Nekusar's Pact [PRIMER]

Commander / EDH* DavidBray


Remyth says... #1

How about Nin, the Pain Artist ? Its great with Stuffy Doll.

December 10, 2012 7:20 p.m.

DavidBray says... #2

You beauty Remyth. I was thinking about that card a long time ago but couldn't work out the point of it

December 11, 2012 1:44 p.m.

Remyth says... #3

Haha. I've been wanting to make a Nin-Stuffy Doll deck for a while now. card:Pariah's Shield does seem like a pretty great card for Stuffy Doll. Two suggests, though, if I might. First, Lightning Bolt . It is a great one-drop and you don't have any currently. It can also be used on Stuffy Doll if need be. Second, I feel like some countering spells are a good idea. Maybe about 6? I think that would go a long ways towards protecting your dolls, which seems like something you need to do. Personally, I don't think Gelectrode does much in this deck. He isn't bad, but there aren't enough instants/sorceries here to untap him regularly. Same basic idea for the Wee Dragonauts . You only have a grand total of 10 instants and sorceries at the moment.

Side note: What is Gleemax doing in your sideboard? There are 0 ways of getting it out with this deck.

Must say, I love the base of the deck, though. Seems like it would be super fun to play.

December 11, 2012 5:18 p.m.

DavidBray says... #4

Gleemax is a discard on Mercurial Chemister 's second ability, for sheer comic effect. Thanks for the further recommends. I think i need to buy a good dozen Lightning Bolt s for all my red decks

December 11, 2012 5:54 p.m.

Remyth says... #5

Ah, yeah, that totally makes sense. lol totally missed that. And Lightning Bolt is pretty much a must-have for casual red decks. Its amazing. Anyways, hope you have fun with this deck!

December 11, 2012 6:03 p.m.

bdrichar says... #6

oh my god, the Gleemax combo is so funny. +1!

December 12, 2012 12:37 a.m.

worldwander1 says... #7

Dat Gleemax :B

December 24, 2012 6:03 p.m.

white2abbit says... #8

Instead of Mizzium Transreliquat have you tried Phyrexian Metamorph ?

  • And casual Gleemax games with friends are a must xD
  • +1 from me
December 31, 2012 4:03 p.m.

DavidBray says... #9

I think it's ultimately a matter of real-world price. Mizzium Transreliquat might eventually change into Cackling Counterpart

December 31, 2012 4:12 p.m.

white2abbit says... #10

a card i would suggest to have on a sideboard or think about is Unstable Footing for Fog ,Solitary Confinement (to my knowledge) or any other damage prevention spells. If you have extra mana pay the kicker.

December 31, 2012 4:33 p.m.

Apoptosis says... #11

I love it. +1 from me. I have a doll poking deck that might interest you: Poking your doll v2. Enjoy!

May 24, 2013 6:06 p.m.

KingSorin says... #12

Try Mox Lotus so you can play Gleemax ,, and also as a discarder for Mercurial Chemister and Blast of Genius .

June 24, 2013 7:26 p.m.

Nabby says... #13

Whenever you run Stuffy Doll you should have a Pariah's Shield

July 6, 2013 5:17 p.m.

Insomnyaq says... #14

+1 for getting to say "take a million damage to the face"

April 16, 2014 7:37 p.m.

DotaVeteran says... #15

How are you gonna get 1,000,000 mana?

April 17, 2014 7:22 a.m.

MiniWill says... #16


He probably never intends to play Gleemax as he wrote in the description.

April 17, 2014 7:31 a.m.

Vulnoth says... #17

I love this deck. Almost as terrifying as Storm Crow decks. +1

April 17, 2014 5:55 p.m.

DavidBray says... #18

Thanks Karkain. Storm Crow gets over my Nivix Cyclops too easily. Need some flier control.

April 17, 2014 6:05 p.m.

AffinityJesus says... #19

You should throw in a random Omniscience in the chance you actually do get 10 mana so you can actually play the thing xD Should be cool. Also, Electrolyze is a good removal spell to hold off for your combo & helps you dig at the same time.

April 26, 2014 4:26 a.m.

Bnon says... #20

I love this +1

October 26, 2014 12:47 p.m.

aaglo says... #21

add in some Assault Strobe 's and Wee Dragonauts for extra fun

October 31, 2014 3:28 a.m.

DavidBray says... #22

Yeah, aaglo, I might consider Wee Dragonauts instead of Nivix Cyclops

October 31, 2014 6:02 a.m.

Archmage Ascension with some Gitaxian Probe and use the Archmage Ascension to search for your win-con.

November 5, 2014 4:23 p.m.

DavidBray says... #24

Thanks UpperDeckerTaco. That's not a bad idea if I can't find it.

Could be a replacement until I can afford Mystical Tutor

November 5, 2014 6:07 p.m.

Or you could use Ring of Three Wishes

November 5, 2014 6:42 p.m.

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