Illuminator Virtuoso is broken, or maybe just some pieces in this deck like the retarded Skrelv, Defector Mite.
Pretty much buff a double strike and kill, protect with Skrelv, Defector Mite or Tyvar's Stand. Mite can also give unblockable in a lot of situations. Trample is important and can be obtained from Soulstealer Axe or Audacity.
Soulstealer Axe is the only real draw, you can use it to fetch cards. Hitting for 1's gives you buffs, hitting for 2's mostly creatures, hitting for 3 is Borrowed Time, 4 is Serra Paragon to retrieve things from grave. If you manage to hit 7 you probably won, but maybe you can still fetch a draw with Combat Thresher.
Michiko's Reign of Truth
, the enchants, Eater of Virtue and Giant Growth are the for the buffs for the kills. Remember, giant growth on virtuoso is 8 damage for 1 mana, absolutely broken.
Eater of Virtue is a good damage that doesn't go away when the creature dies and allows giving double strike to the few creatures that don't have it, like Michiko's Reign of Truth
, Serra Paragon, Skrelv, Defector Mite or the spirit token from Blessed Defiance.
You can open up with other double-strikers to bait out kills. Jawbone Duelist is a great one since people won't know if you're playing a mono white toxic deck or this.
If you play first with a good hand, it is very common for the opponent to not have enough answers and you win by turn 4 or 5.
If other person doesn't do anything, you can have a turn 3 win with:
Turn 1: Skrelv, Defector Mite or Eater of Virtue
Turn 2: Our boy Illuminator Virtuoso
Turn 3: Giant Growth + any other two enchantment buff, trigger some connives on virtuoso and make him unblockable with mite. That's usually around 20-22 dmg. If you don't have mite on field, trample from Audacity might be enough.