I'm About to Roon Your Day

Commander / EDH TheFanatic

SCORE: 163 | 202 COMMENTS | 54129 VIEWS | IN 107 FOLDERS

Braingamer says... #1

A card that I really like is Mirari's Wake Mana ramp and anthem for one enchantment

September 17, 2018 2:50 p.m.

jishinmaru says... #2

Hey guys I'm looking to make a completely non competitive version of roon. With the stipulation that it is only allowed to run two tutors or one tutor that gets multiple cards. The reason I'm asking is because we just had newbies join our table, and the decks we normally run are busted and unfair to them. So I'm looking for a purely fun version of roon that only has one big main win con that's hard to pull off and the rest of deck is just fun and synergistic around a blink theme. Noob friendly. Please help!

May 6, 2019 11:15 p.m.

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