my deck when I was filling in cheap holes via vendors online.

Thanks and please throw any more idea's my way.

December 11, 2010 4:21 p.m.

NoSkillManiac says... #24

wtf is Emrakul, the Aeons Torn doing in your sideboard? it's pointless... replace it with a second card:Marshal's Anthem.

December 11, 2010 4:44 p.m.

Mpz5 says... #25

It's in as an anti-mill card. I have a guy at the shop that mill's aggressively and it shuts him down cold.

December 11, 2010 5:13 p.m.

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