Hello there! if you clicked on this deck, it means one of two things, 1 you wanted to see a mono-blue control deck, or 2, You want to make sure that your friends have as little fun as possible. Going into building this deck I set a 50$ budget, and I decided that I wanted to make a deck where my opponents can't do anything. Well after a couple of days of testing, I think I found a nice brew. this deck was play tested against the likes of Delirious Jund and my own Bant Investigation.
Thing in the Ice
is a must have in this deck, it just doesn't work with at least the two. It does everything a control deck needs. Good early blocker? check. Board wipe? check. Finisher? check. there is no reason to not run it in any control deck that has a budget over 20$.
Icefall Regent is a powerful card for control, it's a finisher while shutting down any creature that somehow manages to sneak onto the field. not only that, but it only cost a little over a dollar, meaning a full playset is viable in this deck.
Sphinx of the Final Word having this on our mainboard means we're very likely to win the control match-up. also a 5/5 flyer with hexproof? we'll take it.
Stratus Dancer can come out as a 2/1 flyer or a 3/2 flying with a selective counterspell on it, having this utility is very important when it comes to different match-ups
Profaner of the Dead
will likely exploit itself and remove any pesky creatures that may manage to slip through our counterspells
Anticipate and Slip Through Space are our draw spells, we're a control deck, we need extra cards, enough said.
the rest of the deck are non-selective counterspells, and they do their job rather well.
What's that? you have a few extra hundreds of dollars to spend to make absolutely sure you have no friends? Well I have some advice for you. first, complete the playset of Thing in the Ice
this is the first upgrade you should invest in, next, remove 5 islands and add a playset of Port Town and 1 Plains. then, add 2 Narset Transcendent and 2 Jace, Unraveler of Secrets. Lastly, add a playset of Jace, Vyrn's Prodigy. what do you remove for these things? it's up to you and your preferences, do you want more creatures? or do you want less? etc.
What's that? you want to spend as much money as possible to make a deck full of NOPE bling? well, after making the above stated changes, make all spells, and non-island lands foil, and change all of the Islands to Guru lands. (this part is completely unnecessary to make the deck work, it's only it you want to troll your soon to be ex-friends with style)