I'm Bantman!~ [Dragons-Innistrad]

Standard* Saucealicious


Hynx says... #1

needs some Odric, Lunarch Marshal. why? Odric + Archangel Avacyn  Flip gives all creatures vigilance and flying and indestructible for the first round. or odric + Deathmist Raptor gives all creatures deathtouch. or Sylvan Advocate also gives vigilance. lastly using Gideon, Ally of Zendikar +1 ability also grants all creatures indestructible.

cheapo helper cards Indulgent Aristocrat gives lifelink to all with odric out, if you need to buy more time. Dragon's Eye Sentry for cheap first strike with odric out.

with your current build i think you could get so much more with that guy out. maybe throw a few Glint in for anti removal of spells, and to buff your critical creatures from dying in clutch situations

April 26, 2016 3:50 a.m.

K00lDud32 says... #2

You should definitely play Bounding Krasis, I have seen many variations of the Bant CoCo deck, and every one which had this in has, in my opinion, far outshone the rest.

August 3, 2016 8:19 a.m.

Saucealicious says... #3

K00lDud32 I used it before, but removed it to add Spell Queller. I've made another list that's a little more aggro-focused where I still have Bounding Krasis instead of Eldrazi Displacer.

I've seen that a lot of the new lists (with Eldritch Moon cards) have removed the Bounding Krasis entirely but I'm not really sure that's what should be done. I saw a lot of matches where the Bant CoCo-player passed the turn with Spell Queller mana up just to have the opponent play around it, forcing the CoCo-player to either do nothing or cast Spell Queller without exiling anything. I feel like having another option (like Bounding Krasis) in those cases is really important, so you can just play that instead.

August 3, 2016 4:53 p.m.

Saucealicious says... #4

K00lDud32 I've now changed this list into the aggro version. This is what I'm going to start playtesting first!

Incorporating Spell Queller into the old package with Collected Company, Ojutai's Command, Bounding Krasis & Archangel Avacyn  Flip for a really heavy instant speed game. I've also included more werewolves, both to increase the nummer of 2-drops in the deck (more early game consistency & Ojutai's Command targets) and because they play very nicely into instant speed spells.

August 3, 2016 5:05 p.m.

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